Topic: {{{ <<< Spaceman >>> }}}
scoundrel's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:11 PM
Here, I lift a drink in toast to your progress,

Before your departure, understand this, as words from one who was a time ahead of you.

You were my peer, as an American citizen.

You became a kindred spirit with military service.

You seek to become blood kin, with embarkation into battlefields.

Once there, as you first set foot upon foreign soil in hostile frontiers, know that as you step down your destiny steps up and forward.
You shall become a veteran of foreign service in hostile conditions.

I hope that you come home healthy, and well in spirit and body and mind. In any case, you will come home to stand in this line, as I have stood, as each generation of blooded military people have stood for two centuries.
When that time comes, and you see another young person going forth to defend the homeland and our freedoms and rights, then these words will be yours to share.

Congratulations, in advance, and thank you.

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:11 PM

Thank you everyone for your support....I don't have a definate date yet, but I will keep you posted as to when it will be.

Your kind words mean a lot to me, more than you could possibly ever know....

Thank you everyone...

smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin drinker smokin

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:17 PM

Here, I lift a drink in toast to your progress,

Before your departure, understand this, as words from one who was a time ahead of you.

You were my peer, as an American citizen.

You became a kindred spirit with military service.

You seek to become blood kin, with embarkation into battlefields.

Once there, as you first set foot upon foreign soil in hostile frontiers, know that as you step down your destiny steps up and forward.
You shall become a veteran of foreign service in hostile conditions.

I hope that you come home healthy, and well in spirit and body and mind. In any case, you will come home to stand in this line, as I have stood, as each generation of blooded military people have stood for two centuries.
When that time comes, and you see another young person going forth to defend the homeland and our freedoms and rights, then these words will be yours to share.

Congratulations, in advance, and thank you.

blushing that is soooo sooooo beautiful blushing

drinker thank you so much Scoundrel drinker

no photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:24 PM
Thank you for serving. May God bless you and keep you safe. flowerforyou

txmomof2's photo
Tue 01/20/09 09:31 PM
Cheers To The Man of Honor

From a Fellow Texandrinks

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 01/20/09 11:14 PM

Here, I lift a drink in toast to your progress,

Before your departure, understand this, as words from one who was a time ahead of you.

You were my peer, as an American citizen.

You became a kindred spirit with military service.

You seek to become blood kin, with embarkation into battlefields.

Once there, as you first set foot upon foreign soil in hostile frontiers, know that as you step down your destiny steps up and forward.
You shall become a veteran of foreign service in hostile conditions.

I hope that you come home healthy, and well in spirit and body and mind. In any case, you will come home to stand in this line, as I have stood, as each generation of blooded military people have stood for two centuries.
When that time comes, and you see another young person going forth to defend the homeland and our freedoms and rights, then these words will be yours to share.

Congratulations, in advance, and thank you.

Wow! Thanks! I will DEFINATELY do that!!! Thanks again for your kind words!

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 01/21/09 07:51 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Wed 01/21/09 07:56 AM
drinker drinker drinker Many Accolades smokin for Spaceman Buck drinker drinker drinker

:heart: :heart: :heart: God Bless you so well :angel: we love you very much :heart: :heart: :heart:

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 01/21/09 06:30 PM

flowerforyou "Give thanks to those who defend democracy - flowerforyou

drinker for they bear the gift of liberty drinker

:heart: and pay the price of freedom". :heart:

Spaceman2008's photo
Wed 01/21/09 09:08 PM

drinker drinker drinker Many Accolades smokin for Spaceman Buck drinker drinker drinker

:heart: :heart: :heart: God Bless you so well :angel: we love you very much :heart: :heart: :heart:

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

blushing blushing blushing blushing blushing blushing blushing

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/22/09 07:21 AM
smokin drinker smokin Love and thanks to our Troops smokin drinker smokin

drinker and extra special love:heart: to Spaceman 2008 drinker

smokin for his noble bravery & dedicated service smokin

drinker and for courageously drinker

smokin " Answering The Call "smokin

Look around and you will see
so many reasons why
America remains strong and free,
as it has never been about "I",
but being united as "WE"
the People of the USA...
going forward every single day
doing what must be done
as a collective one
to keep Old Glory flying high drinker
no matter the what, when, where, or why.

It is answering the call,smokin
giving our national all,drinker
doing the very best,smokin
overcoming every test...drinker
and never settling for anything less noway
than America's continued success.drinker

And it has been so
in triumphing over every foe,drinker
providing aid to others in another land,:heart:
and giving a helping hand flowerforyou
to our very own :heart:
whose lives have been thrown
in sad disarray :cry:
from mother nature's deadly play sad
or by a terrible manmade way. :cry:

Nor should there be any doubt noway
what Americans are all about, drinker
as we are not ones that just shout...
but come forward and stand tall,smokin
when answering the call! drinker

By David G. Bancroft

DHinkle's photo
Thu 01/22/09 07:26 AM
i respect any man/woman willing to risk his/her life for what he/she believes in, his country, and ultimately for me, so yes thank you for your service, and good luck in your travels and duties!!!

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/22/09 08:16 AM

i respect any man/woman willing to risk his/her life for what he/she believes in, his country, and ultimately for me, so yes thank you for your service, and good luck in your travels and duties!!!

flowerforyou Amen..drinker .thank you so much darling for coming by flowerforyou

drinker and for showing your love and respect and support drinker

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/22/09 08:17 AM
drinker American Patriotism drinker

It isn't enough to be
An American who is free,
To choose the kind of life we want to live,
There are many things to do
For our Red, White and Blue,
There are many things each citizen can give.drinker

There's work which must be done
For daughter and for son,
For parents, and for friends and neighbors, too,
Defending freedom's cause,
Protecting righteous laws,
And keeping independence bright and true.smokin

No cause is there more just,
In God put all our trust,
Let every free American start today,
To work with all our might,
Defending truth and right,
And asking God to open up the way:angel:

To keep our country free
For folks like you and me,
To live and work and worship as they please,
In a land that's free from fear,
In a land where patriots cheer,
When they see "Old Glory" truly paint the breeze.blushing

May God protect this land
With His almighty hand,
And may He strengthen us against the foe,
That we may right the wrongs,
And sing our nation's songs,
And let American patriotism show.drinker

By James H. Lee Jr.

no photo
Thu 01/22/09 06:46 PM
May you walk in God's Love & protection:heart: as you Honor our Countrydrinker
and may you soon return safely home!flowers
Guardian angels will be your guide!:angel::heart: :angel: :heart: :angel:

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/22/09 10:21 PM

May you walk in God's Love & protection:heart: as you Honor our Countrydrinker
and may you soon return safely home!flowers
Guardian angels will be your guide!:angel::heart: :angel: :heart: :angel:

flowerforyou Amen Sister drinker Thank you so much drinker ..that's a beautiful prayer flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/22/09 10:22 PM
A Soldier's Mission

I drop to one knee, the mission is long...
All around there is darkness just before dawn.
I take a deep breath my mission at hand...
For God and country please let me stand.

I will always push forward a mission to do...
A soldier is dedicated, professional, and true.

These people we help will one day see...
The battle we fight is for them to be FREE.

By Mike Erickson

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/22/09 10:31 PM
American Pride :heart: drinker smokin drinker :heart:

Whether you're deployed to the Middle East,drinker
Africa, Tumbuktu or sun drenched Greece...smokin
Our thoughts of you remain the same,:heart:
you're loved and admired past any physical plane. drinker

You're doing a job, only you can do smokin
we're doing ours also, to help see you through.flowerforyou
We're here for you until the end,drinker
for it's nothing more than a new begin. :smile:

Life cycles renewing, one by one
you unravel the webs that have been done.drinker
You right terrible wrongs, insure peace flowerforyou
your unwavering strength doth never cease.smokin

We're proud of our troops, of all that you do...drinker
our torch is kept lit by each one of you. smokin
We remain free, happy, calm and brave flowerforyou
because of all of you who take us cradle to grave. :heart:

You watch over us and guard us while we sleep yawn
is there any wonder why our admiration runs so deep? drinker
At the end of our day, when the work is done flowerforyou
we pray to God for each and every one. :angel:

txmomof2's photo
Fri 01/23/09 09:49 AM

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 01/23/09 10:23 AM


flowers hi there drinker TxMom of two flowers

flowerforyou thank you :heart: for being here :heart: Sister flowerforyou

drinker & for helping to Honor drinker Our Dear Friend & Mighty Protector drinker

elwoodsully's photo
Fri 01/23/09 10:31 AM
Edited by elwoodsully on Fri 01/23/09 10:35 AM
Bro, you take care overthere. Don't make me have to kick yer butt. Cuz, I will.

I wrote this poem a year and change ago, and it seems to fit in again now..

Soldier writing in his diary:

Before I lay down for the night, I hope that everyone's safe at home.
I have talked to God more in the past few months than I have in my lifetime. I ask
for him to keep an eye on Mom and Dad, and my sisters Janice and Dianne too. I ask Him for
guidance so that I may do my job the way that I was trained to do: swiftly and accurately,
and to try to make a difference in these trying times. I pray to Him each night to keep
an eye on my Brothers and Sisters here too, both those that I see everyday, those that I
see from time to time, and those that I may never meet at all. I ask for Him to give
guidance to my leaders, so that they make good decisions for us to follow, and for us to
follow them correctly. I pray that the devil, disguised in a cloak, will leave this foreign
land, and let these people enjoy what we have at home- FREEDOM. But mostly, I pray for Him
to keep an eye of my Brothers here- Johnson,Saunders,Siok,Serrano,Masood,Lee,Chin,
Cullen,Johannson,and SGT. Ruiz. They are my Family here,and they are the people that can
save me when my time comes.
Momma-I know that that I'm your only son, but if I should die here, know that I have BROTHERS.

Mother writing in her diary:
Dear Lord, I pray for you to watch over our son Calvin,and to give us strength if something
were to happen to him. You know that we have been there where he is now, but that was
35 years ago,and thousands of miles away. It was a similar situation, and we were just kids
then, just as Cal is now.He's a bit older than we were,James and I being 22 then, but in
combat age doesn't matter to hostility.We hope that if he's hurt, You in Your wisdom,
will give the nurses and doctors the skills to help him,and to heal him. If in Your wisdom,
it's time to call Cal Home, we pray that he goes quickly and without suffering.
We hope that his passing will serve as a reminder to his buddies to watch each-others
backs more closely. He's talked to us in letters, and over the phone about how his squad does
everything together, and that they are known as Ruiz' Rambling Raiders. I pray that you give
Sgt.Ruiz the heart to do what's right, and that his leaders, including Cal, trained him well.

Former Sgt J. Sullivan
4th Squadron 8th US Armored Cavalry, 3rd Armored Division