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Topic: What Should I Do?
catwoman96's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:39 PM

frownMy fiance often acts unhappy and picks fights,even threatens to break up with me:cry:But in the end she never actually wants to break up:smile:I was dishonest with her two years ago when we met(about my appearance)embarassedShe says it stems from thatsad2What should I do?what
one should never deceive another when the truth will come out anyway. be proud of who and what you are, no matter what. if a woman/man cant be happy by your mind and heart alone then screw them. not worth your time

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:40 PM

frownMy fiance often acts unhappy and picks fights,even threatens to break up with me:cry:But in the end she never actually wants to break up:smile:I was dishonest with her two years ago when we met(about my appearance)embarassedShe says it stems from thatsad2What should I do?what

You don't really look like a Jester, do you? It's alright, I am used to people that come off as Jester's lying to me about it...

Fear, I have an image of you looking like Johnny Depp because of your member name, and the other pic you use with the cigarette holder and the Hunter S. Thompson vibe.

If I shave I can pull it off in a fisherman's cap. If I was partially balding on top I would be ace.smokin

I dig your vibe though -- the chops, the goat -- YUM! smitten

A sense of the character is enough for my thoughts. Besides, it's just like a cover song of a classic .... if it's too much like the original it sucks but if the band is good then their vibe added to the mix can make a hell of a rendition!

If...big if, I've been growing this goat for awhile and I'm kind of attached to it.smitten

Mirror, sorry for the offtopic

Fear, do not shave that goat! I love it! split into to braids when it's long enough and puts some cool beads at the bottom! You will look devilish! pitchfork love

Long hair, goat, chops, and a fascination of serial killers (in theory) .... a man after my own heart!

You would be the only one that understands it when I say horror flicks turn me on (sexually). House of 1,000 Corpses? OMG -- pure porn!

HoneyClov's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:42 PM

First question...

What did you tell her you looked like two years ago?
embarassed Will Smith:cry:

if she fell for that she must be out of her mind to think Will Smith is hot haha.

Anyway, you tell her to take you as you are or don't take you at all... lol up to you... unless you trying to settle then that's another story.

chevylover1965's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:43 PM

First question...

What did you tell her you looked like two years ago?
embarassed Will Smith:cry:

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:45 PM

frownMy fiance often acts unhappy and picks fights,even threatens to break up with me:cry:But in the end she never actually wants to break up:smile:I was dishonest with her two years ago when we met(about my appearance)embarassedShe says it stems from thatsad2What should I do?what
one should never deceive another when the truth will come out anyway. be proud of who and what you are, no matter what. if a woman/man cant be happy by your mind and heart alone then screw them. not worth your time

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:45 PM

First question...

What did you tell her you looked like two years ago?
embarassed Will Smith:cry:

if she fell for that she must be out of her mind to think Will Smith is hot haha.

Anyway, you tell her to take you as you are or don't take you at all... lol up to you... unless you trying to settle then that's another story.

myteemouse's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:45 PM

frownMy fiance often acts unhappy and picks fights,even threatens to break up with me:cry:But in the end she never actually wants to break up:smile:I was dishonest with her two years ago when we met(about my appearance)embarassedShe says it stems from thatsad2What should I do?what

myteemouse's photo
Mon 06/22/09 10:53 PM

frownMy fiance often acts unhappy and picks fights,even threatens to break up with me:cry:But in the end she never actually wants to break up:smile:I was dishonest with her two years ago when we met(about my appearance)embarassedShe says it stems from thatsad2What should I do?what

I take it you got this out of today's Dear Abby/Ann/Sally/Sophie/Freddie/Frank/Beauregard column, as it's hardly what you would post for yourself. So in that vein:

Good grief. You've been putting up with this for two years? Or you are so guilt-ridden that you ASSUME that anything she says is associated with your own two-year-old guilt?

Flog yourself with a cat-o-nine-tails. Throw yourself into a pit of fire. Sounds to me like you're wanting your fiance to wave her magic wand and undo the things you did. Ain't gonna happen,, Boo. Accept what you did....YOU accept what you did...and quit punishing HER for what YOU did. And then SHE can quit thinking about what YOU did.

There's an Eagles song you should listen to. It's called "Get Over It."

safire28's photo
Mon 06/22/09 11:03 PM
All honesty & speaking from experience, she might like the kind of person you are, but she may not be all that physically attracted to you. Looks don't matter, but there does have to be some type of attraction. She might also have that fear of being alone, so she's waiting for someone else to come along before she really does break up with you. In the mean time she's trying to pick fights to make it all the easier for the 2 of you to split. I don't know the whole story, that's just my opinion. Hope it helps you out.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 06/23/09 01:22 AM

frownMy fiance often acts unhappy and picks fights,even threatens to break up with me:cry:But in the end she never actually wants to break up:smile:I was dishonest with her two years ago when we met(about my appearance)embarassedShe says it stems from thatsad2What should I do?what

I take it you got this out of today's Dear Abby/Ann/Sally/Sophie/Freddie/Frank/Beauregard column, as it's hardly what you would post for yourself. So in that vein:

Good grief. You've been putting up with this for two years? Or you are so guilt-ridden that you ASSUME that anything she says is associated with your own two-year-old guilt?

Flog yourself with a cat-o-nine-tails. Throw yourself into a pit of fire. Sounds to me like you're wanting your fiance to wave her magic wand and undo the things you did. Ain't gonna happen,, Boo. Accept what you did....YOU accept what you did...and quit punishing HER for what YOU did. And then SHE can quit thinking about what YOU did.

There's an Eagles song you should listen to. It's called "Get Over It."

TexasScoundrel's photo
Tue 06/23/09 02:02 AM
I'm not saying this is what you should do. I'm only telling you what I would do.

Whenever a woman gets angry with me and starts to nag or yell I get up and leave. I don't say anything, but I might laugh at her. IMHO This is not the way to treat a lover. She is trying to bully you and you cannot allow it to progress any further.

Look at it this way, if she was a man would you put up with what she's doing?

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