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Topic: Veterans for Peace
michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/25/09 08:57 AM
The local Chapter #50

Each cross represents a soldier from Michigan who died in Iraq or Afghanistan.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:12 AM
Edited by michiganman3 on Mon 05/25/09 09:13 AM

no photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:13 AM
That's a lovely way to honor and remember them.
Often we think of the dead, but please remember in your hearts and prayers the living doing their duty and the ones who have been injured and impaired having done their duty. drinker
Happy Memorial Day to you, MM3!!

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:15 AM
Thank You SKPCG, Yes my nephew is in a VA hospital right now, from his service in the Middle East.

Winx's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:17 AM
Edited by Winx on Mon 05/25/09 09:18 AM

Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis. There are 172,254 tombstones starting in 1826. There are 331 acres flowerforyou

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:19 AM

Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in St. Louis. There are 172,254 tombstones starting in 1826. There are 331 acres flowerforyou

Gardens of Stone.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:36 AM
God Bless our Troops!!!

Winx's photo
Mon 05/25/09 09:53 AM

The local Chapter #50

Each cross represents a soldier from Michigan who died in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Did you help put up the crosses, M.Michiganman?

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:21 AM
Yes, I helped, and will go back with my daughters to help take it down later this evening.

auburngirl's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:33 AM

Winx's photo
Mon 05/25/09 10:52 AM

Yes, I helped, and will go back with my daughters to help take it down later this evening.

(((M.Michiganman))).happy flowers flowers

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/25/09 02:38 PM
Well taking it down sure goes a lot quicker than setting it up.
Taps were played at 4 pm, a moment of reflection, then back in the bins until Veteran's Day in Nov.

My youngest came and helped.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 03:30 PM
Title of this thread "Veterans for Peace" is a misleading one. It ought to be "Veterans for War."

Veterans for Peace is for likes of people such as MLK, Gandhi, and other advocators for non-violent causes.

krupa's photo
Mon 05/25/09 03:36 PM
Dude...kinda hard for me to make funny or smart-@ssed comments for a thread like this.

I got nothing but respect for the men and women who serve my family, friends and neighbors......

I guess it would be completely inappropriate to tell my old Navy story about getting my di*k caught in an 800 pound water tight hatch.....

Phuque2's photo
Mon 05/25/09 04:19 PM
Edited by Phuque2 on Mon 05/25/09 04:21 PM

Title of this thread "Veterans for Peace" is a misleading one. It ought to be "Veterans for War."

Veterans for Peace is for likes of people such as MLK, Gandhi, and other advocators for non-violent causes.

So, in that line of thinking, then....Thoughtfulthug is for the likes of smart drug dealers, and other people that bring nothing to the table.....

Michiganman....that was a cool thing to do...I take my Grandkids to the Vet center to cheer my Brothers and Sisters least once a month.

krupa's photo
Mon 05/25/09 04:27 PM
2...gotcher back bro. No sweat...

Those of us who served know.

Grateful for you Jerry Garcia looking mo fo!

It is a priveledge and an honor to know that you are my friend

Winx's photo
Mon 05/25/09 04:29 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 05/25/09 04:50 PM

Title of this thread "Veterans for Peace" is a misleading one. It ought to be "Veterans for War."

Veterans for Peace is for likes of people such as MLK, Gandhi, and other advocators for non-violent causes.

This title of this thread is very appropriate. This man did a good deed today and you're knocking it.:angry:

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 05/25/09 04:34 PM

The local Chapter #50

Each cross represents a soldier from Michigan who died in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Kudos to you Bro for remembering them in that way. drinker

Phuque2's photo
Mon 05/25/09 04:34 PM

2...gotcher back bro. No sweat...

Those of us who served know.

Grateful for you Jerry Garcia looking mo fo!

It is a priveledge and an honor to know that you are my friend

Thanks Krupa, I normanlly don't let that kind of stuff get to me. It has been a bad year, and this day is just a reminder of pain and honor. By the way, keep yer d*ck out of tight places....

elwoodsully's photo
Mon 05/25/09 04:42 PM
Even though I was Armyfied at 17, Semper Fidelis to all my Sisters and Brothers.

Nobody hates war more than those that have to fight it.

Nobody loves peace more than those that have seen war.

Nobody loves life more than those that have put their own at risk.

Nobody hates death more than those that have taken life.

Former Sergeant John Sullivan
US Army
1982-85, 1986-92

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