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Topic: Favorite villain
polaritybear's photo
Mon 06/08/09 01:34 AM
Those darn Fratellis.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 06/08/09 04:19 AM

T-Rex from Jurassic Park
WOPR from War Games
HAL 9000 from 2001
and how could we leave out:

He is sooo my fave!!!!:heart:

Tone_11's photo
Mon 06/08/09 07:32 AM
Patrick McGoohan as King Edward I of England in Braveheart (longshanks), R Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket, Norman Bates, The Lord Marshal in Chronicles of Rid****.

FETTS61's photo
Mon 06/08/09 08:27 AM
Snidely Whiplash

fjr's photo
Tue 06/09/09 01:01 PM
Dr. Phibes (Vincent Price)

visitingseattle's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:45 AM
Edited by visitingseattle on Fri 06/12/09 11:52 AM
The Fratellis are a good choice. My daughters were very scared of them when they saw the Goonies.

I would say:
JF Abraham as Salieri
Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal
Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes
Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates
Gary Oldman in " The Professional" and "Die Hard"( cant remember names of characters)

carebear19622's photo
Fri 06/12/09 01:56 PM

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 08:58 AM
Hans Gruber (played by Alan Rickman) in "DIE HARD". He was the epitome of villainous Euro-trash in an Armani suit. laugh

no photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:43 AM

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:52 AM
another vote for Hannibal

mt2cool's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:33 PM
i say the worst villain is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 06/14/09 09:50 PM
Yosemite Sam

mt2cool's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:05 PM
bugs bunny

no photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:09 PM
Those German Nihilist dudes from "The Big Lebowski". laugh

anagram's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:19 PM
the gov't people who killed jfk-jfk

no photo
Fri 06/19/09 06:14 AM
Roy Batty(Rutger Hauer)- Blade Runner
Ming(Max Von Sydow)- Flash Gordon
Kesslee(Malcolm McDowell)- Tank Girl
The Zuni Fetish Doll- Trilogy of Terror
Harry Powell(Robert Mitchum)- Night of the Hunter
Max Cady(Robert Mitchum)- Cape Fear
Rhoda Penmark(Patty McCormack)- The Bad Seed
Jamie(Sammy Snyders)- The Pit

egoodrich's photo
Fri 06/19/09 06:47 AM

Those German Nihilist dudes from "The Big Lebowski". laugh

laugh "they're nihilists, they believe in nothing!"

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