Topic: Napolean in Iraq | |
Thats an internal decision that should be left up to the Iraqi
government. They have had time to take up these matters their self we should leave. The Nan king thing was to demonstrate the fact that Japan was far, far worse than Saddam, and they were, in todays language religious fanatics. Yet, that is the most successful post war reconstruction, and occupation,,, ever, and MacArthur did it by respecting the Japenese, not by inslaving the people to our wishes... |
The Iraqi gov't made the decision to go on vacation for two months in
the middle of this stuff. Are you kidding? Let them choose? They have no interest in peace within their country, they simply want to destroy the Sunni population and starve them to death. The Japanese are an industrious people. The Middle Easterners largely have a regressive culture. There might be some differences there to think about. Have you no concern about the future of the region? No concern whatsoever about who governs the region? Would you like to simply invite a consortium of Iran and syria to just step in and take over? Here, you take control of a quarter of the worlds oil and use the revenues to buy weapons and arm yourself to the teeth and swear hatred to the United States. Your isolationist approach to life in the world would make an ostrich proud. Never mind that, we all have opinions. |
So let them lose.. would you care if American boys came to your country
and put their lifes on the line for you. If we set a date and they cant meet the deadline? oh well... Maybe they would get off their ass if they knew we werent going to be their forever. Yes I knew the were planning a two month vacation, and I also notice none of the leaders are leading their troops from the field. Where is their George Washington? Could he be one of the Insurgents? (rebels) Why do we keep carrying them on our boys lives, and not let them decide who will lead them? If we let them choose their own leadership, didnt piss everyone off, and then respected and helped them from that point on. Then we wouldnt have to worry about them coming over here ****ing with us. Maybe then people would respect us instead of the growing hatred around the world towards us now. Of course we could continue as we are now and watch kids that are 8 years old today go to Iraq, or Iran in 10 yrs and die too. |
Of course, they are all volunteers....
Aint it strange how the volunteers are a majority poorer class of American, without much other choice to improve their future than to join the service. Or that they are sent their by a man who used all his money and influence to avoid Vietnam. Oh Im sorry that was his daddies money and influence..... Dont that bother you?? |
A Soldier's Father Speaks Out
A gentleman from Virginia, proud parent of a decorated Army officer serving in Iraq, writes to us, "I am so fed up with the anti-American propaganda coming from some Americans that I wrote the open letter below. I will appreciate it very much if you include it": [text of letter follows] An open letter to some political partisans, especially certain politicians and people in the media: I have a son who is an American soldier in Iraq. I care very much about what affects him and his comrades in arms. I am not fooled, when you partisans spew propaganda that helps our enemies and harms our soldiers, then tell us you support our troops. I am not fooled, when you focus on, highlight, and exaggerate the negative things that happen in Iraq, while ignoring our positive accomplishments, then tell us you support our troops. I am not fooled, when you focus attention on American soldiers killed and wounded in Iraq, to use these brave patriots as an anti-Iraq-war political football, then tell us you support our troops. I am not fooled, when you keep criticizing why and how we invaded Iraq - that is done; our troops are there - then tell us you support our troops. I am not fooled, when you engage in constant, carping criticism of what the U.S. has done and is doing in Iraq, then tell us you support our troops. I am not fooled, when you search for and trumpet to the world anything that will diminish respect for our soldiers and their leaders - even when it endangers greatly their lives, then tell us you support our troops. I am not fooled, when you tell our soldiers and the rest of us that they are stuck in a "quagmire" and will suffer a Vietnam-type defeat, then tell us you support our troops. I am not fooled, when you spout propaganda that undermines the morale of our soldiers and the American public and boosts the morale of our enemies, then tell us you support our troops. You are giving aid and comfort to our nation's deadly enemies! They know they cannot defeat us militarily in Iraq. However, you cause them to think they can win here politically by breaking our will, if they kill and wound enough of our soldiers. You despicable partisans! You are stimulating our enemies to attack our soldiers and the people working with them. The blood of many Americans and Iraqis is already on your hands. And your hands collect more blood every day! You are determined to regain the political power you have lost, and you believe your presidential candidate and congressional candidates will win, if the U.S. fails in Iraq. If your anti-American propaganda contributes to the deaths of many Americans and Iraqis, that is a price you are willing to make them pay. You are pathetic and dangerous! I am not fooled, when you contemptible politicians and other political partisans, including many in the media, tell us you support our troops. I know that is a lie! I am not fooled, when you claim spreading your pernicious, divisive, anti-American venom makes you patriotic. I know it does not - and I know you are not! |
Fanta, let's see if I have this right. You have said that you don't
think the idea of regulating the Iraqi people is a good idea whatsoever and conscription of their renegades would be enslavement. Generally you think you should let them fall on their faces and never be concerned that neighboring countries might invade them and take over their country, their people, their resources or anything else. It does not concern you that they might end up being terrorist growth farms exporting their version of anarchy around the world, while monopolizing the regions natural resources. Furthermore you don't consider them to be worth any more effort whatsoever and think we should leave immediately at whatever the cost. You think that the war only demonstrates our imperialist nature and we should basically be ashamed of our politicians for getting us there. Clearly I did not bring up this topic for the likes of you. We are not communicating at all. I was hoping for some discussion of the pros and cons of tighter regulation of the Iraqis, but you just really don't give a damn. Oh well. Personally I think maybe the tutu in your picture is just a little too tight. Whatever. I would rather simply stay out of the current events forum than argue some of these points you make. Reminds me of a song about someone falling out of the silly boat into the lake of ridiculousness. |
Trizar, I liked the letter, thanks.
yes Tristar Ive read that letter and for everyone like it, Ive read 10
with the parents saying pull out..And many many from soldiers saying pull out... Thats a link to a news paper article in 2002 before the invasion of Iraq, and this is a sample of what was repoted Despite President Bush's repeated bellicose statements about Iraq, many senior U.S. military officers contend that President Saddam Hussein poses no immediate threat and that the United States should continue its policy of containment rather than invade Iraq to force a change of leadership in Baghdad. The conclusion, which is based in part on intelligence assessments of the state of Hussein's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and his missile delivery capabilities, is increasing tensions in the administration over Iraqi policy. The man doesnt even listen to military experts who are there to advise him...You should read the whole article And yes Philosopher Im saying let them fight each other..... |
You are not saying let them fight each other, you are saying let Iran
and Syria and whoever have them. |
Here is what they say: Will you believe thats the question?
The United States -- which only three years ago won at least grudging praise for its invasion and credit for positive developments -- today comes in for withering blame. Three years ago 51 percent of Iraqis opposed the presence of American forces on their soil; today 78 percent are opposed. Perhaps most disturbing from an American perspective, 51 percent of Iraqis now tell us it would be "acceptable" to attack U.S. or coalition forces in Iraq; in early 2004 the figure was 17 percent. Full Story and the methods used for this poll are at: |
Its sad
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If they dont want us there, if the majority of Americans are saying
bring Our troops home, and the military experts warned of exactly what is happening there, then why the hell are we there? I will go farther, I dont give a **** what they do to each other. They arent even getting oil out of Iraq so thats no reason to stay.... |
Notice the list Colin Powell, Swartzcoff, etc that recommended
containment was enough and not to invade in the first place. Then close your eyes and believe this proof doesnt exist. I cant,and I wont!! |
I cant resist but to return to an earlier statement I made, which is,
"George Bush is an Idiot" Where is my flag?? Ahh there it is Old Glory......... ![]() ![]() |
maybe fanta you can help me out here.... Why is it that Fox news is the
#1 news show? people refer to them as the conservative channel..This is the same news show that shows the washington post to be a biased liberal news paper. And since Fox news is #1 far ahead of CNN, who and where are all the people who watch them faithfully? Are they the silent majority, that really dont do any polls? maybe you can say something about that...Cause Id like to hear what you think... By the way, I read somewhere here about your military experience.. Why do I read the vets are against this war, when in fact, i go to the VA hospital a lot, and I dont hear that... I hear the opposite from the Vets i meet... See, I just cant understand who started this anti war thing... not personally anyway... but a presidental election is coming up...and you know politics.......... |
<---------------Look at that picture
Somewhere on here I posted a site created at operated by Iraqi vets, Ill find it later for you, Totally dedicated to the end of the Iraq War. Dont you remember comments made by soldiers of the 3rd ID, about their opinion of the Occupation, and how they were warned and silence from furthur comments. FOX, I think, no I wont go there. Do you think ABC is biased. I can give you more sites about the opposition from Military experts to the Invasion if you didnt like that one, or recommend books some have written. Finally why do you think Colin Powell resigned at the time he did... |
Really, I think you have already formed your opinion and doubt (Maybe Im
wrong) that the facts have little chance of persuading you from your opinion. I hope Im wrong though!!! |
fanta, just for you I will ask my great nephew how he feels about this
war and how the mojority of the troops feel... He's on Myspace and as soon as I hear, i will post it for you, ohhh and I would like to know myself.. |
Will he tell you the truth?
And then there are what 130,000 or 160,000 troops there? It keeps growing when just a short time ago they were reporting troop reductions, and suddenly reversed that decision and started introducing more. And what is his MOS? Yes the MOS does matter, both in experiences with Iraqi civilians and the hardships suffered by the soldiers them selves. A soldier who spends all his time in the greenZone as the politicians do has a limited vision of the entire picture as say an Infantry soldier who patrols through the streets and searches dwellings (homes) everyday. |
He will tell the truth.. Im not exactly sure what his MOS is.... and yes
that could be a big difference.... but i am going to keep my mind open as I never asked anyone in the service about this war... I have seen them at VA hospital, but thats not the time to talk about this to them..i will post.. and you may be right... I dunno now for sure. |