Topic: Obama welcomes bill to regulate tobacco
michiganman3's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:05 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Sat 06/13/09 08:08 PM

I'l make this bet with anyone here.
Put me in garage sized room, and I'll smoke and drink coffee.
You get to run your car in a closed garage.

After an hour or two we'll see who is in better shape.

Difference here is I don't suck on a tail pipe.

Nope, but I bet you have driven a car and that adds so much pollution.
No one ever takes me up on this bet.
You know why?
Because you'd probably be dead after an hour.
But cars are big business and part of how we live. And so we rape the planet for oil, pollute the atmosphere, kill people by the thousands, 40 children are killed every hour around the world in auto mobile accidents.
But please judge and condemn and damn me because I smoke.

Not necessarily you but the thread in general.
You don't have to suck on the tailpipe, the exhaust will fill that garage pretty quickly.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:08 PM

what gets me is when non-smokers go to a smoking bar and they complain. i was sitting at the bar not too long agao smoking and later 2 girls came in and sat next to me...then they started to whine about the smoke and looked at me. lol. i told them to either move or leave if they didn't like it when most of the people there were smoking. we have resturants with bars that are non-smoking they can go to.

That's one time I do agree with smokers. Of course we don't technically have such a thing as smoking bars in CA. But I recently remember going outside with a friend while she had a cigarette. We were standing talking when someone came over and stood near us, and then began to cough and through dirty looks at my friend. Give me a break we freakin' went outside, she can step a few feet away! I looked at her and said "if you want to eas-drop on a private conversation your just going to have to learn to deal with the smoke."

I agree....non-smokers have a duty as well as smokers. most of the bars here are smoking bars. the resturants are non-smoking. some of the resturants bars are smoking...others provide a patio for smokers.

I think some people just want to be offended.

I respect a non-smoker and if I want to smoke...i go away...but if they come to me then that is their problem.

I do know Laura Miller (mayor of dallas) tried to get everything there non-smoking...not sure if it still is. funny thing was....across the street were bars in another city that allowed smoking so the dallas bars lost a lot of business. and then dallas made ashtrays with Laura Miller's picture in the ashtray laugh i'm still looking for one

That was the complaint when Los Angeles first put in it's no smoking law people just went elsewhere. That ended when the ban on smoking inside public establishments went state wide. Personally I thought it was better when establishments were simply required to be no smoking or have a "separate" smoking area. The problem with that law, which we did have for a while, was that it didn't go far enough to truly separate smoking area's from non-smokers.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:10 PM
several resturants had the special filters or whatever it was....people still complained. a chain resturant i can see them doing non-smoking...but a mom and pop resturant...if they want's their business

no photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:31 PM
The curtain is falling.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:34 PM
not if me and others like me have a say

Winx's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:45 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 06/13/09 08:55 PM

I wish that nicotine was an illegal drug.

Yes, they can ban it. See what happened when they banned alcohol. See what is happening about the marijuana.

If it wasn't in cigs, I wouldn't have become addicted to them when I was younger.

My father wouldn't have become addicted to them either. He's slowly dying from COPD now.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:52 PM
once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:53 PM

once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

lol that's what I said several times

michiganman3's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:54 PM

once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

We have a winner!!!!!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:55 PM

once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

We have a winner!!!!!!!

i already said one listens to me frustrated

did someone turn my mike off again????

Winx's photo
Sat 06/13/09 08:58 PM

once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

I wouldn't be buying more packs.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:01 PM

once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

We have a winner!!!!!!!

i already said one listens to me frustrated

did someone turn my mike off again????

kudos to you...and yes...your mic is off !

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:03 PM

once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

We have a winner!!!!!!!

i already said one listens to me frustrated

did someone turn my mike off again????

kudos to you...and yes...your mic is off !


no photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:05 PM

not if me and others like me have a say

That's just it, Rose. You don't. You are a shrinking minority. Even Philip Morris supported this latest bill.

And look at this from Ontario, Canada.

Smoking ban with kids in car now a go

The curtain is falling.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:07 PM

once they regulate / lessen the amount of nicotine in cigs...smokers will just end up buying more packs...which means more revenue via taxes per pack...

We have a winner!!!!!!!

i already said one listens to me frustrated

did someone turn my mike off again????

kudos to you...and yes...your mic is off !


kinda like...I couldn't repair your I made your horn louder...laugh

Winx's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:08 PM

not if me and others like me have a say

That's just it, Rose. You don't. You are a shrinking minority. Even Philip Morris supported this latest bill.

And look at this from Ontario, Canada.

Smoking ban with kids in car now a go

The curtain is falling.

I hate it when I see people smoking with children in the car.frustrated rant

One time I saw a man walk across the grocery store's parking lot with no cig. He gets in the car with a pre-school boy and lights one up and the windows were up too. He could have smoked while he was walking towards the car.rant

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:12 PM

not if me and others like me have a say

That's just it, Rose. You don't. You are a shrinking minority. Even Philip Morris supported this latest bill.

And look at this from Ontario, Canada.

Smoking ban with kids in car now a go

The curtain is falling.

well...that's canada...don't really care. but guess what...without the smokers...there would be no funding for SCHIP and they would have to take the taxes from something else..maybe something you enjoy

no photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:20 PM

not if me and others like me have a say

That's just it, Rose. You don't. You are a shrinking minority. Even Philip Morris supported this latest bill.

And look at this from Ontario, Canada.

Smoking ban with kids in car now a go

The curtain is falling.

well...that's canada...don't really care. but guess what...without the smokers...there would be no funding for SCHIP and they would have to take the taxes from something else..maybe something you enjoy

You know what? If all of you addicts quit tomorrow, and we have to tax my pretzels to pay for SCHIP, so be it. Until such time, you guys can can continue to VOLUNTARILY pay the taxes to fund the program.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:21 PM are awfully cranky for something that doesn't effect you. why are you so riled up????

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:21 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sat 06/13/09 09:25 PM
If a person could smoke safely and not harm others around the world with it...I woule be okay with it myself. But...thing is; it polutes the very air outside and inside.
The smoke from a persons mouth is more polutant than car exhaust.

Secondhand smoke is a toxic cocktail consisting of poisons and carcinogens. There are over 4000 chemical compounds in secondhand smoke; 200 of which are known to be poisonous, and upwards of 60 have been identified as carcinogens. This isn't even enough to make people stop. Knowing that it is hurting our loved ones and friends doesn't stop us.
Knowing that there are 599 chemicals ADDED to tobacco doesn't stop us. Knowing that cigarette smoke has over 4000 chemical compounds of which 60 are known cancer causing agents, doesn't stop us.
If they just smoked tobacco and not all the chemicals that are added, I wonder if they would be less dangerous? Not. They have recorded journals as far back as 1886 that talks about smokers death due to cigarettes, and the effects.

When a cigarette is smoked, about half of the smoke is inhaled and exhaled (mainstream smoke) by the smoker and the other half floats around in the air (sidestream smoke). The combination of mainstream and sidestream smoke makes up environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).
Also known as secondhand smoke, ETS plays a part in more health problems than you might realize. The following facts point out why it is so important to have smoking bans in place. No one should be forced to breathe in air tainted with cigarette smoke.

Secondhand Smoke and Cancer
The U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) has classified secondhand smoke as a Group A carcinogen.

Cancers linked to passive smoking include:
•Lung cancer - 3000 nonsmokers die every year from lung cancer caused by ETS
•Nasal sinus cavity cancer
•Cervical Cancer
•Bladder cancer
Some chemical compounds found in smoke only become carcinogenic after they've come into contact with certain enzymes found in many of the tissues of the human body.
The Risks of Secondhand Smoke to a Child
•Low birthweight for gestational age
•Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)- children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy have an increased risk of SIDS.
•The EPA estimates that passive smoking is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 of these infections in children under 18 months annually
•Asthma - According to the EPA, between 200,000 and 1,000,000 kids with asthma have their condition worsened by secondhand smoke every year. Also, passive smoking may also be responsible for thousands of new cases of asthma every year
•Chronic respiratory symptoms such as cough and wheezing may be attributed to secondhand smoke.
•Children who breathe in secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from dental cavities, eye and nose irritation, and irritability
•Middle ear infections - exposure to ETS causes buildup of fluid in the middle ear, resulting in 700,000 to 1.6 million physician office visits yearly
Secondhand Smoke and Children
Secondhand Smoke at Home Threatens Children
How Secondhand Smoke Can Affect the Heart
•Heart disease mortality - an estimated 35,000 to 62,000 deaths are caused from heart disease in people who are not current smokers, but who are exposed to ETS
•Acute and chronic coronary heart disease
•Passive smoking has been linked to the narrowing of the carotid arteries, which carry blood to the brain
•Exposure to secondhand smoke hastens hardening of the arteries, a condition known as artherosclerosis
•Continual exposure to ETS has been shown to nearly double the chance of heart attack
Secondhand Smoke - Worse Than We Thought

Secondhand smoke is serious business, and should be a concern for anyone who breathes it in. Non-smokers inhaling secondhand smoke share some of the health risks smokers face. BUT.... smokers do face the worst of it - the risks of smoking are compounded by BREATHING CIGARETTE SMOKE IN FOR A SECOND TIME.

Don't underestimate the dangers of enviromental tobacco smoke. While secondhand smoke may not kill as many people as smoking does, it is toxic and claims thousands of lives every year around the world.

So no....the smoker isnt the only one with rights. I have alologized to my kids for putting them through this. I had no clue as to what I was doing to them....and the world. The very air I want all my worldy friends to have....CLEAN.
