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Topic: Tired of Windows?
AndyBgood's photo
Sun 05/10/09 10:42 AM
Edited by AndyBgood on Sun 05/10/09 10:43 AM
I am beginning to seriously evaluate Ubuntu as a replacement for Windows. I am so sick and tired of having to fix this PHUQUEN Bug riddled OS! I refuse to make the transition to VISTA for a litany of reasons but the more I dabble with Ubuntu (a flavor of Linux) I am beginning to like it more and more. I think they will have something with one or two more revisions that the average jackoff can use without it crashing every other start. I began with Breezy Badger (5.1) but now I loaded Jaunty Jackalope (9.5) and WINE so I can use my Windows Apps on it an soon I am going to be trying it out on one of my other machines.

It still takes a bit of computer savvy to deal with it but since Breezy Badger it has come a LONG way. The list of features you get for free makes WINDOWS XP look anemic!

The Penguin does Frag Windows!

Like James Lucas was the inventor of Darkness for automotive electrical Bill Gates was the inventor of Useless Computers! Best part is for such a feature rich package is the cost,

Windows XP pro is still over 100 smackers...


FREE! 100% blind stinking free! With WINE loaded into it you get to use windows apps as well.:heart: FRIKKEN SWEET!


I am evaluating the two for speed of boot up (Ubuntu is winning), crashes (Ubuntu has yet to crash on me. I had three BSODs on my main XP machine in the past week thanks to ATI drivers screwing up on me) Malware affecting it, (XP is like a unwashed dog coated in fleas where Ubuntu so far has come out unscathed), and raw features and cost dollar for dollar (Ubuntu is FREE as are most of the Apps, XP and any other flavor of windows is a reach for your wallet!)

Bill Gates invented the BSOD,

Linux gave us back our computers!

Call out oh users of the computer and tell us if you frag or not!

polaritybear's photo
Sun 05/10/09 10:50 AM
Tee Hee.

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/10/09 10:57 AM
I love Linux. How can you argue with free? If you do any gaming on Linux, I recommend Playonlinux. It is a program(FREE) that takes advantage of wine and handles all the ugly configuration settings to get the best results for whatever game you want install and play using wine. To learn more about it check out their website:

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/10/09 10:58 AM

Tee Hee.

rofl :thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 05/11/09 01:50 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 05/11/09 01:51 AM
I haven't developed for MS anything since 2000. As it happens, only one computer here runs windows for accounting purposes. That's because I use it commercially in my products, exclusively, and because Intuit is too stupid to make a linux version..

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:13 AM
Some configurations in Linux are tricky but it is all part of the learning process. If linux finally makes their apps more bonehead to install and I can get my dual monitors working again it would be the ultimate Shiznit! I still love a one minute boot up to use able!

So who has played with BSD?

ThomasJB's photo
Mon 05/11/09 11:22 AM

Some configurations in Linux are tricky but it is all part of the learning process. If linux finally makes their apps more bonehead to install and I can get my dual monitors working again it would be the ultimate Shiznit! I still love a one minute boot up to use able!

So who has played with BSD?

I played around with PCBSD a few months ago. I liked it. They claim that it will not only run most Unix apps, but also most Linux apps. I had a few issues with getting their ports system working and the pbi repository didn't have the all programs I wanted, so got I bored and reinstalled Linux. I might try it again sometime though.

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:41 PM
Lenny finally loaded! Yippee. As soon as I got rid of the virus Windows XP Home Edition the operation was a success.:smile:

dlawson12's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:48 PM
Linux desktop has come a long long way but its still not there, every once in a while I give it a try and it still falls short of ease of use. THere is always one or two things that are a pain in the *** to set up, and that coming from someone in server support for 12 years, can you imagine what trouble an every day user would run into?

As far as virus's and malware... I dont get them.... Funny how it helps when you run windows update and update your protection programs.

I like linux alot, but windows is a good solid OS (yes I said that), it gets the most malware and virus attacks because it is dominant and everywhere.

I have a linux server, always have had one for years in my home, it just doesnt work for me as a desktop yet.

I love linux.. but I cant bash windows.. it has its place.

ThomasJB's photo
Mon 05/11/09 02:36 PM

Linux desktop has come a long long way but its still not there, every once in a while I give it a try and it still falls short of ease of use. THere is always one or two things that are a pain in the *** to set up, and that coming from someone in server support for 12 years, can you imagine what trouble an every day user would run into?

As far as virus's and malware... I dont get them.... Funny how it helps when you run windows update and update your protection programs.

I like linux alot, but windows is a good solid OS (yes I said that), it gets the most malware and virus attacks because it is dominant and everywhere.

I have a linux server, always have had one for years in my home, it just doesnt work for me as a desktop yet.

I love linux.. but I cant bash windows.. it has its place.

I have my father, who was over 50 before he ever owned a pc, set up on Fedora and he hasn't had any problems with it. What distros have you used? I'm tinkerer and power user so I get into all kinds of crap. I have not had to do anything overly technical for just average everyday user stuff for some time. Not to say there isn't room for improvement, but you could say that about any OS.

dlawson12's photo
Mon 05/11/09 03:08 PM

Linux desktop has come a long long way but its still not there, every once in a while I give it a try and it still falls short of ease of use. THere is always one or two things that are a pain in the *** to set up, and that coming from someone in server support for 12 years, can you imagine what trouble an every day user would run into?

As far as virus's and malware... I dont get them.... Funny how it helps when you run windows update and update your protection programs.

I like linux alot, but windows is a good solid OS (yes I said that), it gets the most malware and virus attacks because it is dominant and everywhere.

I have a linux server, always have had one for years in my home, it just doesnt work for me as a desktop yet.

I love linux.. but I cant bash windows.. it has its place.

I have my father, who was over 50 before he ever owned a pc, set up on Fedora and he hasn't had any problems with it. What distros have you used? I'm tinkerer and power user so I get into all kinds of crap. I have not had to do anything overly technical for just average everyday user stuff for some time. Not to say there isn't room for improvement, but you could say that about any OS.

Actually Fedora is my favorite, its my "server" although I dont have gnome or xwindows on that one.

If all I did was check email and hop on the web Fedora would be more than enough... but between multimedia, watching tv on it, WAP being a pain on linux, transferring files via bluetoothe. Ive also never been able to get a bluetoothe headset working with skype very well. I have tried ubuntu as well, liked Fedora better. Linux is solid and dependable, its the third party apps that just dont measure up to their counterparts on windows, and that is the company's fault, not linux... I know openoffice rocks, I'm talking about the more esoteric stuff. Maybe I need to put more time into it, but after trying to get stuff working for so long.. when I know it just works in windows, its annoying.

Conversely though the things I do on my server I wouldn't want to do on windows. Linux does server tasks just as well if not better and for free.

I just feel both OS's have a place. I am not adverse to making the switch when I think its ready, Ill be happy to stop paying for an OS. That is why I try every so often when Fedora puts out a new release.

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:23 PM
Windows XP keeps me in work on other people's computers. Even my own hiccups once in a while and I update religiously. Windows is to computers as Lucas was to automotive electrical. James Lucas was known as the Duke of Darkness and in other circles called the "inventor of Automotive darkness." Windows just absolutely gets in my craw at times. I think by two more evolutions of Linux it will easily rival Windows in all ways.Basically all attacks on a computer are internet oriented so why has Explorer not gotten their act together. 7 & 8 were nightmares compared to 6. The parental controls are a JOKE. I set up FF3 on a friend's computer, installed the parental filters, and his kids surf the net in relative safety and if they need to establish a acceptation to the settings (like Big 5 Sporting Goods) being denied because of the word "water sports" they don't need me to set it up! I think in a couple of years either windows gets their act together or Linux will eat them!

The Penguins are coming!
So are the Puffer Fish!

no photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:28 PM
As far as I'm concerned, if Linux supported the apps I use (and WITHOUT emulation via WINE), I'd ditch Windows and be flying the penguin banner faster than you can say "Linus Torvalds". Linux is simply a much more robust, much less problematic operating system than Windows is. But since Windows is the pre-eminent 800-pound gorilla of the computing world, it's pretty much the de-fact choice, like it or not.

ThomasJB's photo
Tue 05/12/09 12:19 AM

As far as I'm concerned, if Linux supported the apps I use (and WITHOUT emulation via WINE), I'd ditch Windows and be flying the penguin banner faster than you can say "Linus Torvalds". Linux is simply a much more robust, much less problematic operating system than Windows is. But since Windows is the pre-eminent 800-pound gorilla of the computing world, it's pretty much the de-fact choice, like it or not.

What programs do you use that wont work in Linux? Just curious.

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 05/12/09 05:26 AM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Tue 05/12/09 05:28 AM
don't forget there are many Linux distros out there. While I also have Ubuntu, try OpenSuse also, that's my 2nd favorite OS.

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/12/09 05:53 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Tue 05/12/09 05:55 AM
I agree, open SuSE is about refined as I want to see in a distro... don't be afraid, go for it :)...

p.s. who needs windows apps anyway rofl (well, exept games hehe)

no photo
Tue 05/12/09 09:47 AM
Windows (all versions) has lots of faults and bugs I agree but we all have to remember that the day that the roles are reverse and another OS as 80% and more of the market we will see how secure and safe are those OS's. Why create viruses and worms, Trojan horses etc. for and OS that nobody almost is using.

Popularity and numbers of users as it's downfalls.

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Tue 05/12/09 12:15 PM
imho, it's not the numbers of users (Unix predates windows)... it's merely a matter of profitability....

think open source = no money in virus making = bigsmile = no virus problems... glasses

oops go figure...

ThomasJB's photo
Tue 05/12/09 03:14 PM

Windows (all versions) has lots of faults and bugs I agree but we all have to remember that the day that the roles are reverse and another OS as 80% and more of the market we will see how secure and safe are those OS's. Why create viruses and worms, Trojan horses etc. for and OS that nobody almost is using.

Popularity and numbers of users as it's downfalls.

There is no necessity for a dominant OS. As m$ looses it's majority share of desktop PC market, there will be no need for another OS to take over it's position. It will be just a matter many OS's sharing the market, some windows, some linux/unix, some OSX, some potential new comer. The software industry will adapt or will come together with OS makers and establish some kind of industry standard.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 05/17/09 07:26 PM
I like the iso standard. I was liking Ubuntu till I came across Ubuntu 9.04. I wish I had a dog that could track like that. It seems all that tracker wants to do is keep indexing. I thought open Suse would be nice but it would stall on the 11.1 version. Debian 5 is just so stable I want to keep it for my small computer but on my main one I am really impressed with this Fedora 10. I just upgraded it am really like the changes to my computing experience.:smile:

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