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Topic: Gay club
chevylover1965's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:15 PM

Have you ever been in one....

what was it like ?

good experience bad experience

One of my best friends is gay......I have fun there...they love me and i play pool there and there is porn on all the time...sad thing i kind of like it...lol...
surprised midget porn playing all the time ....surprised rofl

nonchalantwendy's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:21 PM

Have you ever been in one....

what was it like ?

good experience bad experience

One of my best friends is gay......I have fun there...they love me and i play pool there and there is porn on all the time...sad thing i kind of like it...lol...
surprised midget porn playing all the time ....surprised rofl

It is just gay porn...but i find it entertaining.....I guess they have SOMETHING...i LIKE.....LOL...

chevylover1965's photo
Sun 05/03/09 12:24 PM
i can handle woman on woman.....pitchfork :banana: pitchfork
but guy on guy .....surprised i think i will pass !ill

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 05/03/09 01:25 PM
I go all the time...I mean when I go out..it is to a gay club. They are the most fun and safe enviroment I have ever been in. As far as clubs go. I have never seen porn played, but have seen them play videos of men as well as women...mostly music videos and re mixes. The music is awesome.

There is a mix of lesbians and gay guys there. The women never ever have hit on me and I have never seen it done. They will of course look and smile. The gay men are about the same way.

The perfomers are a riot. I have such a good time going to those. They will of course if they spot a straight man there pick on him all in good humor. And thank you later for letting them.

The only problem I have ever had is when a doper approaches me and asks if I want to buy....My son finds out REAL quick and makes them leave really fast. My son tells them "THATS' MY MAMA!!" And don't you ever...I mean EVER ASK HER THAT BLANKETTY BLANK AGAIN. YOU BLANKETY BLANK BLANK!!!! Now get the blankety outta here. Ever do it again and you won't come back!! He loves me and gets very riled up.

So, anyway...I love those clubs. I have been envited to come out tonight. They are having shows tonight at one of the upscale clubs on the strip.


krupa's photo
Sun 05/03/09 02:52 PM
Been plenty of times. No problem. One of our clients owns one and gives us free drinks since we contribute to the annual auction they throw to raise money to help pay medical bills for members of the gay community. Sure, I have been hit on. All I gotta say is "No thanks, I am straight" and they let me alone.

The real reason I used to go was, all the straight women who went, went specifically not to get hit on and really liked the fact that a guy who is confident in himself and accepting of others. Met plenty of nice women at gay clubs...(and NO! they did not have long boney clitoris's)

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 05/03/09 02:54 PM
LB Clit

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 05/03/09 03:37 PM
Yeah, been in a few. Nothing to write home to mom about. Not my preference. Not my place.

Dragoness's photo
Sun 05/03/09 03:42 PM
I have been to a couple. They were gay bars, not a woman in sight. I had fun though.

no photo
Sun 05/03/09 04:01 PM
i've never even been to a straight club! No kidding...and at fortysomething orotherish...might not ever.

but, since it is the topic "gay clubs" I can't help but wonder if they would want straight people in there? Just curious.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 05/03/09 05:35 PM
Gay clubs are full of straight people and couples.

As for never seeing a woman in a gay bar.....pppfffhhhtttt.....always see them there. Plenty of them. And many are straight. They love it there because they can feel safe. There are many straight men there as well. They know where to find the gals that aren't out for just sex.

These places I have frequented are great. A very comfortable place to hang out and just have fun. Oh....and just in case you feel lucky....there are usually bowls full of condoms free for the taking.


GG2's photo
Sun 05/03/09 07:40 PM

of course you have been to one mayhem. you frequent them often im sure.

You really want to start this all over again?

rofl rofl mayhem I think somebody tryin ta holllllllla!! rofl

DragonFlyTat's photo
Mon 05/04/09 05:49 AM
I have never been to one myself. My step brother is however gay and he is the sweetest person ever. He isn't mean or ugly to anyone even when they are to him. His partner just passed away from cancer and he is devastated. My sister's best friend is also gay. I swear they are the real life Will and Grace. His boyfriend is jealous of her though because they spend so much time together. It just isn't like that they are best of friends.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/04/09 06:13 AM
Way back in the day, underage no less. In Colorado they had 3.2 beer bars and a female friend of mine took me to a place called 'The Hang-Up' We had a couple a beers and I noticed she was the only woman in the place. It didn't click until I went back by myself and the guys there were very friendly. Unlike other small local bars.
Never went back.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/04/09 03:28 PM

I have never been to one myself. My step brother is however gay and he is the sweetest person ever. He isn't mean or ugly to anyone even when they are to him. His partner just passed away from cancer and he is devastated. My sister's best friend is also gay. I swear they are the real life Will and Grace. His boyfriend is jealous of her though because they spend so much time together. It just isn't like that they are best of friends.

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