Topic: They Walk Among Us
InvictusV's photo
Fri 04/24/09 07:22 PM
1 out of 100 isn't bad.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 07:33 PM
I forgot to tell you though. What I do believe in?

Sea serpents.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:17 PM

My point was simple...

You, Gianni have no idea what you are talking about. As has just been mentioned, Hawking's statement was not only taken out of context, it was also completely misunderstood.

You keep on saying this and that while completely avoiding the most important terms in the quote.

Seem to be...

In order to understand what he was saying, one must be aware of the fact that the universe looks the same, no matter where you are within it. Wherever one may be, it seems that it is the center. That is a direct result from the universe expanding in all directions. That is known from observation.

Has it "clicked" yet?


OOOHHHhhhhhhhhh of course!!! It just clicked!

So you're saying that wherever you are in the universe, it always appears that you are at the center because it's expanding in all directions.... uhuh, makes sooo much sense.

So tell me, what galaxy did you last visit so that you can test this hypothesis? Keep in mind that since the Universe is ginormrous, one can only imagine how far away from earth you would have to be to make an accurate test of this hypothesis.

What you guys don't seem to understand is that what I quoted from Hawking is an observation, not a theory.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:31 PM
I never stated that the theory was correct, nor did I make an attempt to use it for support. Whether or not it looks the same no matter where you are matters not to me. That was however what
Hawking was referring to...

That is my point.

The quote was an erroneous attempt at substantiation.


There are better arguments for design.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:38 PM

I found the quote here: page 25 fourth paragraph and it seems to have been quite taken out of context. Hawking was referring to another scientist Friedmann's work from 1922 and went on to offer an alternative theory in the next sentence.

The quote is not taken out of context because it doesn't need a context. The fact that the universe is expanding away from us is not a theory, it is an observation. Now, the explanations that Freidmann and Hawking give, those are theories and are completely unproven and you guys are using them as a base to make your arguments.

I never made an argument, I quoted the observation and proposed the most natural answer which is that we are at the universe's center. I then made a leap of logic to my belief which is that there is an Architect. My intention was never to prove this leap of logic, because I don't think it can ever be proven. But I do believe that my method (which is to present the facts and to offer an unprovable solution) is much more noble than to assume mere theories as fact so that an argument can be made.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:41 PM

There are better arguments for design.

Yes there are, but the fact that it's Hawking, an atheist, who said it makes it more credible.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:41 PM

There are better arguments for design.

Yes there are, but the fact that it's Hawking, an atheist, who said it makes it more credible.

no photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:52 PM

Being that the Universe (Theoretically) is Constantly Expanding and Contracting it Would Be Near Impossible to Know where the Center of the Universe is and that would also imply that it has a Beginning and end to which we are not sure there is such a thing. everything involving the universe is Theory. the Reality is that We've truly only explored our arm of the milkyway

I freaking quoted Hawking. What more do you people need? But of course you all have PhD's.

At least I have the decency to not talk as if I know anything on the matter and simply quote one of the world's best minds. But you all can keep posting as if you have all the answers to life's questions...

You Can Qoute all You Want it's all theory! Stephen Hawking Doesn't know with 100% Certainty that this is a Fact.

Nooo! It's not a theory. It's an observation. That's like me saying "ever notice that it gets hot in the summer?" and you answer "that's just a theory".

A theory is a proposed solution to an observation... like for example, Hawking saying that it could be that you will always seem to be in the center of the universe because of the way it expands, or Friedmann's balloon model. THESE are theories... unproven. But the observation still stands.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/24/09 10:06 PM
how can anyone really even know for sure?????

creativesoul's photo
Fri 04/24/09 10:06 PM
The universe expansion is being misunderstood, I believe.

If one could hang an infinite number of spheres within the interior of a balloon, and imagine the space between those expanding in the same direction as the balloon what would you have?

From any given one it would all look the same.

That is how it is.

No one place is special, and there is no way to tell if and where the expansion began.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/24/09 10:27 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Fri 04/24/09 10:30 PM

how can anyone really even know for sure?????

Light spectrum analysis over a period of time!

They can even measure the speed and whether expanding or contracting, accelerating or slowing down!
They just recently discovered that expansion is still accelerating.

They have looked back as far as 6 million years from the time of the big bang and pinpointed several objects. (planets) and more recently a blob of gasses (12 million years from the bigbang) as big as the Milky Way!

They arent sure what it is, but they think it may be the collision of two galaxies!

The Hubble telescope is an amazing instrument!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 04/24/09 10:32 PM
What happened to the aliens?

scared scared

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/24/09 11:04 PM
shades According to one account the reptoids/draconians originally inhabited another universe before migrating to this one many centuries ago.shades

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/24/09 11:34 PM

What happened to the aliens?

scared scared

that was part of what i was referring to lol

creativesoul's photo
Sat 04/25/09 01:25 AM


no photo
Sat 04/25/09 08:43 AM

The universe expansion is being misunderstood, I believe.

If one could hang an infinite number of spheres within the interior of a balloon, and imagine the space between those expanding in the same direction as the balloon what would you have?

From any given one it would all look the same.

That is how it is.

No one place is special, and there is no way to tell if and where the expansion began.

That's Friedmann's balloon model...... and for the last fricken time, it's UNPROVEN. Did you even read the last post I made about how you assume that mere theories are fact as a pretext to build an argument? Well there it is.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/25/09 09:24 AM
Mothman and Flying Serpents

Source: Esoteric World News

Previously we referred to the DRACO, an alien species that was reportedly encountered by Admiral Richard E. Byrd as well as former head of Dulce Base Security Thomas Edwin Castello. What may well have been the most notorious of all 'scares' involving these reptilian beings, according to researcher John Keel, involved a combined 'invasion' of pterodactyloid-hominoid 'Mothmen' (Winged Draco) AND 'Men In Black'.

These creatures have been referred to as the Mothmen, Winged Dracos, and Winged Serpents, depending on the source involved. They reportedly terrorized a particular area in West Virginia, according to John A. Keel, in the mid-1960's. Keel is convinced that these malevolent entities were involved in the tragic 'silver bridge' disaster in which several UFO witnesses and hundreds of locals perished, this conclusion being based on certain strange circumstances surrounding the event. In his book 'THE MOTHMEN PROPHECIES' (Signet Books., N.Y.) Keel reveals the following:

"...According to her story, Connie (Carpenter), a shy, sensitive eighteen-year-old, was driving home from church at 10:30 A.M. on Sunday, November 27, 1966, when, as she passed the deserted greens of Mason County Golf Course outside New Haven, West Virginia, she suddenly saw a huge gray figure. It was shaped like a man, she said, but much larger. It was at least SEVEN FEET TALL and very broad. The thing that attracted her attention was not its size but its eyes. IT HAD, SHE SAID, LARGE, ROUND, FIERCELY GLOWING RED EYES THAT FOCUSED ON HER WITH HYPNOTIC EFFECT.

"'It's a wonder I didn't run off the road and have a wreck,' she commented later.

"As she slowed, her eyes fixed on the apparition, a pair of wings unfolded from its back. They seemed to have a span of about ten feet. It was definitely not an ordinary bird but a MAN-SHAPED THING which rose slowly off the ground, straight up like a heli- copter, silently. Its wings did not flap in flight. It headed straight toward Connie's car, its horrible eyes fixed to her face, then it swooped low over her head as she shoved the accelerator to the floor-boards in utter hysteria.


"...North American Indians have extensive legends about the Thunderbird, a huge bird said to carry off children and old people. It was accompanied by loud noises, hums, buzzes and, apparently rumbles from the infrasonic and ultrasonic levels. Known as (the dragon-like - Branton) PIASA to the Indians of the Dakotas, it was supposed to have terrifying red eyes and a long tail..." a monstrous demon with "bat's wings, and a body closely in human form." Many of these so-called 'Mothman' sightings occurred near some old concrete domes or buildings which led to several miles of (now sealed) underground tunnels which were used during World War II to store explosives. It was known as the TNT area and John Keel reports that at one particular spot he felt an almost physical sense of "terror" which left when he walked out of the "circle". This induced terror was reported by many witnesses, and at least one of the pterodactyloid creatures reportedly disappeared into one of the dome-entrances in the TNT facility after being chased by curious witnesses, who searched the dome but could find no sign of the creature.

"...At 7:15 A.M. on November 25, a young shoe salesman named Thomas Ury was driving along Route 62 just north of the TNT area when he noticed a tall, gray manlike figure standing in a field by the road. 'Suddenly it spread a pair of wings,' Ury said, 'and took off straight up, like a helicopter.

"'It veered over my convertible and began going in circles three telephone poles high.'

"He stepped on the gas as the creature zoomed down over his vehicle. 'It kept flying right over my car even though I was doing seventy-five.'

"Mr. Ury sped into Point Pleasant and went straight to the sheriff's office thoroughly panicked. 'I never saw anything like it,' he confided to Mrs. Hyre later. 'I was so scared I just couldn't go to work that day. The thing had a wingspan every bit of ten feet. It could be a bird, but I certainly never saw one like it. I was afraid it was going to come right down right on top of me.'

"The old familiar symptom, unreasonable terror, took hold of him. 'I've never had that feeling before. A weird kind of fear,' he said. 'That fear gripped you and held you. Somehow, the best way to explain it would be to say that the whole thing just wasn't right. I know that may not make sense, but that's the only way I can put into words what I felt.'

John Keel related still other incidents of encounters with these fearful pterodactylons...

"'Look at that crazy character coming downwind in that plane,' Eddie Adkins commented. He and four other men were standing on the field of the Gallipolis, Ohio, airport, just across the river from Point Pleasant on Sunday, December 4, 1966.

"At 3 P.M. that afternoon a large winged form came cruising majestically along the Ohio River, just behind the airport. The pilots later estimated that it was about three hundred feet in the air and was traveling about seventy miles an hour. As it drew closer they realized it was not a plane but was some kind of enormous bird with an unusually long neck. It seemed to be turning its head from side to side as if it were taking in the scenery (Note: Scientists believe that the saurian-reptilian pterodactyls used their heads and neck as a 'rudder' while in flight, moving them from side to side constantly as a means of maintaining flight - Branton). The wings were not flapping.

"'MY GOD! IT'S SOMETHING PREHISTORIC!' one of the men cried.

"Everett Wedge grabbed his camera and sprinted to his small plane. By the time he was airborne the giant creature had vanished somewhere down river."

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/25/09 09:27 AM

Draconians Aka: reptoids, Reptiloids, Reptons, Homo-saurus, Lizard-men, Large Nosed Greys, Agharians, Tarzissians, Dracos, Nagas


They play a significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are considered by some to be demoniacal residents of a subterranean realm. The reptiloids on Earth would live Big Caves Underground. Allegedly descended from a branch of bipedal sauroids, Stenonychosaurus, which existed thousands of years ago on earth . The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size of that of human beings, indicating a large brain and possibly advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect.

Home System

Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Rigel, Orion, Bellatrix Orion, Polaris, Nemesis,the Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila


Although the reptilian being species are divided into sevearl types, there are physical features that are shared by almost all. These physical descriptions are compiled from a large database on reptilian-human contacts. In some cases, the experiencer may recall only one physical characteristic of the nonhuman entity that was encountered. On the other hand, other people have vivid memories of their encounter and are able to provide detailed reports of the reptilian beings anatomy. The information about these creatures varies from source to source.

They are described as being from five and a half to nine feet in height and up to 200 Kilos in weight. They have scaled crocodilian skin that is usually greenish-brown in color. Some also have coffee colored scales that have dark green colored rims. The scales (or scutes) on their backs, thighs and upper arms are large. Their hands, abdomen and face, are covered with smaller scales, allowing more flexibility.

Reptilian beings are both tailed and tailless. Some species still reportedly retain a visible 'tail' although much atrophied from their supposedly extinct' saurian ancestors. The tails are differentiated in size and are held off the ground. Their posterior can be like either that of a human, with a vertical slit shielding an excretory orifice or it can be a rounded muscular area extending from the base of the spine to the upper thigh region.

They have lean, firm bodies with powerful arms and legs. They have long arms with three fairly long fingers and an opposable thumb. Their feet have three toes and one recessed fourth toe that is toward the back side of their ankle. The claws of their hands and feet are short and blunt. They do not have teats on their upper torso and they do not have a navel.

Their heads are slightly conical in shape and have two bony ridges riding from their brow, across their back sloping skull, toward the back of their head. Throughout history, these bony ridges have been misidentified as horns. There appears to be no bridge between their eyes. The nasal openings are at the end of a small, flattened nose and are described as two small slits that slant upwards in a V formation. Some experiencers have reported seeing small openings on the sides of their heads, but have noted that there is no fleshy part extending from this area. They have wide lipless mouths which contain differentiated types of teeth, including canines (fangs.) They have either large black eyes with vertical slit pupils or eyes that white with flame colored vertical slit pupils. Reptilian beings have no body or facial hair. Occasionally, experiencers will have observed reptilian beings with thin, fleshy spines under their chins. From a distance, this physical feature is often misidentified as hair. Their genitalia are concealed within a vertical slit located at the base of the torso. In the case of women who claim to have experienced sexual encounters with reptoids, the male reptilian beings are described as having a well endowed penis that is lacking a soft sacked scrotum. Where the scrotum sack is located on a human, the reptilian male, apparently, has a firm, muscular bulge leading from the base of the penis to the underside of the torso.


Cold-blooded like all reptiles, the Reptiloid is found to flourish in a warm, tropical clime. With imperfect respiration providing just enough oxygen to supply tissues and maintain the processing of food and combustion, their temperature can be raised only a few degrees above the ambient. The reproductive system is ovouniparous, with eggs hatching in the oviduct prior to birth. The underdeveloped Reptiloid cerebellus results in a slowness and simpler city of movement. The Reptiloid eye is composed of thousands of microscopic facets, each facet with its own independent protective lid. The eye is almost never closed entirely during waking hours; rather, sections of the organ are shut down in conjunction with the dominant light source.


Huge strengh, molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an outward "human" appearance; telepathy; invisibility


These are highly advanced entities but viewed as being of a negative, hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard humans as a totally inferior race. Supposedly they consider Earth their ancient outpost and want to have complete control over it because their planet is becoming unable to adequately support life. The Greys are supposedly subservient to the Reptilians. According to Lear and others the government may have established a 'treaty' with this race, who consider it as a means to buy time while they methodically establish certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an absolute domination.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/25/09 12:28 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 04/25/09 01:57 PM