Topic: it must be true | |
If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along |
17 year old homeschooler has more sense than her |
it's always one side vs the other
If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along Tell Faux news the same thing. |
If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along Tell Faux news the same thing. I've never seen fox news call someone racist |
Edited by
Fri 04/17/09 11:43 PM
If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along Tell Faux news the same thing. I've never seen fox news call someone racist Hi TjN, Do you not watch Fox news alot? I have watched fox new many times where they were racist but trying to be subtle about it. Anyone that has seen racism up close can't help but recognize it in people's words and deeds and comments. I don't think we should pretend that this isn't the perfect platform to bring out the radicals in these tea party events. What is not great is that the message might be distorted by radicals on any side. I am still waiting for this utube video to download.. ugh Dialup will comment later if I don't fall sleep waiting. |
Shes just trying to be relevant again. She needs to learn that adopting African babies is the way to make headlines now-a-days
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If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along Tell Faux news the same thing. you realize that faux is not pronounced like fox, right? btw, the topic is not about fox news. news has been editorialized for the most part for over a decade now. it's about ratings and agendas, nothing more. all the real reporters that have been doing this for decades are either dying off or retiring. MSNBC is the furthest left and Keith Oberman is one of the most biased of them all. he has not one shred of credibility left after the last 8 years of nothing but whining and *****ing. he was much better on sportscenter imo. |
If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along Tell Faux news the same thing. you realize that faux is not pronounced like fox, right? btw, the topic is not about fox news. news has been editorialized for the most part for over a decade now. it's about ratings and agendas, nothing more. all the real reporters that have been doing this for decades are either dying off or retiring. MSNBC is the furthest left and Keith Oberman is one of the most biased of them all. he has not one shred of credibility left after the last 8 years of nothing but whining and *****ing. he was much better on sportscenter imo. He has no credibility with whom? The republicans who can't stand him? Fox that hates him? With that I would agree, but he was right in most cases over the past 8 years about the last administration. I have not agreed with everything on his show but most points he made about that administration were glaringly obvious at least to me. I also agree most is about ratings etc, but an interview like this one, though it might be about ratings to some extent, one still can not ignore the over all message. Racism is very much alive and is unfortunatelypart of the tea party, as well as the republican involvement in it as she talked about. I don't know why anyone would be upset with her for the over all message, though I did recognize the generalization, but when you have 5 minutes to discuss a topic, you can't hit all the bases, this was about racism and a certain segment of the republican party that wants Obama out, period, one way or the other and preferably sooner than later. |
I think most people just looked over the "tea party" saying "oh its just a bunch of rednecks mad at the democrats" and they were really missing the message that was sent out. And it didn't help that conservative talking heads turned it into something bigger.
It was a protest about how much tax money we pay and how its spent on greedy bastards in wall street and in D.C. I would have loved to attended one of those parties in Kentucky, but I had to work that night and my job is more important than running around outside and being called a racist and stupid by everyone who thinks that southern states are nothing more than backwards villages with nothing good to offer. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 04/18/09 01:36 AM
Same as the Politician.
All MSM is biased. They push their favorite puppets. Better watch out for Newt, he suggested taxing everyones income at 25%. He wants 1/4 of what people earn. |
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Sat 04/18/09 04:47 AM
If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along Tell Faux news the same thing. I've never seen fox news call someone racist Hi TjN, Do you not watch Fox news alot? I have watched fox new many times where they were racist but trying to be subtle about it. Anyone that has seen racism up close can't help but recognize it in people's words and deeds and comments. I don't think we should pretend that this isn't the perfect platform to bring out the radicals in these tea party events. What is not great is that the message might be distorted by radicals on any side. I am still waiting for this utube video to download.. ugh Dialup will comment later if I don't fall sleep waiting. Hey boo. Yes I do but I also watch MSNBC and CNN. You said they were subtle about it. They didnt come straight out and call a group of people they have no clue about racists and rednecks. The clip that I played was just ignorance at its best. I didnt like the fact that Fox was at the tea parties doing their shows at them. All that did was give MSNBC and CNN a chance to do what they did with Janeane on Oberman to do. Its was some of the most irresponsible "news" that I've seen. Iam just trying to get the truth out as to what the tea parties were all about. All the msm twisted it and made something out of nothing. Her comments will keep America even more split and never bring us closer together. Dont we have a right to protest something we think is wrong? And I wish the media would cover events like this for what they are and not use them as a tool to divide us even more. |
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Sat 04/18/09 07:36 AM
Whenever FOX becomes involved in something I support, I have to wonder what their agenda is. Their support of the tea party in my opinion is both the best thing and the worst, and here are my reasons (which require much more research).
Fox has a very large viewer base, they are however extreme republican and spew their propaganda as though they are the only "truth" to an issue. They are persistant in their questionable agenda, making them predictable as to their goals. They did inspire a "turnout" and participation in a issue that has been "smothered" for decades (often by them and their influence.... while Bush was in office, they remained silent, attacking those who spoke and advocated change in government from republican politics!), giving it "press", but promoting their own agenda. With their envolvement however, they have caused a nullification of all the hard work put forth by others, turning it into a "political" agenda and not an economic issue as was primarily intended by the hard work of those other few. Basicly, they have destroyed years of work and redirected the focus to their own agenda causing desent and separation of the people. True to the nature of their "FOX" ways, cunningly and conivingly. "Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." Thomas Jefferson This forum proves my point. The issue is no longer what is good for the people, it is about race, political affiliation, skin color and greed. They have succeeded in their agenda, to destroy growing credibility of a group that opposes them on the whole, distracting all others from the real issues, and keeping us divided from the cause of the common good. We must not let such actions distract us from the REAL issues! We must use the "good" of their actions (envolvement and exposure) and turn it against them and their distraction tactics. Their agenda is political and corporate, MORE OF THE SAME! The real issue is economic and freedom from such tyranical bias. I would like to think Americans have a brain. As simple and insignificant as I am, I do! Don't let this happen! Focus on the issues, not skin color and political agendas, THIS WILL NOT PROFIT "WE THE PEOPLE" BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION! Fox is mainstream media, corporate and politicly biased, the same "news coverage" that glorified and sold us our wars! I can only hope this is as evident to others as it is to me while this "upset" unfolds and backfires on us. JMO, but this is a forum and I look forward to comments. |
If Janeane Garofalo said it , it's got to be true! this makes me sick and you wonder why the country is divided! Just generalize us all Janeane and MSNBC Cant we all just get along Tell Faux news the same thing. you realize that faux is not pronounced like fox, right? btw, the topic is not about fox news. news has been editorialized for the most part for over a decade now. it's about ratings and agendas, nothing more. all the real reporters that have been doing this for decades are either dying off or retiring. MSNBC is the furthest left and Keith Oberman is one of the most biased of them all. he has not one shred of credibility left after the last 8 years of nothing but whining and *****ing. he was much better on sportscenter imo. He has no credibility with whom? The republicans who can't stand him? Fox that hates him? With that I would agree, but he was right in most cases over the past 8 years about the last administration. I have not agreed with everything on his show but most points he made about that administration were glaringly obvious at least to me. Credibility as a journalist. He's about as credible as Rush. There is no argument there. |
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Sat 04/18/09 01:30 PM
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they ALL distort the news to favor their agenda. But if you only watch one of em you get a biased view of events. You have to watch em all and then figure the truth is somewhere between em
they ALL distort the news to favor their agenda. But if you only watch one of em you get a biased view of events. You have to watch em all and then figure the truth is somewhere between em I agree. Although I have to admit to feeling slimed by Fox news most of the time. I have to get a rounded view and sometimes one corner of the round is the hate side. |
I tend to take most media with a grain of salt....and maybe some pepper
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No one has ever answered a question I asked.
Can anyone name one News Chanel of MSM that is not biased? |
No one has ever answered a question I asked. Can anyone name one News Chanel of MSM that is not biased? Not a news channel really, but PBS is usually pretty good as a source for truth. |