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Topic: Psychological game!!
Pata's photo
Thu 06/25/09 02:41 AM

bring it on... thats 3 ...now wheres our answer....

i have no idea what this guys fav animal is

Ima guess a snake.......bigsmile

adamisanameihave's photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:06 AM
Describe your favorite animal:
This is how others view you

Describe your favorite color:
This is what you think about yourself

Describe how you would feel if you were wearing all blue and entered a white room:
This is how you feel about death

Describe how you feel when surrounded by water:
This is how you feel about sex


TBRich's photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:10 AM

Describe your favorite animal:

Silly, furry, cute, caprious

Describe your favorite color:

cool, verdant, dark, mysterious

Describe how you would feel if you were wearing all blue and entered a white room:

Silly, goofy, obvious, uncomfortable (who the heck wears all blue?)

Describe how you feel when surrounded by water:

frightened, angry, wet, anxious

Track this thread to find out more about yourself later!

Pata's photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:19 AM
Edited by Pata on Thu 06/25/09 10:22 AM

Describe your favorite animal: Fluffy, friendly, loyal, snuggly

Describe your favorite color: Dark, earthy, deep, solid

Describe how you would feel if you were wearing all blue and entered a white room: amused, curious, awkward, suspicious

Describe how you feel when surrounded by water: relaxed, calm, soothed, clean

Works for the most part.......drinker

BL4766's photo
Thu 06/25/09 12:18 PM

Answer these questions using ADJECTIVES ONLY:
(please use 4+ adjectives)
Just the first words that come into mind . ..!


Describe your favorite animal:

Describe your favorite color:

Describe how you would feel if you were wearing all blue and entered a white room:

Describe how you feel when surrounded by water:

Track this thread to find out more about yourself later!

cuddly, cute, soft


sunny, bright, noticed


Jess642's photo
Thu 06/25/09 09:26 PM

This is how others view you:
Powerful, graceful, swift, nimble

This is what you think about yourself:
Vibrant, luscious, lascivious, irreverant

This is how you feel about death:
Crisp, luminous, fresh, startling

This is how you feel about sex:
Calm , serene, centred, safe.

Who would have thought it???? Weirdly possible.huh

no photo
Thu 06/25/09 09:47 PM
no on all 4 for me


dude the first one was a squirrel

look at my picture

justinc1431's photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:15 PM
Yeah... it really don't work out for me either. Some of them are close, but it's certainly not close for the sex one. lol

no photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:41 PM
yeah my sex one was off too........wet? like the girls r squirting on me? lol

Pata's photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:49 PM

yeah my sex one was off too........wet? like the girls r squirting on me? lol

haha.... I thought the wet was right on. Theres saliva, bodily fluids etc.... theres all kinds of wet in sex!!!!!:banana:

no photo
Thu 06/25/09 10:57 PM
if somebody spits on me...im not wet

im gross

Pata's photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:03 PM

if somebody spits on me...im not wet

im gross

Thats not quite the saliva I had in mind......laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 06/25/09 11:05 PM
we are thinking the same thing

i just ordered c9m donuts in another thread...

adamisanameihave's photo
Fri 06/26/09 01:44 AM
For my sex one I put: pink, wet, wrinkly, suffocating


Pata's photo
Fri 06/26/09 01:57 AM
Ya didn´t cheat did ya adam?? spock

laugh laugh laugh j/k

TBRich's photo
Fri 06/26/09 11:07 AM

For my one I put: pink, wet, wrinkly, suffocating


Suffocating? I need to hear that story! Was she a large woman, big through the hips, roomy?

crimsonphoenix's photo
Fri 06/26/09 11:19 AM
Edited by crimsonphoenix on Fri 06/26/09 11:28 AM
Favourite animal- passionate, free, eternal, flight
Favourite colour vivid, deep, different, mysterious,

Wearing blue and entered a white room: matrix, intriguing, puzzle, powerful

When surrounded by water drown, death, overwhelmed, faint

babygirl98270's photo
Fri 06/26/09 11:38 AM
Edited by babygirl98270 on Fri 06/26/09 11:40 AM

Answer these questions using ADJECTIVES ONLY:
(please use 4+ adjectives)
Just the first words that come into mind . ..!


Describe your favorite animal:

Describe your favorite color:

Describe how you would feel if you were wearing all blue and entered a white room:

Describe how you feel when surrounded by water:

Track this thread to find out more about yourself later!

Good thread

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