Topic: Rush & Obamas 100 Days | |
jimy...just as you refuse to acknowlegde they aren't accurate...they can't be...come on...that's just common sense
I have a question.
Of all the claims made by Rush, which ones are false? |
I have a question. Of all the claims made by Rush, which ones are false? Too many to list. ![]() |
jimy...just as you refuse to acknowlegde they aren't accurate...they can't be...come on...that's just common sense Rose. Please. Why do you keep saying that polls are not accurate? 49 out of 50 to me is pretty damn accurate. What exactly is your definition of accurate? |
I have a question. Of all the claims made by Rush, which ones are false? you know what their answer will be. all of them then they will have nothing to back it up. |
jimy...just as you refuse to acknowlegde they aren't accurate...they can't be...come on...that's just common sense Rose. Please. Why do you keep saying that polls are not accurate? 49 out of 50 to me is pretty damn accurate. What exactly is your definition of accurate? you can argue until you are blue in the face....they aren't accurate. in this case....unless ALL voters were polled...then it's not an accurate survey. people can pick and chose who to pol to make it come out the way they want |
This is my last post on this subject. Rose, I'm sorry. I have always respected your opinions on things, but you are just not grasping the concept here.
This is my last post on this subject. Rose, I'm sorry. I have always respected your opinions on things, but you are just not grasping the concept here. same to you it can be an estimation....but only that |
I have a question. Of all the claims made by Rush, which ones are false? Too many to list. ![]() What I read, they all were accurate. |
I'd say, he was right on the money.
All those statements can be back up with sources. Truths; President Obama is throwing and has thrown grand White House parties with Kobe beef, a hundred bucks a pound, while telling the nation to cut back in order to survive the greatest economic downturn supposedly since the Great Depression. Bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, Listening patiently and respectfully while a two-bit dictator lectures Obama -- it was Daniel Ortega -- with false charges for 50 minutes about the criminal country he leads, and Obama doesn't say one word to object, one word in disagreement, does not stand up for his country at one point during the Summit of the Americas. He has run around the world and apologized for the greatest, the most compassionate, the most innovative and freedom-loving country in world history. Now we've got Fidel Castro setting Obama straight about how Cuba handles political prisoners and its economy. Fidel Castro, one of Obama's idols, calling him superficial. We had the nomination of tax cheats to his cabinet, including the man who oversees the IRS, five tax cheats in the Obama administration. We have Obama's joke of a press spokesman, who makes a complete idiot of himself on a daily basis. He sends back a symbol of freedom, that bust of Sir Winston Churchill to Great Britain just after moving into the White House. He wants nothing to do with it. He did of his own volition. They said you can keep it. He said no, we don't want it here. They said put it in a different room in the White House. We don't want it here, and sent it back to the British embassy. He insulted the prime minister of England, the queen of England, with embarrassing, thoughtless gifts. We have the French president Sarkozy ridiculing Obama's messianic complex, inviting him to walk on water at Normandy beach. We have Iran taking a hostage, an American journalist, as Obama promises better relations. We have North Korea humiliating Obama with their missile launch. We have Obama putting the country in debt for generations to come while promising fiscal responsibility, offering up laughable budget cuts, banning lobbyists from his administration, while appointing them left and right. Openly lying that Caterpillar would hire up with the passage of his stimulus bill, then watching while that company lays off thousands after the stimulus bill passes. He pledges to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay where I have a thriving merchandise business. But then he keeps it open with no plan for its future. Proclaiming total transparency, while keeping secret who got the TARP funds, when, where, why. Being incapable of communicating without a teleprompter, while the press declares him a Reaganesque, Great Communicator. He attacks a private citizen broadcaster from the White House as part of an orchestrated plan to distract the country from legislation and policies we don't want, which thus touched off a political firestorm, all of this while claiming to be a unifier. He makes a ham-handed attempt to nationalize the banks preventing financial institutions from paying back TARP money they don't need or want. We got a column today in the Wall Street Journal by Holman Jenkins that General Motors is a debacle; it is an absolute debacle and mess, and soon Wall Street is going to be the same thing. He has made bad situations worse with car manufacturers, and the worst is yet to come. He has sparked hundreds of protests involving hundreds of thousands of Americans at tea parties regarding irresponsible government spending while his Homeland Security chief labels peacefully demonstrating Americans and veterans as security risks. Oh, yeah, moving the census over to the Commerce department to politicize that. We have a sycophantic mainstream media in this country. How about the New York Times. The New York Times, $34 million in cash. The New York Times is in debt $1.3 billion. By the way, this is cool, folks. The New York Times' corporate president and CEO, Janet Robinson, received a compensation package valued at $5.58 million last year while the publisher of the New York Times, Arthur Sulzberger Jr. received a total of $2.4 million while this company is losing its shirt. Does that not sound a little bit like Wall Street? Does this not sound like excessive bonuses? Does this sound like CEOs paying them when the performance of their company is in the sewer? And haven't we demonized private sector CEOs for this very thing? Oh, and that is another one: making enemies out of people in the private sector and ginning up protests by his ACORN buddies at the homes of AIG executives, fomenting class hatred and rivalry. And now Hillary Clinton's out there saying US is laying groundwork for tough, crippling sanctions on Iran if Iran rejects engagement. Iran says, "We'll talk, but we're not doing anything about our nuclear program." I mean the world is making a joke, the world is making a joke of our country, and the president is being praised for it! RUSH: Here are details on the reprimands. You might say the teachers are trying to educate the student, Fidel Castro commenting on Barack Obama. Castro rejects President Obama's suggestions that Cuba should free political prisoners or cut taxes on remittances from the United States. Fidel Castro on a blog, no less, said that Obama "misinterpreted remarks by his brother and successor Raul and bristled at the suggestion that Cuba should free political prisoners or cut taxes on remittances from abroad as a goodwill gesture to the United States." All of this enraged Castro, who wrote in an essay posted on a government website that Obama, without a doubt, misinterpreted Raul's declarations. "Castro appeared to be throwing a dose of cold water on growing expectations for improved bilateral relations -- suggesting Obama had no right to dare suggest that Cuba make even small concessions. He also seemed to suggest too much was being made of Raul's comments about discussing 'everything' with US authorities." Castro: "Affirming that the president of Cuba is ready to discuss any topic with the president of the United States expresses that he's not afraid ... It's a sign of bravery and confidence in the principles of the revolution." Now, there's a hidden little secret here that everybody with a half a brain knows about the Castros. The last thing they want is an open relationship with the United States. The last thing they want is the blockade to come down. That's what Fidel's always called the embargo. He tells Cuban citizens that there are Navy ships out there preventing goods, he calls it a blockade. So here comes our naive young boy president down there, (paraphrasing) "We're going to open up, we're going to have this new dialogue, we're going to send you some money, we're going to send some more people down there, you ought to free some political prisoners," and Castro bristles at the naivete of his student, Barack Obama. It's the last thing they want. You understand that the US embargo is what gives the Castro brothers and the Cuban government the ammo to tell their citizens what a rotten economy they have and what a rotten life they all have, even though it's the best damn health care in the freaking world, according to the stupid idiots in the American left. The last thing they want is the embargo lifted. "The ex-president had previously expressed his admiration for Obama, but this time Castro blasted the new US president for showing signs of 'superficiality.'" Whoa-ho! Well, I mean, here's Castro the teacher, Castro the professor, he can see the weaknesses in the student far more than American leftists can see the weakness, superficiality. I mean Castro's got it. And let's go to another teacher, another professor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today criticized Obama's boycott of a United Nations racism conference, dubbing it unhelpful. "On Monday, The International Racism Conference in Geneva, which the US boycotted --" now, by the way, I think we did the right thing not to go to this thing, don't misunderstand, we did the right thing, but Ahmadinejad is somebody that Obama wants to talk to and Hillary Clinton says today we're going to put really tough sanctions on them. Hardy-har-har. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: So Ahmadinejad's all upset we didn't go to the racism conference, lecturing his student, Barack Obama. Obama, the US, right not to go to this thing. The whole thing was a fiasco, but Ahmadinejad is considered one of our grave threats and enemies with his nuke program, and Obama says that he's going to forge a new relationship out there with them, and all we have to do is talk to them, and all we have to do is show 'em we mean 'em no harm. Such naivete, the ugliness, the hypocrisy of President Obama's morality plays. This guy is very cold, folks. He is a 100% pure leftist extremist political animal. I have a difficult time putting up with him lecturing us, the United States of America, on matters he identifies as requiring the pushing of a morality reset button with him as the chief protocol director of morality. According to Obama, our response, after being attacked on 9/11, was immoral. Of all the people, of all things, Barack Obama should be the last person to lecture anybody standing atop a rock of morality. His foundation is leftist. He identifies with anti-American politics. He laughs, he yucks it up with these people who hate our country. He's been masterful at deceiving a large number of Americans with the help of his friends in the Drive-By Media. Look at who Obama has accused of being morally deficient: Wall Street, all CEOs, George W. Bush and **** Cheney, the CIA, and essentially America itself. He has declared those five things morally deficient. And only now will Wall Street and CEOs, Bush and Cheney, CIA, and even America be straightened out with a new moral rudder headed by himself, The One, The Messiah, Barack Obama, the Most Merciful. Yet he supports infanticide. He attended a racist, bigoted church for 20 years. He had active support of the criminal political bullying enterprise known as ACORN. He has dealings with Tony Rezko, his working relationship with Bill Ayers, embracing and smiling Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and not defending his country after it was slandered, this guy tells us he's in charge of our new morality. |
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i see alot of truths in what willing posted....some i don't know about because i'm not that familiar with it
Its been a comedy of errors, and if he goes ahead with this torture stuff hes going to lose the congress. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 04/25/09 11:14 PM
This is my last post on this subject. ____, I'm sorry. I have always respected your opinions on things, but you are just not grasping the concept here. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have a question. Of all the claims made by Rush, which ones are false? Too many to list. ![]() No Doubt! |
i see alot of truths in what willing posted....some i don't know about because i'm not that familiar with it All of it has been reported on by the same MSM Stations the Extreme Left claims is the only reliable news sources. |
This is my last post on this subject. ____, I'm sorry. I have always respected your opinions on things, but you are just not grasping the concept here. ![]() ![]() ![]() btw...again....i do grasp it...ty |
i see alot of truths in what willing posted....some i don't know about because i'm not that familiar with it Say it aint so Rose,,,,,,, ![]() |
i see alot of truths in what willing posted....some i don't know about because i'm not that familiar with it Say it aint so Rose,,,,,,, ![]() i said some...yes |
Google any of those claims and you'll see them reported on by Leftist News sources.