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Topic: Home Schooling?
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Mon 10/02/06 08:02 PM
Homeschooling I think is good for a child who can not seem to catch up
in a room full other children chance are that one or two child cannnot
comperhen fast enough to keep up so one on one learning is the way to go
and homeschooling can provide this for the child. I speak highly of
homeschooling because I had an home teacher to teach my first two years
of grade school which I truly learned more before I were enrolled into
grade school. However being able to connect with the outside world is
the downside connecting with other children. I had the chance to do

tretia's photo
Mon 10/02/06 08:15 PM
i homeschooled my oldest son for kindergarten and first grade..we loved
it! my exhusband and i chose to homeschool because we werent real
mainstream, we didnt do all the vaccinations, etc. and one of the big
reasons was because we were in a lousy school district..

there is plenty of opportunity for socialization..homeschooling is so
incredibly popular, now, that there are homeschooling groups and
co-ops..even the local Y has homeschooling art classes, music, phys ed,
etc..homeschooling's a wonderful alternative choice and i was glad to
have the FREEDOM to be able to do so..(another thing govt trying to put
restrictions on)

being a single mom, now, i have chosen for my oldest two go to public
school...i was leary at first, but we are in an awesome school
district..the teachers are wonderful and my children are excelling..

once in awhile my oldest will say, mom, remember when you used to
homeschool me? and we will reminisce! homeschooling was xtra bonding
time with my children...

so, yes, i think homeschooling can be a positive thing!

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Mon 10/02/06 08:38 PM

Home schooling has large possatives and negatives. There is really no
middle ground. My main problem with public schools is they told me they
are not my kids while they are at school but are the school's kids. I
stood up for myself in school against teachers and a few principals. I
fear my kids would not do such and after one of the principals told me
they were not my kids I removed my kids from the school. Another issue I
had with public schools was timing of the school year. My job was a
mostly summer job and our vacations was given out in the late fall to
early winter months every year as the work slowed. So I could not take
my kids on vacation with me without going before a truincy(spell check)
board. I was told my kids would be held back a grade if they had one
more unexcused day and I would be taken to court. This was about a month
before the principal told me they were not my kids during school hours.
So my oldest 2 were home schooled for the rest of that year and the next
year. I could not afford private school as there is a good christian
based one here. And the hours are much better as the kids only have to
have 4 hours of school but you have to really cram the work in that 4
hours or take longer than 4 hours a day.

The down sides to home schooling are the lack of activities for the
kids to interact with children their own age. The older the kids are the
more important it is that they mingle with their own kind and start
making choices for themselves. I would never home school high school
aged kids. It would be public schools or private school for this age

Just because the parents are christians has nothing to do with the home
schooling itself. I filed a complaint against the school board for
giving sex ed to one of my daughters after I signed the NO sex ed form
which I had to go to school and do as my daughter was being punished for
not getting the permission slip for it signed then they still gave her
the fucked up sex talk crap with nude photos. BTW this daughter was 11
years old at the time. The ex already had the bird and bees talk with
her to some extent but we were waiting for her first period to give her
the rest of the story. Public school have no business teaching anything
about sex. Reproduction yes but not sex.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 10/02/06 09:54 PM
"if you don't have that we won't ever get past this
point that we are in now where people refuse to acknowledge others
beliefs except for they are wrong,"

Well, king that's my point. These people have the ultra conservative
view of the world, which means that your wrong and their right based
upon that fact that they are Christian and they don't acknowledge other
beliefs. Their kids are (of course) more accepting because they don't
have an attitude about whether their right and other's are wrong. Not
yet anyways. whether they have an open mind or not is yet to be seen
later on. I personally feel they may indeed reject their parents way
after they are on their own, which I don't want to witness cause I
believe it could get very ugly.

"Just because the parents are Christians has nothing to do with the home
schooling itself. I filed a complaint against the school board for
giving sex ed to one of my daughters after I signed the NO sex ed form
which I had to go to school and do as my daughter was being punished for
not getting the permission slip for it signed then they still gave her
the fucked up sex talk crap with nude photos. BTW this daughter was 11
years old at the time."

Hey robber, thanks for the input.

I don't know what kind of town you live in but the school sounds like a
pretty sick place. So I wouldn't blame you at all for that, but I don't
think that's indicative of the general public schools around. I'm not
knocking home schooling BTW but I think putting one's kids in a home
setting can distract them from wanting to learn by the fact that I have
seen them shrug their studies by watching TV when the parent isn't
around and or doing other activities that isn't related to their current
lessons. I think theirs too much opportunity to slack off for them. at
least in a public school ( from my experience) It's pretty hard to slack
off without getting noticed and spoken to.

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 10/02/06 11:51 PM
i think it really comes down to the child too cause i knew a couple kids
m pop tutored in greek and latin they are my age bat at the time i think
i was about 15 those kids got 1600 on theirs sats i have to say it
really worked for them .

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