Topic: Congress & The President Kick Tobacco's Butts | |
Lovely...the government is "looking" out for our health again... it's for our best interest since, we adults, need to be told ![]() Well of course, apparently we are all mindless idiots that need ridiculously outlandish laws passed so that we stay alive...because we apparently are not doing such a good job at it, unlike of course the government...which absolutely excells at it... |
Apparently so.
Apparently so. Such a waste turning 18, so when are they going to "look" out for our health with alcohol? Further, why do we call ourselves "the country of the free" again? Prison population: 304,059,724; and counting... |
Apparently so. Such a waste turning 18, so when are they going to "look" out for our health with alcohol? Further, why do we call ourselves "the country of the free" again? Prison population: 304,059,724; and counting... Jeffrey! I thought you were dead. |
Apparently so. Such a waste turning 18, so when are they going to "look" out for our health with alcohol? Further, why do we call ourselves "the country of the free" again? Prison population: 304,059,724; and counting... Jeffrey! I thought you were dead. That's what everyone thinks... ![]() |
I'm not a monster because I smoke. I have been smoking since the nuns at the school I was in passed them out to the girls at 15 years old. When doctors suggested smoking to calm you and when pretty much everyone was smoking.
I was always considerate. If someone didn't smoke I didn't smoke around them. So when you say those of you who continue to smoke the curtain is falling look again. They aren't outlawing smoking just controlling who gets it, and even that will only work to a certain extent. You talk as if I am some criminal that continues to practice a crime, if it's a crime to smoke I never heard it. Here we go again with congress pretending it's helping people, what a load of nonsense. I am not thanking Congress for doing what they should have done years ago. And where is congress standing up to drug makers that make drugs that cause more than they cure? Where are they with foods in the supermarket with more crap in them than the local dump. Where are they will all the carcinogens in just about everything that surrounds us inside and outside of our homes. Please, if my cigs don't kill me some other product will. You think for one minute that if there were 'no' Quit smoking products out there that cost 3 times what cigarettes cost that they would be doing this? Hell no. As long as they are getting taxes from something that is cigarette related they can afford to make these moves. What a load of BS when they say it's to save lives. They save new lives while the tax the crap out of the lives of people they didn't give a **** about 30 years ago. So I not applauding these BS artists. Now we get to be exposed to those carcinogens that the congress makes money off of. But heaven forbid we have a carcinogen that we actually like.. Sorry Jimmy, ya know I love ya but this is just more congress trying to gain points, after doing pretty much nothing for years. |
I don't normally get invovled with politics but I must comment on this.... Given the tax money that the goverment makes on tobacco products: Has anyone wondered where that tax money will come from if no one smokes? The goverment is not going to sit idel and lose money that they have already spent.
Secondly aren't there many other issues out there that need to be addressed other than who is smoking? |
This is great. Rose and Dragoness on the same side of an issue. I love both of you, but you have to admit that you're days are numbered. Yes, the curtain is falling. Has been falling for many years. Rose, kudos for reading the ACS's memo and responding. Can't say that I agree with you but at least you responded to what was posted rather than just venting indiscriminately. Jimmy, really, please, understand that the tobacco companies aren't loosing a thing here. Nor is our bs/pretending congress. So I know this makes you happy and I would be the last to want to see you unhappy but this isn't going to do a damn thing. I love being punished for something I have enjoyed legally for years, but not all of a sudden congress gets a conscience. Not really, you just have to read between the lines. The gov needs a certain percentage of people to use tobbacco in one form or another, this is just a big hoax on those that think they are doing something wonderful. I am all for taking the chemicals out of tobacco, should have been done along time ago, but I got news for the idiots in congrees, keep making the warnings larger, i'll enjoy seeing the cute ways they have of trying to put all those chemicals on such a small package. |
I'm gonna stick my 2 cents in now. I'm a smoker. When I'm around someone that doesn't smoke, I don't light up. Unless they are at my house. This is my castle an I'm gonna smoke in it. If I go to a resuarant with a non-smoker I will sit in the non-smokin section if that is what they prefer. If I go to a bar that is non-smokin, I ain't gonna be in there long. I smoke in my vehicle, however in a non-smoker's I'll ask, if they prefer I don't I won't. I have the right to smoke just as someone who doesn't smoke has the right not to breath my 2nd hand if they choose not to. However, I don't agree that taxin the h*ll outta tobacco products is goin to stop smokin. Sure for some it will. I've swapped from buyin premade ciggies to makin my own. I found it cheaper to buy the lil machine, tubes an tobacco an stuff my own. If smokes become so taxed that people have no choice but to quit then where's the money gonna come from to pay for everything the tobacco taxes are suppose to????? Look out alchohol drinkers u maybe next. Look out sportsman u maybe next. Look out everyone u maybe next. I agree that tobacco products need to be refined an have alot of the unnecessary igredients removed. Why don't we push for that? I understand why alot of people are against smokin. They've lost loved ones to cancer. I can sympathize. I lost my own Mother to cancer. But the fact is that not one Doctor can tell me with all certainity that it was her smokin that caused the ****** cancer that eventually lead to liver, lung an bone cancer. Cancer runs in my family so it could have been genetic. It could have been chemicals in everyday cleaning products, it could have been the chemicals in foods, pesticides on produce. Who truly 100% knows.??? No one
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Lovely...the government is "looking" out for our health again... it's for our best interest since, we adults, need to be told ![]() Adults could actually learn some things from their own kids. Ask any kid living with a smoker what they want? How it affects them. Go ahead ask them...they will have no problem telling you. Kat |
Lovely...the government is "looking" out for our health again... it's for our best interest since, we adults, need to be told ![]() Adults could actually learn some things from their own kids. Ask any kid living with a smoker what they want? How it affects them. Go ahead ask them...they will have no problem telling you. Kat Kat...I have an 18 yr old that as always lived with me...and I don't smoke around him or anything. he is old enough to buy cigarettes if he wants to even though I have told him the risks and they are addictive. so please don't assume |
My dad smoked a pack a day for years. My brother hounded him to quit because he thought it would kill him. I never really payed much attention to it frankly.
it's kind of interesting that the law which gives the FDA control over tobacco also forbids the tobacco companies from ever mentioning that they are regualated by the FDA. wtf is up with that? stealth regulations?
big brother can blow me. I'll smoke what I want, when I want. and no matter how much I consider quitting, as soon as you start this pissant sh*t I'll be damned if I will |
just a thought....has anyone thought about the harms of household cleaners, air freshener, perfumes, etc?
there are perfumes I can't be around or I get a bad headache and nauseous |
Edited by
Sat 06/20/09 09:36 PM
just a thought....has anyone thought about the harms of household cleaners, air freshener, perfumes, etc? there are perfumes I can't be around or I get a bad headache and nauseous I have actually. I do not use store bought cleaners. It causes asthma and hurts those with it feel worse. It also has put me in the emergency room with breathingf problems. I only use what is safe. Air freshners are not good either. The arosol is bad. Some peoples perfum gets to me so that I can't hardly breathe. A couple of my boys began to smoke. They used to preach to me daily. They have since quit. None of the others do. They all stay on me about cigarrettes. My youngest has cried trying to get me to quit. As much as I want to, I have a hard time doing it. I live with my mom who smokes and coughs all the damn time. She is always seeing a Dr for bronchials and lungs. She keeps saying she is going to try, but hasnt done it yet. I want so to please my children. I am even punished for smoking by not having my grandsons in my house. But that is okay by me. I do not want then to see it or be around it. I see them...and we spend time together. I go to their house when I can get a ride. I never smoke before or while I am there. I do not want to kill my own kids with my crazy habit. My stinking cigs will kill them. Not just me. My late husband died of lung cancer as did my step dad and my dad. My other late husband died of blood clots causing reperatory arrest and miocardio infarction. Think that would be enough...... Kat |
just a thought....has anyone thought about the harms of household cleaners, air freshener, perfumes, etc? there are perfumes I can't be around or I get a bad headache and nauseous Many air freshners contain carcinogens. |
one car's exhaust puts out more pollutants in a day than I do in a year of amoking
Its threads like these that make me want to fire up a cig. Because we all know that every smoker is the spawn of satan and kick kittens and puppies and stick baby heads on sticks and put them in the front lawn.
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Lovely...the government is "looking" out for our health again... it's for our best interest since, we adults, need to be told ![]() Adults could actually learn some things from their own kids. Ask any kid living with a smoker what they want? How it affects them. Go ahead ask them...they will have no problem telling you. Kat If I ever have kids, maybe I will do that...of course then again if I do have kids I will of probably stopped smoking. I don't need the government to "watch" out for me. After years of them not doing a thing, all of sudden now they want to do something...on top of that, it is a useless step in an otherwise useless direction. My country has well enough done absolutely nothing to help me pursue anything in my future, even the things I can pursue amount to nothing in this country...I do not need their help with my health, I do not want their help with my health because if it ends anything like them destroying millions of futures...I don't want it. |
Yeah...the pious smugness involved here will probably make me change my ways. But, least the 2,153% tax increace on my unrolled tobbacco seems fair.
For the good of public health my @ss..... If they wanna do something for the good of the public health and do something about our over loaded healthcare system.....regulate and tax the sh*t out of fast food and junk food. Slap a 2,153% tax increase on McDonalds crap or a bucket of icecream and we would have riots in the streets. Smokers are a minority...those who are overweight and unhealthy are the MAJORITY. Let's hear a snide rant about them dude. Keep it fair. |