Topic: Our Government...... Dare to speak your mind? | |
redneck bubble bath I'll create my own bubbles...don't need anyone for that ![]() sorry again for mentioning gas (especially around a bunch of men) ![]() |
redneck bubble bath I'll create my own bubbles...don't need anyone for that ![]() sorry again for mentioning gas (especially around a bunch of men) ![]() butt yer such a gaz ![]() |
In my humble opinion, any one who thinks we live in a free country is either delusional or severely gullible.
Try driving to work tomorrow without a seat belt on. Next time you go through one of the many random road blocks our police states set up all over the country and remind them of your constitutional right to warrantless search and refuse to provide them with any information till they provide a probable cause and a warrant. Try going to your local city hall and request that any and all property taxes etc etc that come from your family not be allocated to fund abortion, or what ever you may see in your mind as an evil, etc etc. I have a good friend that is a instructor at the police academy. He has told me things that would make your skin crawl. Police are trained and put on the streets for one purpose and one purpose only, to make arrests for their county, period. You are guilty, first and must prove your innocence. No where in our constitution is it allowed to take someone, imprison them on a suspicion, which is depriving them of their liberties, make them post a bond, all before they are given a hearing before the proper magistrate. What part of that process is innocent? Freedom is a joke. You are not free, you are a guilty slave that must be intimidated continuously to keep you in fear and in line so that your labor can be stolen from you and used to fund their opulence and grand stature. You are not free. You are a slave. America is the farm. Your labor (taxes) is the harvest. The “government” is harvester. The world banking monopolies are the masters. You and your children are their property. Sheeple. You are given just enough “freedom” to keep you dumb to the facts or just enough to keep you content enough with you selfish creature comforts not to care. And they can be restricted and taken at any moment with only and accusation. Free you say, LOL LOL LOL The rest of the world hates us because we are proud, yet in reality are cowards and idiots. We (as nation) have allowed a small group of bankers to usurp the constitutional authority of the people and take over our government. Our America filed bankruptcy and has operated under the emergency powers act since the 1930’s and by law you have no constitutional rights, period. Legally we have no rights. Legally we are under martial law. Legally “America” ceased to be an independent entity at that time and is now a “corporation” that is funded and managed by that small group of bankers. Legally you are their property, and your corporation government instituted the social security system to label the property for tax purposes. This is not “conspiracy” talk. It is directly stated in various legal arguments and findings from the supreme court of this “country”. The “American Dream” is just that, and it is allowed to you to keep you dossal and easily manipulated. BUT… Something is happening… Go back into history, to the time right before the inquisitions. What happened? The printing press. Yes, that’s right, the printing press. Suddenly information started to be “easily” disseminated and the “common man” could obtain it. People began to learn how to read. People began to see that their “leaders” were lying to them. Revolutions began, Martin Luther, etc, and the political power of the day, (the catholic church), was under threat and their power was being challenged. Well we couldn’t have that now could we…INQUISITION!!!! TODAY… Something is happening… The internet. Yes, that’s right, the internet. Suddenly information is easily disseminated and the “common man” can not only obtain it, but via a click on a camera phone, and an upload, the whole world can see things as they happen. “News” can no longer be easily controlled. Information is getting out faster than they can create cover stories. Well we can’t have that now can we…False flag event to stun and shock the populace into inaction, concentration camps being erected all over the country and world, laws being quickly changed to counter the “liberties” the blinded generations had, and a “shadow government” being reveled moves massive amounts of capital off shore and out of the killing fields, terrorism being so broadly defined so that it could be placed on ANYONE who tries to move against their position and power, “patriotism”, “party politics”, “religion” and other psychological tricks begin to be employed on a massive scale to divide the crowds, and keep them infighting while the “new world order” ‘s infrastructure can be completed… Next stop, (INQUISITION) WWIII, thin the heard, kill the “terrorist”, take control of the information resources and internet through “taxation” and eventually create another paradigm that the stupid sheeple will accept as “free” and go back to sleep. Either get off your knees or die on them, you disserve your fate. |
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as long as the laws aren't broken (like in a protest that isn't peaceful)...under the constitution we have freedom of speech whethe we like what is said or not. now the Patriot Act came about because of terrorism. It was signed by Bush and passed by Rep and Dem. It was intended for terrorists acts such as 9/11....not meant to be abused though True, unfortunately it was written in such a way that it is ripe for abuse and has been abused. |
This needs a bump.
Come on, we all have opinions or questions. Let's get some topics going on this ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
IMHO, speaking out against the tyranny we are experiencing, it is becomong more dangerous to voice an opinion.
Key words will put us all on a watch list. DHS has a report line. They encourage anyone who sees or reads anything, they suspect to be en contra the Gov. to report it. |
Perhaps governments (socialist,communist, democracy, republic, monarchy, etc. etc) will be a thing of the past.
The new system will be called Corporationism. The wealthiest world corporations will be making our decisions for now on rather we like it or not. In many cases it looks like it is already happening. Scary huh ![]() |
Considering we are speaking of humans here. The good and the bad of humans.
The Patriot act was a fallacy in my opinion, not because we do not need to be protected but because of who set the wheels in motion. When Bush was in office a guy here had a bumper sticker that said F*u*c*k Bush, he was stopped by the police and we now have a law that says we cannot have cuss words on our vehicles it is offensive. Do I agree yes, children can read. Should the man not be able to post his opinion, no, but it can be done without a cuss word. All laws are going to step on someone's toes at some time. We as the citizens must weigh the importance of the said law and whose toes were squished, sadly, because we cannot live lawlessly. I don't want to go back to the wild wild west days of individual justice because if we did there would be too many injustices done. I have seen too many people with religious, personal, and/or traditional ideals that are not fair and just to all humans. Weighing this fact and considering the laws of the land, apart from the laws created based on religion that we still have, we are not doing too bad in this area. Respect of all peoples is coming to be, slowly. I will continue to work with my government to make it a fruition. And when my children get older and more interested, I will show them how to work with their government on their issues. Anti government to me is anti-productive. There will never be a nation without some sort of government, whether it be dictator or democracy. So all peoples have to work within their government to get the world they want to live in. Those terrorists out there like our white supremacist for example will never win their battle because they are not being inclusive of all. Same with the terrorisst of other nations. They all bring fear but fear is not respect so they will fail also. What I see here in our country that is the biggest problem is our capitalism has come back to bite us. We (the average citizen) are being run into the ground from the corporate giants who are powerful enough to influence our government but if all ALL average citizens activated and started raising ten kinds of hell about those issues we know are important, we could drown out the corporations and their money. We just need to start. |
Edited by
Fri 06/12/09 05:13 PM
Considering we are speaking of humans here. The good and the bad of humans. The Patriot act was a fallacy in my opinion, not because we do not need to be protected but because of who set the wheels in motion. When Bush was in office a guy here had a bumper sticker that said F*u*c*k Bush, he was stopped by the police and we now have a law that says we cannot have cuss words on our vehicles it is offensive. Do I agree yes, children can read. Should the man not be able to post his opinion, no, but it can be done without a cuss word. All laws are going to step on someone's toes at some time. We as the citizens must weigh the importance of the said law and whose toes were squished, sadly, because we cannot live lawlessly. I don't want to go back to the wild wild west days of individual justice because if we did there would be too many injustices done. I have seen too many people with religious, personal, and/or traditional ideals that are not fair and just to all humans. Weighing this fact and considering the laws of the land, apart from the laws created based on religion that we still have, we are not doing too bad in this area. Respect of all peoples is coming to be, slowly. I will continue to work with my government to make it a fruition. And when my children get older and more interested, I will show them how to work with their government on their issues. Anti government to me is anti-productive. There will never be a nation without some sort of government, whether it be dictator or democracy. So all peoples have to work within their government to get the world they want to live in. Those terrorists out there like our white supremacist for example will never win their battle because they are not being inclusive of all. Same with the terrorisst of other nations. They all bring fear but fear is not respect so they will fail also. What I see here in our country that is the biggest problem is our capitalism has come back to bite us. We (the average citizen) are being run into the ground from the corporate giants who are powerful enough to influence our government but if all ALL average citizens activated and started raising ten kinds of hell about those issues we know are important, we could drown out the corporations and their money. We just need to start. I agree, again to a point. It is not the form of our government that is corrupt or bad but the people who comprise it. As with any individual there is the capacity for good and evil. The choice is in the individual, that's what separates us from the animals We need leaders and representitives who honestly seek the will of the people/voters and not act on their own beliefs or intepretations, their own greed or betterment, for decisions that effect us all. The corporations and the banks buy and sell our choices/politicians to us as they would any of their products, thru mass media adverts, therefore they control both, the government and the media. Corporatism is our government, the banks their thugs and bill collectors. That is apparent daily in our current events. No more deals! You want it, you pay their price for it, and if you complain...... they'll get a new law or bill passed by one of their lobbied government officials. I believe BHO didn't have a clue who the masters were when he stepped into the big white mansion thinking to bring change. We have all seen, he's finding out. His entire staff is comprised of former bankers and lobbyists, or retained Bush personnel. There will be no change, only the illusion of it, while we continue down the road to world domination by corporate bankers. They will fail, eventually, but what will the cost be, how bad the fallout? Will marshal law be their instrement to maintain their control? I don't see a way around it and I don't believe they do either. This I believe is the reason for our current increased funding of our police and military, not any terrorist threat (except perhaps a domestic one). When they place our veterans (those few of us with skills in combat) on their watch lists, it should be apparent there is something ill afoot! We are forced to register weapons, and are limited in our choices, while the criminals and our "protectors" are armed to the teeth with the very weapons we are not allowed. Now they are going to start "chipping" our lisences and other ID's, as well as the merchandise we buy, and the money we buy it with. They already control your credit card info, in most cases, updated daily. Next, personal "tagging", so NONE can slip thru their nets! It brings Hitlers holocost to mind, the tattoos marking every Jew or sympathiser, only a new and improved starwars edition. No chip, no goods or services..... "Papers please"! If we don't act now, I fear it will be too late as this is already in the making "for our protection"! A date is set for the ID chips in lisences, has been in the new cars for many years. Don't think this isn't happening, IT IS! BHO is promoting "pay as you go" and "cap and trade" taxes. Combined with chipping, soon nothing will be available without them, and if you don't pay, it will report you, with all your info, immediately! Do FEMA Camps and Marshal Law seem like something out of a sci-fi movie to you, an unreality with these things so apparent? For your sake and mine, I hope not! |
I am not paranoid about the chips, it is just another technological advancement and they already know where I am and what I do now so it won't be any different.
Obama has come up against some of what we all know are the difficulties of being president of such a diverse nation. It would be easy for any president if all Americans were paper cut outs with no individuality. We are so diverse and growing more diverse by the day meaning our leaders need to be as diverse as we are. So far they are not but we can change that ourselves if we want to. Of course if we are victims or complacent then then we will never see a government that represents us all, nor a nation that is tolerant of us all. |
The Patriot Act was meant to protect us and ended up being warped by Bush and now Obama
I am not paranoid about the chips, it is just another technological advancement and they already know where I am and what I do now so it won't be any different. Obama has come up against some of what we all know are the difficulties of being president of such a diverse nation. It would be easy for any president if all Americans were paper cut outs with no individuality. We are so diverse and growing more diverse by the day meaning our leaders need to be as diverse as we are. So far they are not but we can change that ourselves if we want to. Of course if we are victims or complacent then then we will never see a government that represents us all, nor a nation that is tolerant of us all. I wish I could see and feel things as you do. Life would be much simpler and I might even get some sleep at night again. Perhaps being a veteran, trained to see or perceive the possible trap by instinct or observation, is part of the cause we veterans were put on their watch list. My hackels are up, as much as I would like to believe there is no danger, and it's not any foreign terrorist I fear. I can confront a terrorist situation, and act, without fear of my government or others condemnation, but a domestic threat is a whole different ball game. They could sell my character as that of a terrorist with a simple newscast, and let people do the rest. Just as they did on 9/11. |
I think there is a high probability you may turn into another lone-nut gunman. We better take away your guns and lock you up just in case. ![]() |
Hmmm..... I think there is a high probability you may turn into another lone-nut gunman. We better take away your guns and lock you up just in case. ![]() I'm harmless till stirred to action, never look for a fight, but won't run. I would say it's worked for 60 years, but the museum shooter was 88 so ya never know..... ![]() ![]() |
and people wonder why posters only give me a nerf gun
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The Patriot Act was meant to protect us and ended up being warped by Bush and now Obama The Patriot Act was never meant to protect us, that was just the guise under which is was instated. The Patriot Act is about money/property and it's acquisition from other governments. |
and people wonder why posters only give me a nerf gun ![]() I got a water gun |
The Patriot Act was meant to protect us and ended up being warped by Bush and now Obama The Patriot Act was never meant to protect us, that was just the guise under which is was instated. The Patriot Act is about money/property and it's acquisition from other governments. ![]() |
The Patriot Act was meant to protect us and ended up being warped by Bush and now Obama The Patriot Act was never meant to protect us, that was just the guise under which is was instated. The Patriot Act is about money/property and it's acquisition from other governments. |
The Patriot Act was meant to protect us and ended up being warped by Bush and now Obama The Patriot Act was never meant to protect us, that was just the guise under which is was instated. The Patriot Act is about money/property and it's acquisition from other governments. is there an echo in here???? ![]() |