Topic: Turning the other cheek | |
luke 22:36 have you sold your cloak spider i reckon you would love to
weild a sword in defense of the biggest myth iv heard. |
No, but I do plan to buy a pump shotgun. The wonderful thing about a pump shotgun is that the pump action is very loud in a quiet house. You can defend your home without ever loading the weapon. If someone breaks in, you simply pump the weapon once and they will leave in a hurry. On a seperate note, wouldn't you protect your family? If someone broke in, would you allow them to hurt your wife and children or would you take up the sword to defend your family? Jesus's command to take up the sword was simply not a exhortation of violence, it was a command to protect the innocent. If you read the whole story, you will see that Jesus told his diciples that two swords would be suffcient. Two swords would not be enough for a violent rampage (which you seem to believe Jesus supported), but it would be enough to protect the tweleve diciples as they traveled together. Add to it the command to "Turn the other cheek", we know that Jesus taught violence should only be used in the protection of life and not because of insults or simple assault. |
So are we to understand that all of this Christian "forgiveness" is what
has led to so many people being killed/murdered because they refused to follow the "righteous"? So many find the Bible to be a "holy" book. I think it's pages are soaked in blood, the blood of the innocent who did nothing other than follow their own heart & beliefs for which they were put to death. But yet it states clearly "Thou shall not kill"!!! Not..."Thou shall not kill {unless it is for religious reasons}. Disclaimer **again, just my opinion, don't get your knickers in a twist** |
With knickers twisted in a knot
and blood-soaked pages in a clot his shotgun’s pumped and fully ****ed to blast the heathens full of shot sending them to hell to rot among the non-believing lot |
This forum doesn’t like the word ****ed. I wonder if it accepts ****adoodle-Doo |
Nope. It's predjudiced against male chickens I guess.
![]() ***ducks & runs for cover to avoid being blasted to "hell"*** |
I really don't know what you are talking about. That isn't what I have posted and is actually the exact opposite of what I typed. I must assume that you are not spiritually ready to receieve the truth, so you only hear the enemy's lies. If you want to know the truth I suggest you pray with an open heart for wisdom. Buy a Bible and start reading, with an open mind and a soft heart. |
Spider~~ I was just stating my opinion on what some people consider to
be "turning the other cheek". I happen to own several versions of the Bible & have read them all on numerous occasions. I also do not consider any version of it to be the "truth". Everyone has their own version of the truth. Mine does not have to be the same as yours. And my "religious" beliefs do not have to be the same as yours either. That does not make either of us "right" or "wrong", it makes us an individual who can think for themself. |
There are not many different truths, that is logically impossible. What you mean is that there are many different opinions. That is something that I can agree with, but having an opinion doesn't make one right. If ten people all saw the same accident, they can all *think* they are right, but they could all be wrong. There can, logically, only be one truth. That means you should look into your heart and ask yourself if you are confident in your beliefs. Your spirit has a very strong self preservation instinct, it will let you know when it sees the path to salvation. But you have to listen to your spirit and ignore your soul, otherwise you will be blind to the truth. |
Why would you ignore your soul.
It is verily a gift from god... A part of Genesis 2-7. '...and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.' Why would you tell someone to ignore a gift from God. |
Jeremiah 17:9 ------------------------------------------------------------- The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? ------------------------------------------------------------- Your soul lies. Besides, even a dog has a soul. Genesis 1:26 ------------------------------------------------------------- Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." ------------------------------------------------------------- But our soul is made in the image of God. |
Ignore my soul? Why & how could I possibly do that? I am very confident
in what I believe & live my life accordingly. I do not need to believe the way you or anyone else does. I can think for myself & make my own choices. I do not require "salvation" from anything. Self-preservation is the highest drive any animal has, including humans. I will not sacrifice my life nor would I take another's in the name of any "religion". Everyone has the right to think & believe the way they choose. And that it the bottom line. My grandmother, who was a very wise woman, once told me that if anyone/church claims to be the ONLY way, they are wrong. There are many paths/truths for good reason. Cultural differences for one. But basically all are trying to achieve the same basic goals. What needs to happen is acceptance of others & for people to stop the tunnel vision tactics of conversion. What is "right" for you does not have to be "right" for everyone else & it is not anyone's "job" to force others to believe what they do. I would never even hint that anyone think or believe the way I do & I repect all people, without being judgemental, condescending or feeling that they are wrong because they don't have the same philosophy I do. I know what my "truth" is & I do not need to read any book or "pray" to anything to know what I believe. |
But our soul is made in the image of God...
That should have read "But our spirit is made in the image of God. " |
Spider quoted:
------------------------------------------------------------- Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." ------------------------------------------------------------- And mankind has done such a fine job of "ruling" over everything.......NOT!! How many species are extinct because of mankind? How many more will become extinct due to mankind's need to dominate & abuse the planet? Maybe "Plan B" would have been a better choice? Humans are the only species that destroys what sustains life. And this makes us the most intelligent? Why? How? **wonders who heard "God" say that" |
My bad spider.
Genesis 1-27 was when god created mankind in his image. Genesis 2-7 was where he breathed into the nostrils of Adam to give him a soul 'and man became a living soul' So which are you? Seed of mankind created in the first creation and made in the image of god? Or seed of Adam created to tend the garden and given a soul? |
I realize that there are two descriptions of creation, so your question doesn't really make any sense to me. We are all living souls and we all have a spirit. A living soul = a living creature n@shamah chayyim is translated as "breath of life" by both Christian and Hebrew bibles, but chayyim is plural (you can tell because it ends in im). So it actually translates as "breath of lives" (more than one), speaking of physical and spiritual life. |
So in your mind, the fact that humans don't care about the planet, God must not exist? That's a interesting position... Moses wrote Genesis through divine inspiration. |
Spider said:
"GhostWhisperer, So in your mind, the fact that humans don't care about the planet, God must not exist? That's a interesting position..." I said nothing of the sort. Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion, but I think you made a wrong turn somewhere. **makes note to self~~do not post anymore of my opinions** ![]() |
GhostWisperer wrote:
And mankind has done such a fine job of "ruling" over everything.......NOT!! How many species are extinct because of mankind? How many more will become extinct due to mankind's need to dominate & abuse the planet? Maybe "Plan B" would have been a better choice? Humans are the only species that destroys what sustains life. And this makes us the most intelligent? Why? How? ============================================================= SpiderCMB replied: What did you mean when you wrote this? |