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Topic: Creeps and Weirdos
mygenerationbaby's photo
Fri 04/17/09 08:41 PM
noway wow, they are out there. Watch it ladies. Never go to a private place alone with the guy until about a year. I just had a man wanted to travel with me. The next thing you know he is telling me how great we will be together and doing something shakey in the background, then it got very weird and i hung up on him. I have a question. Where can we find a list of things men, or women do that will get them DEACTIVATED? (this guy was deactivated and I am so curious to know if he had contacted too many women or talked too sexual, or what)glasses Beware of what may lie behind those glasses.

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 04/17/09 08:42 PM

polaritybear's photo
Fri 04/17/09 08:43 PM

noway wow, they are out there. Watch it ladies. Never go to a private place alone with the guy until about a year. I just had a man wanted to travel with me. The next thing you know he is telling me how great we will be together and doing something shakey in the background, then it got very weird and i hung up on him. I have a question. Where can we find a list of things men, or women do that will get them DEACTIVATED? (this guy was deactivated and I am so curious to know if he had contacted too many women or talked too sexual, or what)glasses Beware of what may lie behind those glasses.

Could have deactivated on his own.

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Fri 04/17/09 08:44 PM
Don't go private...Everyone want's to watch

bluesky35_01's photo
Fri 04/17/09 08:49 PM
Edited by bluesky35_01 on Fri 04/17/09 08:49 PM
I agree that there are wierdo's and pervs out there, but 1 year? That may be a little too much don't you think? I mean I am all for taking your time, but I'm not sure if you would have too much luck dating, if you never went on a walk, or over to someone's house for a full year? Maybe I am wrong? While it is good to be safe, you can't be paranoid? I am sorry for your bad experience, and hope you don't think that I am making light of it. But there are still some decent people out there. Unfortunately you really have to weed through the rift raft to find them.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 04/17/09 08:58 PM
You should have met in a neutral place and hopefully you didn't give your personal address.

Creeps come in both male and female!

beautyfrompain's photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:18 PM
A year is a bit much.

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:26 PM
paranoid much? laces out dan!

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:28 PM
Next time you sing halaluyah, replace the word with paranoia.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:31 PM

noway wow, they are out there. Watch it ladies. Never go to a private place alone with the guy until about a year. I just had a man wanted to travel with me. The next thing you know he is telling me how great we will be together and doing something shakey in the background, then it got very weird and i hung up on him. I have a question. Where can we find a list of things men, or women do that will get them DEACTIVATED? (this guy was deactivated and I am so curious to know if he had contacted too many women or talked too sexual, or what)glasses Beware of what may lie behind those glasses.
pitchfork Craigslistpitchfork

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:31 PM
What do you mean do something shakey in the background? Have you met in person or not as you say you hung up on the phone? And you have on there you want to travel with someone, and many a man will automatically think that includes doing the hoedown with them, you know?
I won't be waiting any year. If I don't get a good feel for someone's character, I'd surely know in less than a year. I make sure to meet in public and I make sure the new fellow is aware that all the information I've gotten on him has been sent to a friend in case I end up missing or dead.

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:32 PM
I love a man in glasses! :wink:

beautyfrompain's photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:34 PM

What do you mean do something shakey in the background? Have you met in person or not as you say you hung up on the phone? And you have on there you want to travel with someone, and many a man will automatically think that includes doing the hoedown with them, you know?
I won't be waiting any year. If I don't get a good feel for someone's character, I'd surely know in less than a year. I make sure to meet in public and I make sure the new fellow is aware that all the information I've gotten on him has been sent to a friend in case I end up missing or dead.

There is no way I will end up missing or dead. If anyone tries anything fishy with me I will mace him and cut him. Won't find my body in a morgue due to a man.

beautyfrompain's photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:34 PM

I love a man in glasses! :wink:

I love a man with dimples!

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:35 PM

I love a man in glasses! :wink:

I love a man with dimples!

Dimples and glasses? Wow love

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:39 PM

Beware of what may lie behind those glasses.

What lies behind mine is very blue, very myopic, and very sensitive to bright light. I don't think you can read too much into the fact that someone is wearing glasses....

MsCarmen's photo
Fri 04/17/09 09:41 PM

A year is a bit much.

That's what I was thinking! noway

I know it's good to take your time and all, but sheesh, that's a bit much I think.

MelodyGirl's photo
Fri 04/17/09 10:21 PM

You should have met in a neutral place and hopefully you didn't give your personal address.

Creeps come in both male and female!

This is very good advice and seems most obvious. :thumbsup:

A year is a really long time to wait before meeting. If the person is deceptive, they will show those true colours in a month, three months or a year. A year gives them longer to spin more lies!

Use common sense in dating whether you meet them online or at the grocery store. winking

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 04/17/09 11:10 PM

You should have met in a neutral place and hopefully you didn't give your personal address.

Creeps come in both male and female!

This is very good advice and seems most obvious. :thumbsup:

A year is a really long time to wait before meeting. If the person is deceptive, they will show those true colours in a month, three months or a year. A year gives them longer to spin more lies!

Use common sense in dating whether you meet them online or at the grocery store. winking


You Said the Magic words!

Down came the duck!

Now isn't that a blast from the past???

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sat 04/18/09 11:40 AM
:banana: Just to clarify, I had only spoken with him twice on the phone from many states away. This smiley is a visual of exactly what he was doing in the background. Do you think that's cool? Sunglasses, dimples ok, who cares. The sunglasses thing was an analogy. Actually this guy was very open and up front about asking me what I liked sexually. Asked me to close my eyes and imagine him holding me. Anyone else get this man in a letter? After I said this is getting off on the wrong foot, he said ok let's start over. But by then, I figured the glasses would enter the picture and I would never know if it was really safe to travel with him. Also said money, no object, and told me to set up a trip itinerary. How tempting is that?

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