Topic: Administration to Reveal Plans for Katrina Housing Transitio
franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:29 PM

ok dragoness...and as you said THEY chanced it. they weren't forced. personally I wouldn't live there out of concern for my family. I can visit friends and family..but I have to do what I need to in order to protect my family and belongings. it was their choice to live there for whatever reason, but who pays for it?

I will say this one more time, when mother nature strikes any of us, it is not our fault at any level. There is no right way to say we deserved it.

I would hate to live in a country that blamed the vicitms of natural disasters for living in their homes when it happened. Wouldn't you?

But where is this coming from? no one has blamed anyone on this thread Dragoness.

Yellow, last post here. You are blaming the victims. Read through and see.

Have a great day.

hey I am not YellowRose you're quoting me :banana:

it's all YR fault!!! :banana:

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:30 PM
yes I am. I feel sorry for them...but when they know that it is a common occurance and don't do anything...

most mortgage companies won't loan to people without insurance. if they don't keep up the could default the loan. I have personal property insurance. as well as I have a plan for tornado's (tornado shelter). I can't afford a lot either, but I do what I have to because I chose to live in tornado alley.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:34 PM
figures YR always getting me in trouble.

I didn't read in your response that you were blaming anyone.

I do agree that everyone should be responsible for themselves and their property. Homeowners protect your property, insure it and cya. Renters, renter's insurance can help you replace lost material objects.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:37 PM
hush fran lol....

my point was (the definition of insanity)

tax payers keep paying over and over again and no one does anything about the problem. a once in a while or freak of nature type thing is different than an occurance that happens pretty much on a yearly basis

what is that saying??? fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me?

sorry if this is blunt...but at some point people need to be held accountable

darkowl1's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:37 PM
Edited by darkowl1 on Fri 06/05/09 01:40 PM
being involved with New Orleans on a personal level, and knowing the inside scoop... the leveys were fine, even though they need to be re-built....

what poeple don't know, is that A BARGE HIT THE LEVEYS, AND IT BELONGED UNDER THE TABLE TO UUUMMMM....GOV'T GROUPS THAT KEPT THIS QUIET it was just out of picture range of the cameras to the west of the canal, and now that bush is out of office, there is a lawsuit going on. i hope they fry. they are responsible for the whole city flooding and killing well over 1200 people and still climbing....that's right, bodies are still being found.
the scams the gov't has done i have posted before, and will post again by request. sickening to me, the whole thing covered up by landscape lies.

they (bush) will get away with this, you watch. and there will be innocent and not innocent fall guys

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:37 PM

1,800 mobile homes to 3,400 families

are they duplexes or do they alternate days

or do they just live together

what what what what

am i the only one that noticed they are give half as many trailers as they have families they are giving them too

franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:42 PM

1,800 mobile homes to 3,400 families

are they duplexes or do they alternate days

or do they just live together

what what what what

am i the only one that noticed they are give half as many trailers as they have families they are giving them too

The Obama administration will announce plans today to virtually give away roughly 1,800 mobile homes to 3,400 families displaced by Hurricane Katrina who are living in government-provided housing along the Gulf Coast, officials said.

no but I did notice that 1,800 families out of 3,400 families which are presently living in govt provided housing will be the recipients of mobile homes.

Are you saying we should give them all free mobile homes?

you get a mobile home
you get a mobile home

sorry had an Oprah moment laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:46 PM
U.S. District Court Chief Judge Ginger Berrigan -- not a jury -- will decide the case that pits residents of New Orleans against the barge's owner, the company that had chartered the barge, the Orleans Levee District and a towing company.
The Ingram Barge Company responded to the series of property damage lawsuits that began in September 2005 by filing its own civil action in U.S. District Court seeking exoneration from any liability.
The federal court has combined the suits into one, which Berrigan will preside over.


darkowl1's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:49 PM

the judge threw the case out....figures.....what did i tell you????

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:57 PM
I believe the levees weren't adequate.

NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 20 -- Louisiana's top hurricane experts have rejected the official explanations for the floodwall collapses that inundated much of New Orleans, concluding that Hurricane Katrina's storm surges were much smaller than authorities have suggested and that the city's flood- protection system should have kept most of the city dry.

The Army Corps of Engineers has said that Katrina was just too massive for a system that was not intended to protect the city from a storm greater than a Category 3 hurricane, and that the floodwall failures near Lake Pontchartrain were caused by extraordinary surges that overtopped the walls.

that should be the states responsiblity

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 02:45 PM
Edited by Winx on Fri 06/05/09 03:23 PM

yes I am. I feel sorry for them...but when they know that it is a common occurance and don't do anything...

most mortgage companies won't loan to people without insurance. if they don't keep up the could default the loan. I have personal property insurance. as well as I have a plan for tornado's (tornado shelter). I can't afford a lot either, but I do what I have to because I chose to live in tornado alley.

St. Louis has three rivers surrounding it. They are the Mississippi, the Missouri, and the Meramec. These rivers also have smaller rivers coming off of them. We get floods. We had catastrophic floods in 1993.

Many people don't have the money to move. That's how they ended up in those areas already.

You're talking about tornadoes. We have them too. I'm not moving.

Winx's photo
Fri 06/05/09 02:45 PM

Winx it's all your fault :wink:


yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 03:01 PM
my point is...that if someone doesn't move...then they take the chance. I have donated many things to those in need whether it is the hurricanes...tornados...whatever. i don't have the exgtra money for taxes or to help people out. i can understand if it is once or twice...but after the 2nd time i would stay were i relocated to. I live in Arlington, TX and we had many people from Katrina here. several people stayed. I just don't get those that keep going back knowing it will happen again and they will lose everything again without insurance.

i do feel sorry for these people...but it's like someone that drives without insurance. that would be on them if there was an accident. it doesn't mean I wouldn't feel bad if they got hurt or lost their car....but should others pay because they didn't have insurance? that is why car insurance rates are high.

if someone lives in a flood should be expected that it will flood. I know insurance is expensive. but people have to take responsibilty. helping those in need is great (which I have done and will continue to do) but at what point does the state assume responsibilty for the levees and the housing...when do the people accept responsiblity for not doing all they can? I'm not unsympathetic to the poor not being able to afford things...but they made the choice to live there. I can't afford things but I assume the responsibility

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/05/09 05:03 PM

1,800 mobile homes to 3,400 families

are they duplexes or do they alternate days

or do they just live together

what what what what

am i the only one that noticed they are give half as many trailers as they have families they are giving them too

The Obama administration will announce plans today to virtually give away roughly 1,800 mobile homes to 3,400 families displaced by Hurricane Katrina who are living in government-provided housing along the Gulf Coast, officials said.

no but I did notice that 1,800 families out of 3,400 families which are presently living in govt provided housing will be the recipients of mobile homes.

Are you saying we should give them all free mobile homes?

you get a mobile home
you get a mobile home

sorry had an Oprah moment laugh

my bad

where can i pick up my moblie home sunshine bigsmile

yeah right like thats gonna happen

:wink: laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:43 PM

Flood insurance is issued by FEMA separate from you homeowners.

Florida is best in the world for hurricane response. One thing we can thank a Bush for, Jeb not W... Florida has shown how state and local levels should respond....

As far as trailers being brought into a hurricane zone even as temporary housing???? The problem is they become permanent because of the cost...Its not a solution especially in a hurricane zone...

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:47 PM

hush fran lol....

my point was (the definition of insanity)

tax payers keep paying over and over again and no one does anything about the problem. a once in a while or freak of nature type thing is different than an occurance that happens pretty much on a yearly basis

what is that saying??? fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me?

sorry if this is blunt...but at some point people need to be held accountable

So we should only help people once when a tornado hits them twice?

So we should only help them once when an earthquake hits them twice?

So we should only help once when a fire hits them twice?

So we should only help them once when a mud slide hits them twice?

Stop blaming the victims of mother nature, it is never their fault no matter where they live.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:50 PM
when they come back after being relocated....without insurance knowing full well it will happen again???? come on!!!!!!!slaphead

basically we are spending money for it to just repeat itself over and over

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:53 PM
People are victims of mother nature, it is just a fact.

We cannot move everyone out of the earthquake zones but we know it will happen again.

We cannot move all the people out of ALL of the flood zones but we know it will happen again.

We cannot move all the people out of tornado zones but we know they will happen again.

Etc and so on.

It is never the victims fault when it comes to mother nature.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:55 PM
as you said before...THEY made the choice to live there...ho many times should we hand over money for their choice? that is what you aren't getting. people have choices. they made the choice to move BACK knowing they don't have insurance for the next hurricane strike and knowing the levees can't hold. THEY made the choice

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 08:56 PM
furthermore...I live in tornado alley...I (me, myself and I) made that choice. and I do what I have to and I wouldn't keep making the same mistake over and over again