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Topic: 1. Single Payer Health Care
adj4u's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:45 AM
Rep. John Conyers has a serious single-player plan, H.R. 676, which has 75 co-sponsors. But we need 218 votes in the House to pass


H.R. 676, also called the United States National Health Insurance Act, is a bill to create a single-payer, publicly-financed, privately-delivered universal health care program that would cover all Americans without charging co-pays or deductibles. It guarantees access to the highest quality and most affordable health care services regardless of employment, ability to pay or pre-existing health conditions.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 05/13/09 08:23 AM
If I could trust the Fed. government I would say yes.
These are the same people that brought you a IRS tax code that is undecipherable, Gitmo, soldiers and their families on food stamps, epic waste of tax dollars. I am afraid that the health care industry would just look at this as a bottom less pit of money to be mined.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 05/13/09 05:54 PM
gonna come baqck to this...

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:38 PM

It guarantees access to the highest quality and most affordable health care services regardless of employment, ability to pay or pre-existing health conditions.

Sounds great. A worthless fnck, who doesn't know 2+2, doesn't work, and spends his lifetime destroying his health, will have the same access to a highest quality health-care as would some extremely educated chemist making discoveries trough years of hard and sophisticated research, that makes lives of millions much more affordable.

What a concept. Surely, the worthless fnck would love that.

But, aside of fairness and morality, what would serve as a limit of how much resource of this system can anyone in particular consume?

Anyone has a common sense? Can we be that gullible?

AndrewAV's photo
Wed 05/13/09 10:34 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Wed 05/13/09 10:40 PM
Look at the medicare fraud rate and you'll see why this is a bad idea.

Ok, highest quality? I would rank that at a $0 deductible, $0 copay PPO plan with freedom to go wherever you'd like. The incredible majority of americans do not have that... in fact, I'm sure it's well under 1% outside of bogus union contracts.

It cannot happen without extreme growth of the medical field in productivity. Our current medical system simply cannot sustain it. It's that simple.

Winx's photo
Thu 05/14/09 05:28 AM

Look at the medicare fraud rate and you'll see why this is a bad idea.

Ok, highest quality? I would rank that at a $0 deductible, $0 copay PPO plan with freedom to go wherever you'd like. The incredible majority of americans do not have that... in fact, I'm sure it's well under 1% outside of bogus union contracts.

It cannot happen without extreme growth of the medical field in productivity. Our current medical system simply cannot sustain it. It's that simple.

I don't know if I'm misreading this. I just woke up.

Are you saying that you think that Medicare has a $0 co-pay and a $0 deductible? If you are, that's not true. They have a co-pay and deductible. They also pay almost $100 monthly for it.

AndrewAV's photo
Thu 05/14/09 06:07 PM

Look at the medicare fraud rate and you'll see why this is a bad idea.

Ok, highest quality? I would rank that at a $0 deductible, $0 copay PPO plan with freedom to go wherever you'd like. The incredible majority of americans do not have that... in fact, I'm sure it's well under 1% outside of bogus union contracts.

It cannot happen without extreme growth of the medical field in productivity. Our current medical system simply cannot sustain it. It's that simple.

I don't know if I'm misreading this. I just woke up.

Are you saying that you think that Medicare has a $0 co-pay and a $0 deductible? If you are, that's not true. They have a co-pay and deductible. They also pay almost $100 monthly for it.

Nope, two different thoughts altogether. the $0 copay and $0 deductible was in relation to how few americans get that amazing kind of coverage (i.e. highest quality) and the only people I've ever met that received it were in unions.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 05/14/09 06:26 PM
And congress?

pokerface1200's photo
Thu 05/14/09 08:15 PM
this is a complete sham and a waste of time to consider. would someone please tell me where our system is broken and who has better health care services than we do that we can now model after? is it britain? is it canada? oh yeah according to some cuba has the best health care so it must be that we are going to be more like cuba which remember is run by a dictator. so thats it. look the only thing that will solve our problem is less regulation and more competition thats called capitalism but if u want the feds to tell you that u cant have medicine for your heart condition or whatever thats fine but as for me keep the government out of it. but the dirty little secret is that everyone in america does have access to health care. visit an emergency room lately? by law they cant refuse you so nyah!!!! you dirty libs...

Winx's photo
Thu 05/14/09 08:33 PM

this is a complete sham and a waste of time to consider. would someone please tell me where our system is broken and who has better health care services than we do that we can now model after? is it britain? is it canada? oh yeah according to some cuba has the best health care so it must be that we are going to be more like cuba which remember is run by a dictator. so thats it. look the only thing that will solve our problem is less regulation and more competition thats called capitalism but if u want the feds to tell you that u cant have medicine for your heart condition or whatever thats fine but as for me keep the government out of it. but the dirty little secret is that everyone in america does have access to health care. visit an emergency room lately? by law they cant refuse you so nyah!!!! you dirty libs...

It's costs us quite a bit of money when all those uninsured people go to the ER.

Dirty libs. Lovely - name calling.laugh

Winx's photo
Thu 05/14/09 08:36 PM

Look at the medicare fraud rate and you'll see why this is a bad idea.

Ok, highest quality? I would rank that at a $0 deductible, $0 copay PPO plan with freedom to go wherever you'd like. The incredible majority of americans do not have that... in fact, I'm sure it's well under 1% outside of bogus union contracts.

It cannot happen without extreme growth of the medical field in productivity. Our current medical system simply cannot sustain it. It's that simple.

I don't know if I'm misreading this. I just woke up.

Are you saying that you think that Medicare has a $0 co-pay and a $0 deductible? If you are, that's not true. They have a co-pay and deductible. They also pay almost $100 monthly for it.

Nope, two different thoughts altogether. the $0 copay and $0 deductible was in relation to how few americans get that amazing kind of coverage (i.e. highest quality) and the only people I've ever met that received it were in unions.

Okay - I see what you're saying now. When I was in my 20's, many people received 100% medical, dental, and vision. I was not union, btw. I know more non-union people then I do union. Non-union people do get $0 co-pay and $0 deductible. It's not as common as it used to be though.

no photo
Fri 05/15/09 10:08 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/15/09 10:09 AM

this is a complete sham and a waste of time to consider. would someone please tell me where our system is broken and who has better health care services than we do that we can now model after? is it britain? is it canada? oh yeah according to some cuba has the best health care so it must be that we are going to be more like cuba which remember is run by a dictator. so thats it. look the only thing that will solve our problem is less regulation and more competition thats called capitalism but if u want the feds to tell you that u cant have medicine for your heart condition or whatever thats fine but as for me keep the government out of it. but the dirty little secret is that everyone in america does have access to health care. visit an emergency room lately? by law they cant refuse you so nyah!!!! you dirty libs...
OH YEA THE ER!!!!!!! The best service around!!! Lets keep the uninsured insured through the ER!!!!!explode Yep my health insurance rates will continue to skyrockets so we can pay $500 for a $50 aliment...He!! yes dont change a thing...Pretty soon healthcare will be out priced for people "WHO" accually pay for it!!!!!!!!

Ps: Im unpatriotic "Independent" who refuses to be sucked up by either party!!!!!!

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/15/09 11:06 AM
So, instead of stopping the free ER, you want to figure out how that can be kept?

Sounds like after getting a few nails in your tires, you're ready to consider just riding on the rims.

The cost of health care goes up, because there is an insurance not paid directly by a patient. This numbs the patient as to the costs.

Same as with taxes. The reason that withholding was instituted, is that Americans would revolt long ago, if they had to actually hold the money they send to the Washington party planners, in their hands, before sending it in. That would hurt, even though it is the same money.

Since every proposition regarding the health care, necessarily provides for a situation that a patient not capable of paying for the service, will still be able to receive it somehow, the result then will be the same, the cost will continue to climb. Such a patient doesn't care, since he isn't paying, and therefore the ones like this patient will keep pushing the costs up.

The costs may also be pushed up without prices going up. This, is actually been happening for a while in US, with consumer goods. The quality (i.e. the contained value) keeps slipping, while the price remains the same or not falling down to the same extent as does the quality. A result is a diluted good, which is a good, that is higher priced per unit of its value. If this happens to be the case, then instead of prices going up, the value of services will go down.

no photo
Fri 05/15/09 11:10 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/15/09 11:23 AM

So, instead of stopping the free ER, you want to figure out how that can be kept?

Sounds like after getting a few nails in your tires, you're ready to consider just riding on the rims.

The cost of health care goes up, because there is an insurance not paid directly by a patient. This numbs the patient as to the costs.

Same as with taxes. The reason that withholding was instituted, is that Americans would revolt long ago, if they had to actually hold the money they send to the Washington party planners, in their hands, before sending it in. That would hurt, even though it is the same money.

Since every proposition regarding the health care, necessarily provides for a situation that a patient not capable of paying for the service, will still be able to receive it somehow, the result then will be the same, the cost will continue to climb. Such a patient doesn't care, since he isn't paying, and therefore the ones like this patient will keep pushing the costs up.

The costs may also be pushed up without prices going up. This, is actually been happening for a while in US, with consumer goods. The quality (i.e. the contained value) keeps slipping, while the price remains the same or not falling down to the same extent as does the quality. A result is a diluted good, which is a good, that is higher priced per unit of its value. If this happens to be the case, then instead of prices going up, the value of services will go down.
Excuse me!!!!! No where did i say anything about how i want to keep people using the ER, except sarcastically!!!!!!!Humor...Try it!! Hell your smart enough to see that "WE" already pay for the uninsured..$500 for a $50 aliment... Hmmm lets see if we paid the $50 ten times we would save $4500... Its not rocket science!!!!!

Unless you want to simply not treat people who can not afford to pay!!! We could just put them all on an island to die!!!!! We can have them in the general population infecting everyone!!!!

no photo
Fri 05/15/09 05:06 PM
I support any system- public, private or a combination- that gets everybody covered. It really is not comforting to go around hoping you don't get sick or injured. Or having to stay in a job you hate, because you need the health coverage for yourself and your family. This is the mf-ing USA! We can do a lot better.

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 05/15/09 05:19 PM
What about people who do not want to be covered?I save a great deal of money on my paycheck by not having health and dental coverage(even though I can get it anytime).There is already a good medical and dental program run through the government that is low cost that people can go to anytime.Let the people vote on it.I don't want to end up like Canada with a generic form of health care and having 1/3 of my paycheck going to pay for it.

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 05/15/09 05:23 PM
You know the liberals will be against this one for sure.The illegal aliens would actually have to start paying for their health care instead of piggy backing on the American tax payer dime.Imagine the outrage you will hear when illegal aliens accuse the government of being racist,unfair,and immoral when they have to pay to get healthcare.

no photo
Fri 05/15/09 05:26 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/15/09 05:27 PM

You know the liberals will be against this one for sure.The illegal aliens would actually have to start paying for their health care instead of piggy backing on the American tax payer dime.Imagine the outrage you will hear when illegal aliens accuse the government of being racist,unfair,and immoral when they have to pay to get healthcare.
You are part of the problem!!!! Have access to healthcare but wont spend the dime to be covered....Shows great responsibility!!!

To me makes you no better than the illegals!!!!!!

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 05/15/09 05:38 PM

You know the liberals will be against this one for sure.The illegal aliens would actually have to start paying for their health care instead of piggy backing on the American tax payer dime.Imagine the outrage you will hear when illegal aliens accuse the government of being racist,unfair,and immoral when they have to pay to get healthcare.
You are part of the problem!!!! Have access to healthcare but wont spend the dime to be covered....Shows great responsibility!!!

To me makes you no better than the illegals!!!!!!

You can't be serious???For starters I pay my taxes and plenty of them.I pay every last dime for the government run health care.The illegals don't.Second the private health care insurers are private not government run companies.Me not paying them does not cause them any problems since I was never a customer to begin with.

no photo
Fri 05/15/09 05:41 PM

You know the liberals will be against this one for sure.The illegal aliens would actually have to start paying for their health care instead of piggy backing on the American tax payer dime.Imagine the outrage you will hear when illegal aliens accuse the government of being racist,unfair,and immoral when they have to pay to get healthcare.
You are part of the problem!!!! Have access to healthcare but wont spend the dime to be covered....Shows great responsibility!!!

To me makes you no better than the illegals!!!!!!

You can't be serious???For starters I pay my taxes and plenty of them.I pay every last dime for the government run health care.The illegals don't.Second the private health care insurers are private not government run companies.Me not paying them does not cause them any problems since I was never a customer to begin with.
YEA YEA YEA!!!! You will never get sick!!!! You have the option of have health ins but its alittle exspensive is it????

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