Topic: If we create our own reality.... | |
If we create our own personal reality by what we think and place our attention and focus on, as the "The Secret" and "The law of Attraction" says and as "Think and Grow Rich" says, and as the Bible says (Ask and it is given) and as many other books (Hundreds) are saying... ...if this is true... Then it follows that the combined thoughts of all thinking centers (beings) or a combined universal mind is what has created this reality. So therefore there can be no single entity (GOD) existing that has created everything. "Free will" allows for free thought. Free thought allows for creation of the thing thought about. If, on the small scale, a single being creates via thoughts, then a massive group of thinking beings are creating something also and this thing is the whole of this world or reality in which the thinking centers (beings) dwell. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Reality is not fixed, but rather a set of agreed upon assumptions enforced by the collective will of humanity AKA Sleepers. Mages are those people who recognize that reality is not static, and realize that through the application of their will, usually channeled through rituals or other similar "mystical" or "scientific" practices, reality can be changed. The specifics of their own belief, called a Paradigm, guides them into joining either one of the nine mystical Traditions (an ancient fellowship of mages of varying points of view), one of the five conventions of the Technocracy (an organization founded at the beginning of the age of reason to bring science and truth to humanity), or to strike out on their own as Orphans (unaffiliated mages), Marauders (mages whose paradigm has overwhelmed their sense of reality), or Nephandi (mages seeking to destroy or corrupt the world). The central theme of Mage is the search for Ascension, not only for the individual but for all of mankind. What Ascension is, and how it is achieved is purposely left undefined" |
"Reality is not fixed, but rather a set of agreed upon assumptions enforced by the collective will of humanity AKA Sleepers. Mages are those people who recognize that reality is not static, and realize that through the application of their will, usually channeled through rituals or other similar "mystical" or "scientific" practices, reality can be changed.
The specifics of their own belief, called a Paradigm, guides them into joining either one of the nine mystical Traditions (an ancient fellowship of mages of varying points of view), one of the five conventions of the Technocracy (an organization founded at the beginning of the age of reason to bring science and truth to humanity), or to strike out on their own as Orphans (unaffiliated mages), Marauders (mages whose paradigm has overwhelmed their sense of reality), or Nephandi (mages seeking to destroy or corrupt the world). The central theme of Mage is the search for Ascension, not only for the individual but for all of mankind. What Ascension is, and how it is achieved is purposely left undefined" Ahhhh.... truth on fiction... ![]() |
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Fri 04/24/09 07:05 PM
"Reality is not fixed, but rather a set of agreed upon assumptions enforced by the collective will of humanity AKA Sleepers. Mages are those people who recognize that reality is not static, and realize that through the application of their will, usually channeled through rituals or other similar "mystical" or "scientific" practices, reality can be changed.
The specifics of their own belief, called a Paradigm, guides them into joining either one of the nine mystical Traditions (an ancient fellowship of mages of varying points of view), one of the five conventions of the Technocracy (an organization founded at the beginning of the age of reason to bring science and truth to humanity), or to strike out on their own as Orphans (unaffiliated mages), Marauders (mages whose paradigm has overwhelmed their sense of reality), or Nephandi (mages seeking to destroy or corrupt the world). The central theme of Mage is the search for Ascension, not only for the individual but for all of mankind. What Ascension is, and how it is achieved is purposely left undefined" Ahhhh.... truth on fiction... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Council of Nine Mystic Traditions Akashic Brotherhood ---- Buddhist types using magic kung fu Celestial Chorus -------Christians that "pray" Cult of Ecstasy -------rockers,pornstars,ets.people that use drugs to do their magic Dreamspeakers------shamans Euthanatos -----Hindu Order of Hermes------------Merlin type wizards Sons of Ether---------weird science and inventors,sci fi writers Verbena-------------Wicca/druids ,New Agers Virtual Adepts------Hackers ![]() The Technocracy Iteration X---------Terminators New World Order ---------Men In Black Progenitors ----------clones/genetic engineers Syndicate -------------Mafia Void Engineers ----------Star Trek Others Nephandi--------Satanists Marauders ---------psychos Hollow Ones-----------Goths ![]() ![]() |
great insight JB!!!
if one walk into a room, can it, in an INSTANT, feel if there is common anger??? if one walk into a room, and all are happpy and elated, can it feel the same as well??? so ALL IS THOUGHT, SO, ALL THOUGHT IS "REAL ENERGY", one can FEEL??? so, all THOUGHT, IS EITHER AGAINST SELF, OR FOR SELF??? depending ON WHAT SELF "WANT"??? if one WANT to be RICH, it will tap into RICH ENERGY, IF, that is it's "true heart", or it's TRUE DESTINY, and, ONLY IF IT IS, WILL ONE BE ABLE TO "BELIEVE IN", the "rich energy"??? if one wish for ANGER, or resentment or blame of another, which is ANGER, it then TAP INTO ANGER, OR RESENTMENT, IF, this is it's true destiny, or truest HEARTS DESIRE??? so, ANYTHING ON THE "SINGLE SIDE" OF ANY SPECTRUM OF HUMAN EMOTION, OR 'ENERGY', IS TRUELY ALLOWED, "IF", IT CORRESPOND TO THE 'DESTINY', OR 'LAW', WRITTEN UPON THE HEART, OR "WHO" SELF "REALLY IS"??? self can NEVER find, WHO ITSELF IS, until it look not on the outside to BOLSTER IT'S IDEA, for validation??? as, IF IT IS SELF, it IS KNOWN ALREADY BY SELF??? so, how do all THOUGHTS, AS REAL ENERGY IN THE "OUTSIDE", REALLY EFFECT SELF, OR "DRAG IT", OR "LEAD IT", AS AGAINST THE TRUE SELF??? IF, it is the TRUE WILL, OR TRUE SELF, THEN SELF WOULD "NOT BE UNHAPPY EVER"??? this is NOT, HOW HUMAN'S THINK??? the earth is a LARGE ROOM, and each anger and resentment, create an ENERGY ALL CAN FEEL, or "impose or control self"??? so, the MORE PEOPLE, BLAME ANOTHER, FOR WHAT ITSELF DOES NOT GET, or for what "happen to itself", which is WHAT CREATE ALL ANGER "ENERGY", the MORE THE "LARGE ROOM THE WORLD", WILL SUCK ONE TO "BLAME OF OTHER'S", which create all 'anger energy', which is HATE OR DISTAIN ENERGY??? so, then the MORE OF THIS, as the POPULOUS GROWS, THE MORE 'THIS ENERGY' WILL GROW??? such is ALL THE STRUGGLE IN THE UNNIVERSE, OF ALL GOOD AND EVIL??? there is ONLY ONE PLACE TO SIT, IN A MODERN TIME, OF 2012, AND DESCENSION UNTO ASCENSION, EXCEPT 'SELF' AS THE SOLE CREATOR OF "ALL AROUND ITSELF"??? self IS THE SOLE CREATOR??? SELF AS CREATOR??? THE VERY REASON FOR HUMAN TO "SEE"??? any other energy, will create a VICTIM MENTALITY??? as "victim's", SHOOT OTHER'S, BECAUSE THEY HARMED SELF??? because THERE IS A 'THEY', AND THEY ARE 'AGAINST SELF', AND "HURT SELF"??? "this energy" shall become increasingly AGITATED, EVEN UNTO DESTRUCTION, OF ITSELF AND OTHER'S??? there is ONLY ONE PLACE OF TRUENESS!!!??? SELF IS THE 'SOLE CREATOR' OF ALL THAT HAPPEN AROUND SELF'??? ANY OTHER SHALL BE DESTROYED??? why??? victim mentality is FOR ITSELF ALONE??? it is NOT ABOUT LOVE OF ALL??? it is NOT ABOUT EQUAL GOOD FOR ALL??? it is NOT ABOUT ANYTHING BUT SIGHT OF ITSELF ALONE, AND ALL THAT SELF 'WISH FOR' FOR ITSELF??? this energy, as THOUGHT ENERGY, MAKE ONE SHOOT OTHER'S THAT HARM ITSELF??? THIS ENERGY WALK INTO HOME'S AND TAKE FOR ITSELF??? THIS ENERGY KILL IT OWN ENTIRE FANILY AND ITSELF??? THIS ENERGY SHOOT DOWN FELLOW IMMIGANT'S WHO HAVE "HURT SELF"??? this energy, will find less and less to SATISFY ITSELF??? as the TOTAL ENERGY ON THE PLANET MOST, IS BLAME ANOTHER FOR WHAT SELF IS, HAS NOT, OR WHAT SELF FEEL??? so, more and more, it will destroy ITSELF AND MANY OTHER'S??? as the ANGER, OR "OTHER'S ARE WRONG", ENERGY, WILL INCREASE UNTO CRAZY PROPORTIONS??? as, ALL THAT USE THIS, OR BLAME ANOTHER FOR 'ANYTHING', ADD TO IT, IN THE LARGE ROOM OF EARTH??? this is the ONLY PLACE TO START, TO UNCOVER ALL THE REST??? self is the SOLE CREATOR OF IT'S REALITY, AND ANY OTHER THAT SELF HAS A 'NEGATIVE ABOUT', is true and should be TRUSTED??? real truth, NEVER DEMAND OR EVEN IMPLY ANOTHER SHOULD TRUST IT TO CREATE GOOD FOR IT??? it is a TIME OF TRUSTING SELF TO THE MAXIMUM DEGREE, EMPHATICALLY, BUT, STILL NOT DISTAINING ANOTHER ANYWHERE??? self trust itself, and if another does not think the same, it is on another path, unto it's own destiny??? a diolbolical time indeed??? an ascension by descension, unto ascension??? just thoughts about "energy", which is ALL THOUGHT??? peace to peace all |
If, on the small scale, a single being creates via thoughts, then a massive group of thinking beings are creating something also and this thing is the whole of this world or reality in which the thinking centers (beings) dwell. I've always found the following reference in the Old Testament to suggest that this is precisely what is going on: This has to do with the story of the tower of Babel. Unfortunately there really aren't many details in this story. Gen.11 [6] And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do (i.e. build a tower to heaven): and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. To me this has always suggested that we do indeed create reality by what we imagine to do. That certainly sounds like what this is saying. Nothing will be restrained from them which they imagine to do! Why? Because they are all of one mind and collectively they are all imagining to do the same thing! What prevent us from doing just anything is the "collective disbelief if you will. This is what gives rise to our rigid sense of actuality. Of course, this sounds good in theory, but I confess to having problems with it. If the collective consciousness rules reality, then why didn't we end up placing the Earth at the center of the universe like the masses first believed? ![]() That's the question. Could just a few hold outs be enough to change the thinking of the masses? That's kind of an interesting thought. Also, if the masses believe in the boogieman, how many people must doubt the existence of the boogieman to prevent his existence? Can the boogieman exist for some people and not for others? Interesting questions. ![]() Some people seem to be able to perform physical feats that other people can't even begin to perform. I would give anything to be able to play the violin like Hilary Hahn. Yet as much as I try I can't play it any better than Jack Benny. ![]() |
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Fri 04/24/09 07:32 PM
Because of so many diverse thinkers working as co-creators of the same reality, balance must be maintained and is done so perhaps naturally. Balance could be called "the law of the jungle" or the survival of the fittest" "law of karma" Yin and Yang, "positive and negative." Might there be higher beings (minds) who work to maintain this balance of good and evil, creation and destruction for this reality? Take away one side of the balance and the world would not survive. With no destruction there would be no new creation.. with no good how would one recognize evil? Even the elements have opposing forces down to the quantum levels. Matter and anti matter. Positive charges and negative charges. As our mind houses and creates entire worlds in our dreams, and as we, in our dream bodies, walk across our self-made dream landscapes, do you not recognize your own creation? Then when you awake, do you not wonder where it all went? "It was just a dream." we say. Oh really. ![]() |
My reality fits................................ How I choose to perceive my reality is of my creation. |
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Fri 04/24/09 08:36 PM
If the collective consciousness rules reality, then why didn't we end up placing the Earth at the center of the universe like the masses first believed?
What "masses" are you talking about? And do you know the true extent of the collective consciousness?" We aren't just talking about a tiny little planet called earth here or a small percentage of ignorant humans. Apparently we do not agree that the earth is at the center of THE UNIVERSE or else it would be. ![]() On the other hand how do we know the earth is not in the center of the universe? We are each in the center of our personal universe. So, maybe "the earth" IS in the center of its own personal universe. (Just because we discovered that the earth is at the edge of a galaxy and among billions of stars and countless other galaxies does not prove that we are not in the center of the universe.) Everything we perceive begins with our personal point of view and expands outward, so we are in the center. Also, if the masses believe in the boogieman, how many people must doubt the existence of the boogieman to prevent his existence?
I will tell you a little secret. If three (or more) people agree and believe that there is a boogieman, then the boogieman exists. |
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Those who do not consciously create and guide their own lives will drift among the creations of others wondering in amazement how they do the things they do.
To each its own is a common expression in my neck of the woods. However, I think it is counterproductive to have many egocentric individuals having their own set of sense of reality in a world where strife, apathy, and chaos is something of a norm.
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Tue 05/05/09 12:10 PM
To each its own is a common expression in my neck of the woods. However, I think it is counterproductive to have many egocentric individuals having their own set of sense of reality in a world where strife, apathy, and chaos is something of a norm. I agree completely. A philosophy that suggests that everyone is responsible for creating their own reality can only lead to apathy. What is truly needed in this world is the realization that we do indeed affect the lives and realities of OTHER PEOPLE as well as all other living beings on Earth. We can do without self-centered philosophies. Our world is already troubled enough by self-centeredness. We need to promote philosophies that stress the importance that our actions and deeds do indeed AFFECT the lives of others. We don't need a philosophy that teaches people that everyone is responsible for their own reality. That's counterproductive and tends to push people into self-centered delusional bubbles. |
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Tue 05/05/09 12:14 PM
If you do not guide your own life and make your own decisions, then others will be more than happy to do it for you. Or maybe not. Maybe no one cares enough to even tell you what to do. If this is the case, you are adrift in a sea of other's creations, not your own.
If you do not guide your own life and make your own decisions, then others will be more than happy to do it for you. Or maybe not. Maybe no one cares enough to even tell you what to do. If this is the case, you are adrift in a sea of other's creations, not your own. Did you mean how other people perceive you? Or more or less how people control your life? |
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Tue 05/05/09 12:49 PM
Everyone creates from their core center and like a stone dropped in a pond, the vibrations travel outward from that center. These waves can effect other waves which cross each other going in opposite directions.
By others creations I mean the things that they create and cause themselves by their own attitudes, thoughts and actions. Imagine yourself being sucked into someone else's life drama to the extent that your own life is effected or 'controlled.' |
If you do not guide your own life and make your own decisions, then others will be more than happy to do it for you. Or maybe not. Maybe no one cares enough to even tell you what to do. If this is the case, you are adrift in a sea of other's creations, not your own. so to apply this, you mean to say it is right for you to do whatever you wish, no matter what affect it has upon others (feelings, physical well being, emotional health)?? And that to adhere to something "bigger than yourself" is allowing others to control you? Where is "common good"? (sorry, I am a lay person, but this seems a bit narcissistic to me)... |
Everyone creates from their core center and like a stone dropped in a pond, the vibration travel outward from that center. These waves can effect other waves which cross each other going in opposite directions. By others creations I mean the things that they create and cause themselves by their own attitudes, thoughts and actions. Imagine yourself being sucked into someone else's life drama to the extent that your own life is effected or 'controlled.' I have been a recipient to someone else's life drama - and for me being a sucker at deeply being involved in trying to understand her emotions, perception of the world, and past conducts - had in fact produce negative reaction from her. Such people can do their best in articulating these things, but for some apparent reason, it is not enough for me because I intuitively think she isn't being totally honest with me or herself - and consequently here I am in a internet dating site for nothing to show for but my tenacity to dig deeper into women's souls where they never actually realize it is even there. I blame my intrusive thinking about things of what they said to me. I suppose this is a confession of a hopeless romantic. |
If you do not guide your own life and make your own decisions, then others will be more than happy to do it for you. Or maybe not. Maybe no one cares enough to even tell you what to do. If this is the case, you are adrift in a sea of other's creations, not your own. so to apply this, you mean to say it is right for you to do whatever you wish, no matter what affect it has upon others (feelings, physical well being, emotional health)?? And that to adhere to something "bigger than yourself" is allowing others to control you? Where is "common good"? (sorry, I am a lay person, but this seems a bit narcissistic to me)... No. To apply this, you simply learn how to decide. And you take responsibility for your choices, actions thoughts, feelings etc. If you need to adhere to something "bigger than yourself" in order to make good choices, then by all means, do. |
Everyone creates from their core center and like a stone dropped in a pond, the vibration travel outward from that center. These waves can effect other waves which cross each other going in opposite directions. By others creations I mean the things that they create and cause themselves by their own attitudes, thoughts and actions. Imagine yourself being sucked into someone else's life drama to the extent that your own life is effected or 'controlled.' I have been a recipient to someone else's life drama - and for me being a sucker at deeply being involved in trying to understand her emotions, perception of the world, and past conducts - had in fact produce negative reaction from her. Such people can do their best in articulating these things, but for some apparent reason, it is not enough for me because I intuitively think she isn't being totally honest with me or herself - and consequently here I am in a internet dating site for nothing to show for but my tenacity to dig deeper into women's souls where they never actually realize it is even there. I blame my intrusive thinking about things of what they said to me. I suppose this is a confession of a hopeless romantic. Woman trouble huh? ![]() Being totally honest with yourself and with others is one of the first challenges of life. I would suggest to anyone to start with self honesty. It's a lifetime journey, but the more you understand yourself, the more you will understand others. |