Topic: The Science of how thoughts control life | |
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Wed 06/10/09 03:07 PM
The Biology of Belief
Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles This book will forever change how you think about your own thinking. Stunning new scienfitic discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain's functioning show that all the cells of your obdy are affected by your thoughts. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., a renowned cell biologist, describes the precise molecular pathways through which this occurs. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species. It is a great book to pick up the next time you go shopping. I have just started reading it and find it interesting to learn how our mind and body works in a scientifical way. There are alot of living cells in us ensuring our well being. You would be surprised how much our thoughts can influence these little cells in a profound way. What are your thoughts about this? |
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Wed 06/10/09 03:21 PM
Positivity in life works well for yourself and others. It is a contagious well being for everyone.
I have exersised it in my life for quite few years and it works really really well. I have not mastered the part of facing some negativity with positivity but I am working on it. It is quite a different world when you wake up everyday and look for all the good, starting with the fact you woke up, the weather, the kids, work, etc... But if you try you can go through a day without one negative thought about the day, traffic jam was time for you to sing along with your radio and do some breathing exercises, nothing negative about that. Kids having a hard time of it when you get home is time for some of that one on one they have been needing from you. Issues with your S/O, time for some of the good communication that is has been needed. Etc... I can find a positive in anything that happens to me no matter how dire it is. I makes me more healthier of body, mind and spirit and able to be more positive for others. |
There are alot of living cells in us ensuring our well being. You would be surprised how much our thoughts can influence these little cells in a profound way. What are your thoughts about this? I'm gonna take it even further: There are some people -- commonly referred to as MENTALISTS -- who are capable of performing mental tricks in public: i.e. mentally lowering the temperature of their body, increasing or decreasing their heart beat rate, relieving themselves off the pain, i.e. head-ache, skin punctures, etc. . Eventually, most of people will possess such an ability! Mental Powers will become more important than then Muscle Power... AND I WONDER: HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE HUMAN BEINGS TO DEVELOP THE ABILITY OF AFFECTING THE PHYSICAL WORLD ? |
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Wed 06/10/09 08:19 PM
lots weird stuff
90% of all thought is subconcious and controlled by emotion and id the gut is an autonomous brain (see enteric nervous system) independent from the other brain. and when it gets upset you know it |
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![]() ![]() WHAT ARE YOU REFERRING TO? ? ? |
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Thu 06/11/09 01:16 AM
![]() ![]() Actually I was just now thinking along some totally different lines. The so-called "Law of Attraction" is a make-shift theory based on misinformation, IMHO. It starts off with some truths, but then jumps off into the abyss of the unknown without valid reasoning. Recently, I'm just recognized that Chaos Theory actually brings much of this altogether in a very scientific way. Can what we think heal our bodies? I'm beginning to believe so based scientific reasoning. The "Law of Attraction" goes overboard and is an unfounded belief that pure thought drives reality. I believe that this is a gross misunderstanding of what's actually going on. What's actually going on is that we create something that within Chaos Theory is called "Strange Attractors". Don't let the name fool you. Things are offen named poorly in scientific fields. Like imaginary numbers in mathematics for example, there is nothing imaginary about them. The same goes for the so-called "Strange Attractors" in Chaos Theory. They were only "strange" when they were first discovered, but now they are better understood. These "attractors" are real, they are actually physical. And some strange attractors are indeed caused by thought patterns. Thought patterns are far more than just electrical activity within the brain, any neurobiologist will quickly agree with that. Thought patterns in the brain set up the excretion and delivery of hormones, and other neurobilogical chemicals which not only affect that person who's biology is creating them, but they also affect people around them. In any case, these "strange attractors" are the scientific explanation for much of what has been thought of as magic. Now, you might say, "Well, these are still 'attractors', therefore why doesn't this confirm the so-called Law of Attraction?" The reason being that these "Strange Attractors" are genuinely physical phenomenon. Moreover, it's not just some mysterious force of the universe that if you ask for a new corvette you'll someone be able to attract one. ![]() That may come from dedication and perserverence, but that would have nothing to do with a "Strange Attractor" as described by Chaos Theory. However, a "Strange Attractor" in Chaos Theory could be used to heal cancer, for example. OR INDUCE IT! This is within the realm of what the theory has to say about these things. Also, unlike the so-called "Law of Attraction", the strange attractors of Chaos Theory are not necessarily personal. Other people's strange attractors can affect you and your strange attractors can affect them. This is a far cry from what the "Law of Attraction infomercials preach". They make out the Law of Attraction to be some mysterious force of the unviverse at work that can't even truly be understood. It even sounds like an observer-created universe in many ways. The Strange Attractors of Chaos Theory are very real, physical, and understandable phenonemon. Although, when I say they are understandable I don't mean to imply that all strange attractors are currently understood. What I simply mean here is that in theory they are understandble using this basic idea. I think where the people who made up the "Law of Attraction" when wrong is that they saw certain results that appeared to be caused simply by the power of belief or concentration, then they extrapolated wildly from that to just assume that pure thought must be the cause of this. But they have no genuine theory to back up their claims. All they have is a unprove belief system based on guess and some evidence that seems to support their beliefs, but in truth they don't fully understand the mechanism behind it. With Chaos Theory, it's actually possible to understand the mechanism behind it, and therefore see both it possibilties, and it's limitations. Right now the people who preach the "Law of Attraction" are under the erroneous idea that anything is possible, if you can think it, you can bring it into manifestation. Obviously that's false. There are limitation, and Chaos Theory can show precisely what those limitations are, as well as what is possible. Healing our bodies using thought is possible! But it's not a mystical idea that somehow pure thought is miraculously doing something. Our BRAINS create far more JUNK when we think than we realize! Hormones, pheromones, electromagnetic waves, electrolytic chemicals, and all sorts of orchestrated instructions telling every cell in our bodies what to do! And like I say, these can also affect people around us. So there's no need for some ficticious unproven "observer-created reality by pure thought", it can all be explained physically via the strange attractors of Chaos Theory. |
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Thu 06/11/09 02:00 AM
When I was pregnant with my little son, I read ALOT.
I find it absoloutely amazing how we affect our childrens phisilogical balance, they are affected by how we eat, think, how active we are. I found out that our thinking, and choices affect our children, even long before we even concieve. Our emotions, mental health, hormones, all kinds of things makes who our children are, very specificly. Ill bet its somewhere on the net. Just so neat. |
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Thu 06/11/09 06:28 AM
The nervous system includes every nerve fiber in the whole body. That is a whole lot of communication going on.
In order for our bodies to survive at all, they must constantly heal damage in different ways. As quite mentioned 90% of the time this is all subconscious and yet good evidence indicates that conscious thought can indirectly influence bodily function. When I say indirectly I mean that you cannot mentally tell your stomach to stop producing acid and discontinue indigestion . . . if you can let me know, id love to learn that one. But you can blunt your experience of the pain, you can remove stress which increases acid production, you can think about what you eat, and change your diet to eliminate future episodes. In clinical situations its never 100% but the significance of "not giving up" is astounding. It seems we can definitely sabotage our own recovery very easily. It really comes down to what the illness is, and how your system recognizes it. Many people think its a miracle when they get cancer and without treatment it goes away. Our bodies fight cancer every day of our lives probably from as early as childhood. Its only when our bodies start to loose the fight or fail to recognize the threat that it grows enough to be detected medically. The immune system is not well understood, its function and form is under heavy research these days. Researchers have found specialized cells that hunt down cancer and other cells produced by our systems that do not conform to a standard and they destroy them, or fix them. Its an enforcer cell that maintains order inside our bodies. However it has been shown that too much stress can cause harm to these cells and throw out of wack other functionality of the immune system. The mind IS the control center of all action within the body. The immune system has its own protein memory that is not stored in the brain, but it does communicate with the brain to coordinate attack, or repair functions. Its all marvelous. |
The Law Of Attraction and positive thinking principles are completely legitimate (yeah, I'm a "Little Mary Sunshine") but they are only PART of the equation. A person has to put in some effort to achieve what they are after - the universe doesn't always just drop good things in your lap.
I once heard a pretty applicable quote that said you had to "pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on you!" That's a reasonable philosophy and seems to work for me. |
I am still waiting to discuss the movie "Forbidden Planet".
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Thu 06/11/09 07:11 AM
These are all very interesting replies. I do not know the author's stance on Chaos Theory and the Laws of attraction. What I can tell you is that this writer is an agnostic scientist who actually specializes his studies in biology and the important significance of how to improve our thinking and understanding about it.
Here is the chapter outline: Chapter 1 - he discusses about "smart cells" and why and how they can teach us so much about our own minds and bodies. Chapter 2 - he lays out the scientific evidence to show how genes do not control biology. He also introduces exciting discoveries of epigenetics, which is a new field of biology that is unraveling the mysteries of how the environment (nature) influences the behavior of cells without changing the genetic code. Chapter 3 - he talks about the cell membrane, the skin of the cell. He concludes that the membrane is the true brain of the cellular operation. Chapter 4 - he talks about mind bending discoveries of quantum physics. He mentions about those discoveries that have profound implications for understanding and treating diseases. Chapter 5 - he explains why he titled his book - The Biology of Belief Chapter 6 - he reveals why cells and people need to grow and how fear shuts down that growth. Chapter 7 - this is a chapter that focuses on the significance of conscious parenting. The reason why I bought this book in the first place as I always strive to be a better parent. ![]() Then he ends with this: Are you ready to use your conscious mind to create a life overflowing with health, happiness, and love without the aid of genetic engineers and without addicting yourself to drugs? Are you ready to consider an alternate reality to that provided by the medical model of the human body as a biochemical machine? There is nothing to buy, and there are no policies to take out. It is just a matter of temporarily suspending the archaic beliefs you have acquired from media establishments so that you can consider the exciting new awareness offered by leading edge science. What I do realize is that our body is like a universe of its own. The trillions of cells that flow through us each have their specific tasks and our influenced by our thoughts ( I am not saying consciously all of them are influenced either). I actually believe that if we understand more about how our body works as of the mind we can actually improve our lives for the better. If it is called chaos theory, laws of attraction, or the boogie man syndrom then so be it. I think biology, understanding the human anatonomy, and trying to understand thought processes can make a difference. Of course one is only overwhelmed with the information available to us. Just go to a bookstore or research on the internet and you will have enough information to study for a lifetime. I think what is logically fitting is to take the best of all of the books you do read and combine what works best for you in one complete package. If only we didn't need to sleep then more knowledge could be gathered in our lifetimes. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
These are all very interesting replies. I do not know the author's stance on Chaos Theory and the Laws of attraction. What I can tell you is that this writer is an agnostic scientist who actually specializes his studies in biology and the important significance of how to improve our thinking and understanding about it. Here is the chapter outline: Chapter 1 - he discusses about "smart cells" and why and how they can teach us so much about our own minds and bodies. Chapter 2 - he lays out the scientific evidence to show how genes do not control biology. He also introduces exciting discoveries of epigenetics, which is a new field of biology that is unraveling the mysteries of how the environment (nature) influences the behavior of cells without changing the genetic code. Chapter 3 - he talks about the cell membrane, the skin of the cell. He concludes that the membrane is the true brain of the cellular operation. Chapter 4 - he talks about mind bending discoveries of quantum physics. He mentions about those discoveries that have profound implications for understanding and treating diseases. Chapter 5 - he explains why he titled his book - The Biology of Belief Chapter 6 - he reveals why cells and people need to grow and how fear shuts down that growth. Chapter 7 - this is a chapter that focuses on the significance of conscious parenting. The reason why I bought this book in the first place as I always strive to be a better parent. ![]() Then he ends with this: Are you ready to use your conscious mind to create a life overflowing with health, happiness, and love without the aid of genetic engineers and without addicting yourself to drugs? Are you ready to consider an alternate reality to that provided by the medical model of the human body as a biochemical machine? There is nothing to buy, and there are no policies to take out. It is just a matter of temporarily suspending the archaic beliefs you have acquired from media establishments so that you can consider the exciting new awareness offered by leading edge science. What I do realize is that our body is like a universe of its own. The trillions of cells that flow through us each have their specific tasks and our influenced by our thoughts ( I am not saying consciously all of them are influenced either). I actually believe that if we understand more about how our body works as of the mind we can actually improve our lives for the better. If it is called chaos theory, laws of attraction, or the boogie man syndrom then so be it. I think biology, understanding the human anatonomy, and trying to understand thought processes can make a difference. Of course one is only overwhelmed with the information available to us. Just go to a bookstore or research on the internet and you will have enough information to study for a lifetime. I think what is logically fitting is to take the best of all of the books you do read and combine what works best for you in one complete package. If only we didn't need to sleep then more knowledge could be gathered in our lifetimes. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
lots weird stuff 90% of all thought is subconcious and controlled by emotion and id OK, I guess I'll have a "Forbidden Planet" discussion with myself. The movie is about the fact that 90% of thought is subconscious and controlled by emotion and ID. The Krill (dead aliens) built a machine to amplify the power of the mind so the Krill could go about their lives completely without the need for instrumentality (I love that word). The Krill used the core of their planet to provide infinite power to the mind amplifier. Unfortunately, as is known by man today, the subconscious is way more powerful than the conscious and is largely controlled by emotion. With unlimited power, 'monsters from the ID' would destroy us all. With a little focus and practice, we can harness the vast power of our ID and use it to help us succeed in life today... No planet sized amplifier required. 'Monsters from the ID' is playing at a theater near you. |
I was mostly impressed that Robbie could make whiskey from scratch
lots weird stuff 90% of all thought is subconcious and controlled by emotion and id OK, I guess I'll have a "Forbidden Planet" discussion with myself. The movie is about the fact that 90% of thought is subconscious and controlled by emotion and ID. The Krill (dead aliens) built a machine to amplify the power of the mind so the Krill could go about their lives completely without the need for instrumentality (I love that word). The Krill used the core of their planet to provide infinite power to the mind amplifier. Unfortunately, as is known by man today, the subconscious is way more powerful than the conscious and is largely controlled by emotion. With unlimited power, 'monsters from the ID' would destroy us all. With a little focus and practice, we can harness the vast power of our ID and use it to help us succeed in life today... No planet sized amplifier required. 'Monsters from the ID' is playing at a theater near you. Cool. I will check out that movie ![]() |
I was mostly impressed that Robbie could make whiskey from scratch I was impressed that it was Anne Frances' first movie role and she was some kind of "hot". Leslie Nielsen playing the serious role of captain seems extra funny today. It was also Disney's first big budget special effects movie. |
Personally, Smiless, I am very greatful to you for providing a great reference! (which basically supports the idea of the untapped resources -- an immense super powers hidden within the human brain! I only wish I had more time for injesting everything... However, as you admite,
If only we didn't need to sleep then more knowledge could be gathered in our lifetimes.
![]() ![]() Then, maybe the source of the problem of perceiving various theories (and becomming a better/powerful human) lies precisely in that: conquering the need to sleep?!!! (or discovering a natural method which would replace or at least shorten the time necessary for bio-system's regeneration!!(?) For it is really mind boggling: we waste at least 1/3 of our lives doing nothing but sleep, i.e. 8 hour/day * 30 days/month * 12 months = 2880 hours/year = 120 days/year!!! I.E. if one is lucky to live up to 90 years old, that means 30 of those years were spent sleeping!!! I wonder why hasn't science come up with anything acceptable, yet (i.e. without any side effects..) Such an endaevor would be equivalent to the discovery of electricity... I've heard of some people who can manage with only 4 hours of sleep! (and the prisoners at the concentration camps weren't aloud more than 2 hours of sleep. ![]() ![]() Seems like the length of night sleep is a matter of habbit? (On the other hand, it might be a bit expensive staying awake an extra 8 hours/day, i.e. 120 days/year -- since more resources will have to be consumed) * * * But that would be compensated with increased productivity...(?) {thanks god, TV is on 24/7 } ![]() Also, much time is wasted on replenishing the bio-system's energy resources, i.e. consumption of food (not to mention that of getting rid of waste...) Certaily, only "Creative" (or really desperate) people would want to relieve themselves of such a nuisance as sleep... Nevertheless, it would be nice to have access to "Sleepless" pills!! P.S. The movie, "Sleepless in Seatle" would have to be renamed to something like "Excited in Seatle"... ![]() |
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Thu 06/11/09 10:59 PM
Personally, Smiless, I am very greatful to you for providing a great reference! (which basically supports the idea of the untapped resources -- an immense super powers hidden within the human brain! I only wish I had more time for injesting everything... However, as you admite, If only we didn't need to sleep then more knowledge could be gathered in our lifetimes.
![]() ![]() Then, maybe the source of the problem of perceiving various theories (and becomming a better/powerful human) lies precisely in that: conquering the need to sleep?!!! (or discovering a natural method which would replace or at least shorten the time necessary for bio-system's regeneration!!(?) For it is really mind boggling: we waste at least 1/3 of our lives doing nothing but sleep, i.e. 8 hour/day * 30 days/month * 12 months = 2880 hours/year = 120 days/year!!! I.E. if one is lucky to live up to 90 years old, that means 30 of those years were spent sleeping!!! I wonder why hasn't science come up with anything acceptable, yet (i.e. without any side effects..) Such an endaevor would be equivalent to the discovery of electricity... I've heard of some people who can manage with only 4 hours of sleep! (and the prisoners at the concentration camps weren't aloud more than 2 hours of sleep. ![]() ![]() Seems like the length of night sleep is a matter of habbit? (On the other hand, it might be a bit expensive staying awake an extra 8 hours/day, i.e. 120 days/year -- since more resources will have to be consumed) * * * But that would be compensated with increased productivity...(?) {thanks god, TV is on 24/7 } ![]() Also, much time is wasted on replenishing the bio-system's energy resources, i.e. consumption of food (not to mention that of getting rid of waste...) Certaily, only "Creative" (or really desperate) people would want to relieve themselves of such a nuisance as sleep... Nevertheless, it would be nice to have access to "Sleepless" pills!! P.S. The movie, "Sleepless in Seatle" would have to be renamed to something like "Excited in Seatle"... ![]() It is ironic that you say this for when I mentioned that only if we didn't need sleep I was thinking of a fiction novel to write at the time. I agree that we waste so much of our time sleeping. I actually wanted to write a novel about how a scientist discovered a method to keep us awake with a certain injection one would take once a month. Now mind you that the person doesn't suffer at all and can stay awake every second of the day for a whole month before he or she would need another injection. It also had no side effects and the body and mind remains strong. Just imagine what it would do to the hotel business ![]() Yes if such a novel hasn't been written yet then surely a great thriller with a scientific break through as such would be the next cream of the pie in the fiction world. Well if anything, just by posting this idea (if not already taken) I am sure there will be someone who will take the idea and get busy to become the next New York's Bestseller. It wouldn't be the first time this happens to me ![]() |
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Thu 06/11/09 11:08 PM
Another idea is how can we create additional neurons into our system?
I have read somewhere that billions of neurons die each day. Neurons are said to help aid in our thought processes. These little cells communicate with each other at certain parts of our membrane. Now since so many die per day, it would be interesting to know how to slow that process or even increase neuron activity? Then the question is if it is even neccessary or would it make a difference? If we knew how to increase the amount of neurons by somehow producing them, would that increase our intelligence and knowledge? Well what it is worth, it would be interesting to see if the scientific community even thought of the possiblities. |