Topic: Dennys
prisoner's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:21 AM

So what did you end up eating anyway?
:smile: i got The Double Cheeseburger and fries,it was very good be seeing you

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:24 AM

I can't believe a waitress in any resturant would refuse to give somebody a salad and that a manager would be unable or unwilling to resolve the problem. There must be another side of the story that we are not getting. There also seems to be some racial overtones in this complaint.
:smile: The Manager said she would speak to the waitress. There are no "racial overtones",just the facts and IMO why i didn't get a salad and another 4 people did. be seeing you

Did the manger explain why they were out of salads? Did she offer you any form of redress at the time?

prisoner's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:27 AM

At least that deadbeat got herself a job. A lot of deadbeats think that being a waitress, working in a fast food shop, or even as a housekeeper in a hotel/motel is beneath them.

Sure she screwed up, you did what you felt you needed to do. But that is life people make mistakes
:smile: she didn't screw up. she lied to me and provided another table with better service. everyone makes mistakes but don't lie to me. i worked retail management for over 20 years and looked past a lot of mistakes but the minute you lie to me i fire you. and i WILL see her fired be seeing you

You didnt ask for an explanation and there could well be a reasonable one. I think you should stop being a wet lettuce and get over the salad, but if you wanna be a nasty scumbag and get her fired over it, thats your perogative.
:smile: oh and i will get her fired. as i have fired many deadbeats who cannot do the job. and just so nobody thinks i am playing the race card,i have fired people of all races, a deadbeat is a deadbeat regardless of skin color be seeing you

FreeToB's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:28 AM

:smile: i'm going to wait a couple days to hear from The Home Office,if i dont,i will call them back. i want this girl fired and i want some free food. i will never step into that specific Dennys again but i will go to other ones be seeing you

YOu're right. Nicely complaining will get you you more than *****ing. I bought my brother a phone and tried over and over to get it activated. Every single one I talked to said it was done. 4th call, I finally get someone smart. He fixed it right away. I asked to speak to his supervisor, told her the trouble that I had and how well this guy solved my issue. They thanked me and added 10 bucks to my brothers account.

I just find it difficult to not confront blatant rudeness without mentioning it.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:30 AM

At least that deadbeat got herself a job. A lot of deadbeats think that being a waitress, working in a fast food shop, or even as a housekeeper in a hotel/motel is beneath them.

Sure she screwed up, you did what you felt you needed to do. But that is life people make mistakes
:smile: she didn't screw up. she lied to me and provided another table with better service. everyone makes mistakes but don't lie to me. i worked retail management for over 20 years and looked past a lot of mistakes but the minute you lie to me i fire you. and i WILL see her fired be seeing you

You didnt ask for an explanation and there could well be a reasonable one. I think you should stop being a wet lettuce and get over the salad, but if you wanna be a nasty scumbag and get her fired over it, thats your perogative.
:smile: oh and i will get her fired. as i have fired many deadbeats who cannot do the job. and just so nobody thinks i am playing the race card,i have fired people of all races, a deadbeat is a deadbeat regardless of skin color be seeing you

Firing isn't something to brag about Prisoner, most people hate having to do it and in this economy we hate doing it even more..

You know what they say about POWER, it's a very delicate thing, handle it carefully... When you have it that is..

Thing is you have no power over Denny's, they won't fire her... You'll get a coupon or letter for a free meal and call it a day..

Besides, why be so set on ruining someone's life over a freakin' salad? That's not cool, good people don't do that...

longhairbiker's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:31 AM
I started a grease fire at dennys. I threw a match in the cooks hair. Ha ha ha ha!

prisoner's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:31 AM

I can't believe a waitress in any resturant would refuse to give somebody a salad and that a manager would be unable or unwilling to resolve the problem. There must be another side of the story that we are not getting. There also seems to be some racial overtones in this complaint.
:smile: The Manager said she would speak to the waitress. There are no "racial overtones",just the facts and IMO why i didn't get a salad and another 4 people did. be seeing you

Did the manger explain why they were out of salads? Did she offer you any form of redress at the time?
:smile: The Manager said she would talk with the waitress,thanked me for my complaint and walked away. i walked out of the joint cuz i was getting rather angry,hence why i called The Home Ofice this morning be seeing you

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:32 AM

:smile: i'm going to wait a couple days to hear from The Home Office,if i dont,i will call them back. i want this girl fired and i want some free food. i will never step into that specific Dennys again but i will go to other ones be seeing you

YOu're right. Nicely complaining will get you you more than *****ing. I bought my brother a phone and tried over and over to get it activated. Every single one I talked to said it was done. 4th call, I finally get someone smart. He fixed it right away. I asked to speak to his supervisor, told her the trouble that I had and how well this guy solved my issue. They thanked me and added 10 bucks to my brothers account.

I just find it difficult to not confront blatant rudeness without mentioning it.

But you didn't try to get the morons that couldn't help you fired...

FreeToB's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:32 AM

So what did you end up eating anyway?
:smile: i got The Double Cheeseburger and fries,it was very good be seeing you

I can't eat at Dennys. The veggies are like wax replicas.

Dan99's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:37 AM
I dont think a sacking would be harsh enough for this waitress. I think you should wait for her to finish her shift and then kick the living sh1t out of her. You should find out if she has ny kids as well and give them a good slap as well, chances are if she is lying about salad, she will not be bringing up her kids properly either.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:37 AM

I dont think a sacking would be harsh enough for this waitress. I think you should wait for her to finish her shift and then kick the living sh1t out of her. You should find out if she has ny kids as well and give them a good slap as well, chances are if she is lying about salad, she will not be bringing up her kids properly either.

rofl rofl rofl rofl

FreeToB's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:39 AM

I started a grease fire at dennys. I threw a match in the cooks hair. Ha ha ha ha!

YOu could have used one of the dreds for a fuse and had time to escape the inferno.

longhairbiker's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:40 AM
And I thought the prerequisite to being a massachusetts resident was to be an arrogant homosexual condescending asshole prick d!ckhead? How did that latina waitress get her residency? She must have snuck in when noone was looking! Ha ha ha ha!

no photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:40 AM
i will attack every DENNY'S waitress starting today

FreeToB's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:41 AM

I can't believe a waitress in any resturant would refuse to give somebody a salad and that a manager would be unable or unwilling to resolve the problem. There must be another side of the story that we are not getting. There also seems to be some racial overtones in this complaint.
:smile: The Manager said she would speak to the waitress. There are no "racial overtones",just the facts and IMO why i didn't get a salad and another 4 people did. be seeing you

Did the manger explain why they were out of salads? Did she offer you any form of redress at the time?
:smile: The Manager said she would talk with the waitress,thanked me for my complaint and walked away. i walked out of the joint cuz i was getting rather angry,hence why i called The Home Ofice this morning be seeing you

This is the thing. YOu walk away angry or upset when you could confront the situatin and walk away satisfied. Never did the cold revenge thing ever satisfy me. Usually after 2 minutes, I've forgotten crap like that and don't DO anything about it.

prisoner's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:41 AM
:smile: just so nobody thinks i am a cold-hearted b@stard,everyone i ever fired deserved to be fired. and i sleep very well at night where did The American Work Ethic go? be seeing you

FreeToB's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:42 AM

I dont think a sacking would be harsh enough for this waitress. I think you should wait for her to finish her shift and then kick the living sh1t out of her. You should find out if she has ny kids as well and give them a good slap as well, chances are if she is lying about salad, she will not be bringing up her kids properly either.

What an unassuming looking guy you be so evil. Thats usually the way of it though. Take care, Mr. Bundy.laugh

FreeToB's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:44 AM

:smile: just so nobody thinks i am a cold-hearted b@stard,everyone i ever fired deserved to be fired. and i sleep very well at night where did The American Work Ethic go? be seeing you

It died with NAFTA.

I fired a kid once..very nicely..and he cried. Seriously. I felt bad..right after I finished laughing. :cry:

Dan99's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:44 AM

:smile: just so nobody thinks i am a cold-hearted b@stard,everyone i ever fired deserved to be fired. and i sleep very well at night where did The American Work Ethic go? be seeing you

Cold hearted b@stards do sleep well at night.

I cant tell you about the American Work Ethic, but im wondering about your ethics when you want to get someone fired without even knowing the full story.

Personally i think you just wanted to get out of leaving a tip.

longhairbiker's photo
Sat 05/02/09 11:46 AM
I really feel for you prisoner. Not because you may have been a subjected victim of reverse discrimination. I feel for you because you're eating at a dennys in massachusetts. Makes my oatmeal taste better even though I'm starving and broke and on hard times. Thanks!