Topic: "Lost in Thought"
TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:47 PM
Thinking about those loves of the past.
For one reason or the other did not last.
Some would say that it was a must.
That it was important I must learn to trust.
At times I wonder was it there goal?
Tear out my heart along with my soul.
As I look into the mirror at my face.
I wonder does love really have a place.
I don’t really know any more.
Do I really want to open that door?
Seems to all it is just the same.
All they want to do is play a game.
They seem to want to toy with your heart.
Just to see how far they can tear it apart.
It makes me wonder if some day.
Will love ever come my way?
It’s like some want to put you to the test.
Looking to see who could be the best.
It is nothing but a game they play.
They have no intentions to stay.
When everything is said and done.
They will walk out that door and be gone.
If your not one that is here to stay.
Then turn now and walk away.

FatNasty's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:16 PM
thats deep

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:08 PM
Thank you for taking the time to read itbigsmile

karmafury's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:31 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Beautifully written Txs.

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:01 PM
wow really good

LAMom's photo
Fri 05/18/07 05:12 PM
WOW!!!!! Very deep and Powerful words spoken so true flowerforyou

passionart's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:40 PM
smooched Love your spirit, lady!!!:heart: flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 05/18/07 09:52 PM
Thank you all very much really means alot to know
that my words actually touch others. Your words
mean more than you will ever know. Not only to
me but for all those that post here. Just to
read the comments makes me smile to know that
others took the time to read and can also relate
to the words that come from within. Thanks a bunch flowerforyou