Topic: Looking for Law Enforcement! | |
Still no lawmen out there? :)
just get a bf and dress him up, it's the uniform anyway
Ohhhhh....okay I have to say it. Don't beg and be choosy. But you already knew that. PPPBBBttttt..hehehehehehe Ignore her... Beg and be choosy with me...then cast me aside when you are done with the mind numbing, toe curling, sheet biting, monkey style is okay..I don't mind getting used occasionally! |
There's a few law enforcement officers on here.... I haven't talked to any of them but have seen quite a few!!
| opinion is that law enforcement men are the most honorable men out there..I SO wish there were some single ones out there to flirt with!! :) Any suggestions?! :) This isn't necessarily true, while there a good ones out there, there are also bad ones (of course). I have two cousins and a friend who all dated cops and they have vowed never to again. I don't know the exact reasons, but I have heard various stories of cops flirting while "on the job" and making solicitations of sorts. That even happened to my ex many years ago in her previous marriage, during a domestic dispute where the cops were called, one wrote his cell on a business card and told her to call him and gave her a wink. On the other hand, my uncle used to be a police chief and is the most dedicated family man I know. |
Yeah. I'm 21 making 70k a year. No wonder people hate us. :p I don't hate you, I just don't agree with you. Your methods of striking fear into common citizens in order to sustain "law and order" is comical, as well as usually a criminal is tried and guilty before they even see a judge off the basis of the "good cops" word. I know my rights, and have on more than one occasion had those rights taken without due cause. I'm 24 and make less than 20k a year...and I am happy with my job. Funny that everyone thinks I'm jealous, kind of comical you assumed it was because of your age and the amount of money you make too. |
Yeah. I'm 21 making 70k a year. No wonder people hate us. :p I don't think they hate you for that.... |
Where are my policemen at?? :)