Topic: What I suppose to be Lyrics. the right to be born!!!!!!!!!!!
sexymichy220's photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:37 PM
I wanted to share we you all friends this song I found that other day in
the internet.......the other day I was at my sister house and she show
me the dvd movie, and the reason why her husband daughter decide it to
have her baby.......after I finish watching the short documentary I
can't say I blame her,I was in tears....I will never forget what I saw I
wish you will see it all, so you can see with your own eyes, how our
babies are really kill in a abortion, maybe then we will stop and think
and used proctection before having sex....this babies didn't ask to be
here and to be kill piece by piece.....all the pain........if only the
doctors killing them could hear their silence cry.if only their mothers
can see how they try to survive, run away for being cut in pieces and
no where to run
maybe just maybe they will stop.

I think life is not fair at all, I along with so many womans we are not
bless with a child and how they are wanted, wish for, and they are other
womans that just don't care. they get rid of their flesh and blood like
a piece of trash, just because they were not wanted or our a burden.

This is dedicate it to my niece Paulina,the world would have miss such a
wonderful talented and sweet girl and for my nephew
kenneth my little and intelligent boy, my thanks to their mothers to
allow them the right to be born.

Jesus walked upon the earth,
on the shores of galilee,
he'd say to his disciples,
Let the little children come to me,
I wonder if up in heaven,
Do you suppose we''ll see
litle children asking
What was I supposed to be,

What was I supposed yo be,
What were my eyes supposed to see,
And why did I taste of death
before I even drew a breath,
Laid my head at my mother's breast
to sleep
Oh Jesus.
Was I to be a prophet
used im the ministry,
A dotor who wouls find a cure
for some terrible disease,
Even if I'd been born imperfect
why could't my parents see,
that I'd been born imperfect
that I'd been make perfect
when you came back for me
oh Jesus
OH Jesus What was I supposed to be,

I guess we will never know, that only thing was left of all this
babies, was little parts of their bodies, a arm here, a leg their,some
were find in the trash completed....and we could ourselves humans,
smarters than the animals......guess again...

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Sun 10/01/06 05:13 PM

I am totally against killing unborn children. There are to many want to
be mothers out there. I think the rules for adoption are to strict. A
poor parent can be a very good parent. Having money does not help you
raise a child. It does help you provide a better home and material
things but when those material things are taken by flood, fire, tornado
and the child is ok the parents are happy all is alive and unhurt. I
know a woman who can not have children and is disabled due to a bad car
accident. Her husband is not fully disabled but has disabilities but
does hold down a low paying job. They want children. They are loving and
caring enough to be foster parents. Yet our goverment says they can not
adopt a child because they do not make enough money, yet the goverment
pays them to keep foster children. To me this says you are a great
person who has love in your heart and the goverment can not find other
reasons for you not to have a child of your own except you make to
little money. What is the difference in the goverment paying them to
keep foster kids who get all the state aid and to let this couple become
a family?

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Sun 10/01/06 05:20 PM
i agree with you honeyrobber. i know that it is intended for the childs
welfare but it ends up biting them in the ass because they may be taken
out of a loving foster home and put into a situation of neglect or abuse
just because they have more money.