Topic: "Because God whilst it!" screams the faithful | |
First we have to talk about the Golden Rule that you claim christians came with first.
I never said Christians came up with it "first". Stop assuming. :) Concerning Jesus I believe he was in India or in that area who must have seen a culture with a different philosophy on how to treat one another as a whole. I say this for no one knows where he was in his missing years.
Hmm. To an extent, this would be impossible, if indeed Jesus is the Messiah. According to Rabbinic tradition, one can't start teaching until the age of 30. It's at this age when one takes over His father's job or is allowed the higher calling of Rabbi. People who tend to quote "missing years" simply don't understand the context of Jesus or His calling. Context like: - Jesus came for the JEWS............................. JEWS. JEWS. JEWS. JEWS. JEWS. And just in case you don't realize this, 99% of the people Jesus talked to was a Jew. And the 1 person (that I can think of) that He talked to, who was a gentile, He almost spoke in a racist manner. - According to tradition and fulfilling prophesy, Jesus didn't start His ministry until the age of 30. - The entire idea of Jesus being man, is that He lived everyday life. Did the things we didn't do. Lived normal everyday life, without sin. Lived under parents. Worked a job. Etc. - And others, but I'm not 100% polished on all of this. :/ When he came back from his missing years to teach a different idealogy to his people the Roman Emperor Constantine who thought he was a God at the time and the Jewish who followed the old testament felt threaten by Jesus's new idealogies and agreed together to nail him on a cross.
- Different Idealogy? I'd disagree strongly here. Many things Jesus taught was illuminating OT scriptures. Like for example when He was 'tempted by the Devil' for 40 days. In all three responses of Jesus, He quotes OT scripture. And numerous times throughout dialogues with the Jewish leaders, Jesus uses OT scripture to show how the Religious leaders got it wrong. - Constantine had nothing to do with Jesus' death. ;) It was Pilate. Other documents back that up. ;) Then the apostles who wrote the bible ensured that the old testament would be ressurrected because they were losing members as it is.
- Lol. Jesus came to the Jews. OT stands for "Old Testament" or "Old Covenant" or in more clear english "Old Contract". The Old Contract between man and God. Jesus fulfilled the Old Contract, to bring the New Contract, where through Him (Jesus) all men can communicate with God. Also, about the "losing members", I doubt you'll have even 1 source to cite for this. This is hearsay. More like someone's opinion. With this being said they wrote exactly the opposite of what Jesus was teaching. Or would you consider that if a man rapes a woman and gets a baby from the raptist should also marry the man? Well the bible says you have to marry a raptist in this situation.
Huh? "With this being said they wrote exactly the opposite of what Jesus was teaching" Quote a source on this. Don't ask me to look it up. I couldn't find my source on the Buddhist thing, so I dropped it. Also, about the rapist. That's in the book of Leviticus, 4th book of the OT, not NT. So...Smile, I would REALLY urge you to read the bible yourself because your obviously throwing the baby out with the bathwater. -Also, on the "strange" laws. I haven't verified all of them but many of them made sense in context of the culture/time they lived in. Like, if they obeyed the laws, it meant life to the individual and the community as a whole, but if they disobeyed, it meant death and infection to the individual and community. Now, this isn't "all" laws but a large amount of them. They are restricted to even preach about the bible if you look into it.
I'll be honest here. This one is difficult for me to iron out. (The scripture that says it.) Like I've read the background on it and different views and I don't see how someone can say "it doesn't say women can't preach" because it almost literally does. It's a difficult Scripture that I'm honestly still confused about. :/ With that being said I have personally visited China as a Red Cross Worker
Props to you! :) That's good work you've done! ... have never seen the government forbid individiual civilians from practicing a religion or spiritual belief system that they deem to be good.
Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. My mother was raped but I didn't see it, did it still happen? Um..YES IT DID. So, please stop limiting everything. Also, about the Communism thing. I totally agree. Smile, just so you know about me. My belief system is very rouge. I try to be as open as possible and be as objective as I possibly can before I come to any conclusion. I know very little about Communism but I do know over 100 stories of Chinese Christians being brutally assaulted, for promoting Jesus. And that the Christian churches within the country are regulated by the government. It is a personal belief that I have come to because of the history and how the religion brainwashes people to not be themselves. They brainwash people into believing something that no one knows.
Then Buddhism is very VERY VERY evil (I'm basing this off of your quote above). Buddhism says "I know nothing". It's a very humble stance of the Buddha but it's one of his teachings. ;) I'd like to think WE DO KNOW somethings but not in full. I am only mentioning that such religions are bad for mankind.
Again, I think your only looking at the bad... You can't have good without bad. You can't have bad without good. Christianity has done A LOT of good. I think you should throw down your preconceived notions and look at the other side, just for 1-3 months. You'll be amazed at what you'll find. I wouldn't let a book with such rules convince me
I think this closed mind is something I'm trying to persuade against. I'm very open to Jesus not being God. But my experience and knowledge goes against it. I've read the Jesus seminars in the 90's. I've looked into other religions and I'm still into looking into more of it. Well there you go no other religion should be practiced because it is not true many christians will say and they will back it up with the bible. Or do you deny this?
I never said this. Do I deny this? Hmm... It depends. I think Christianity should never be governmental law, unless it's 3 major laws, love God, love others, love fellow Christians. But even then, it's still missing the point. Jesus wants genuine worship, so, Christians who pursue 'Christian laws in government' are sinning as the Pharisees did in Jesus' time. So, if asked "Should Christian law be in government" my answer is NO. If asked "Should an individual worship only jesus" my answer is YES because logically it's fool proof. Most religions say "be good" Christianity says "trust in Jesus and try to imitate Him". I think you cover all your bases with being a follower of Christ (not of Christendom). I believe if he did ressurrect in today's times he would deeply be dissappointed that his teachings were misunderstood for everything in the bible about him is false and history shows it. He would mention on his first day that this is all wrong. This is not christianity this is the old testament rewritten all over again!
I believe Jesus (God and man) would be disappointed. So, I agree. :) (I know you don't believe Jesus=God but I do, so, I thought I'd just throw you a curve ball. :P ) Now I didn't come to this conclusion because I am not aware of the writings of the bible. I have read the bible and even the Koran
You might've read them too fast where you ddin't retain much. Because you obviously got the NT and the OT mixed up. (you said the apostles endorsed rape, when it was in the Torah/Leviticus.) .......who all come to the same conclusions
I think this is where si strongly differ. I read people who come to different conclusions. I read BOTH sides, not just one. I think you should listen to some preaching. Ignore the extremists (because it seems like this might be too much for now) but listen to the other side. Christianity is not the most peaceful idealogy to follow.
Again, your methods of testing Christianity is based on it's followers and not it's teachings. Therefore, I disagree with your assessment. As I've said numerous times before. YOUR LOOKING ONLY AT ONE SIDE, the opposing side, the side that says Christianity is totally evil. Christianity has contributed (in both positive and negative) more to humanity THAN ANY RELIGION/organization/group of people. Look into Native Indian Spirituality.
I have. :) I'm part native-american. There are some people that they had some Jewish/Christian influence (in thought, not by "White men"). For example, some chants say "Yahhhh-wehhh" which is "Yah-weh", the Jewish name of God (YHWH; hebrew has no vowels). Who knows maybe then Christianity would have looked different with the true idealogies that people can live with?
Christianity is nothing without the cross. As Paul said, "If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, we are of ALL people the most to be shamed." yet let me suggest you to actually study the history of other spiritual faith systems that were located in other parts of the world. You will be surprised how much more information they offer that will help you as a person understand that the bible
I probably know more than you . ;) Unless your 50. Much of the OT is extremely similar to Babylon and Egypt's teachings. I know a lot but there is always more information to learn. It's like a never ending well.... NEVER ENDING. How can we sleep? :P (Stuff like this [never ending] makes me want to pull my hair out.) |
Edited by
Sun 05/31/09 07:49 PM
Yes I am quiet sure a 21 year old such as yourself knows more about the subject in hand. I guess I would have to be 50 (like you mention) in which I am 9 years off to have such tremendous knowledge as yourself on the subject of religion or christianity in whole. Chuckling here
What is going on is there are two different views. If you feel comfortable believing Jesus is God and your savior and that the bible is peaceful and has morales to teach then so be it. No one is taking that away from you, yet you will see many who will disagree with your views as I clearly do here. I don't have a religion to represent anyway and I am very comfortable with it. Each individual is different for me and I don't go by a book to tell me who I should accept or not because of a rule or idealogy a book gives or what a pastor deems is correct. I live a very good life and have started helping people around the world at your age as a humantarian and have participated in many traditions and cultures, which allowed me to experience different idealogies. I had first hand experience including the studies from books to go with it concerning religions and spiritual practices. I had to learn this so I wouldn't offend a culture when helping them. It was part of my job. I have also learned that many people especially in America claim to know so much about other cultures without even travelling to them first to see if it is true. They simply read something on the internet, newspaper, or press and claim it is the truth. Go to China and then come back and talk to me about what they do and don't do or what they are allowed to do or not. Perhaps then we can have a logical conversation about religion concerning this nation. With over 15 years as a Red Cross worker and have travelled to over 30 countries in my life looking at various idealogies, spiritual practices, and religions I come to the conclusion that Christianity is not the most peaceful religion one can study. Yes Buddhism is far more peaceful and logical. It is also a much older philosophy then Christianity with the least amount of atrocities to go with it. Perhaps you should study eastern philosophy more yourself. I have seen both views from others defending christianity and dissaproving its practice. I have read the bible numerous times full of contradictions and even had lengthy conversations with various people in hand. It is simply that you see a different view on it. If you want to believe Jesus died on a cross for the sake of mankind then so be it. I don't want to believe that and never will. Concerning native indians: I visit a reservation on weekends to meet up with a 96 year old chief who told me stories on what christians did to his people. Stories you don't want to hear and probably will not agree with him on even though he was there when they happened when he was a child at the time. Also many of the americans I meet always claim they have somekind of native blood in them. Most of the time it isn't true. Native Indians were forced to convert rather they wanted to or not. They were seen as savages and had a chance to fix that by converting. Christians always believe they are civilizing other cultures when they give them a chance to convert. The missionaries are no different when they visit poor countries especially India and Africa at the moment. Too bad they just don't accept different lifestyles, practices, and idealogies. In the end what I can agree with you on is that you are a strong believer in the christian faith and claim that it is a rightuous path. I on the other hand don't agree with its teachings or morales including the Torah or the Koran. I will always point out my reasons when confronted. Concerning the history of what happened to Jesus I would say for you to keep a open mind. Afterall no one knows for sure what really happened in his lifetime unless you want to literally take the words out of the bible as factual. If so then good luck with that. You will probably find many who will follow along with you here in America without even questioning the book. As a note you misunderstand my last post or you chose to twist it. Yes Jesus did come back to the Jews to teach a different idealogy of how to live amongst each other in peace. Like I said Constantine and Pilate both agreed on nailing him on the cross. They were both threatened by his popularity let alone his idealogies. That is what I was saying all along. Go back and reread it again and you will see that. It was a collaboration between the Roman government and the Jews who believed in the old testament to send him to death. The Jews that followed the old testament used this event to create the new testament by using Jesus as a sacrificial lamb to help revive their order. Many will agree that religion was a way to keep order amongst the people and many will agree that people in those days never dared to question such laws and rules. Why? Because it could cost them their life. Jesus in this perspective was very brave in what he did. He knew he might have to pay a price for it. What price did he pay? Well his life of course. He showed people that stoning children, doing sacrifices, or giving such brutal punishments wasn't necessary to keep order. He showed that one can live in peace with one another and solve problems without violence. He was changing the way of thinking that many people enjoyed. He was seen as a humantarian. Someone that I can look up to for I too was a humanatarian for almost half of my life. His idealogies are misrepresented in the bible. So take what you like with it. Either see it as false or see it as the truth. Your choice. Good luck on your search for the truth on this time of history. I hope you will find it. If not then you are not much better off then most of us here. It is something that can be discussed until we turn blue. One thing I know for sure is that everyone has a different understanding of this religion and how they feel about it. Fortunately we can now give our opinions about this religion as of others without being persecuted, tortured, or tossed away as a heretic. We are still called heathens or infidels, but it doesn't really matter anymore. It is just words and nothing more. I for one know who is being unreasonable in the end. |
Wow. What a loaded response Smile. :) The only one who speak of crusades are christians as you do now assuming that is what I am doing with this thread.
Yea. I got that. But no one has a perfect history. Mankind can be very even, no matter what banner they promote (Christianity, Buddhism, etc) I am clearly showing history of what christians have done so far with mankind.
Yes, but some of it's not negative. Evangelism isn't evil. It's just promoted by flawed people with differing motives. <<This is in the general sense, not just Christianity, think marketing a company, it's not evil but the motives behind the person promoting it might be off/wrong/evil, or think any religion that promotes itself. It threatens there already losing members as it is.
I have to respectfully disagree. Catholicism is on a major decline but Pentecostalism is almost larger than Catholicism and still growing fast. I'm not saying "one is right", I'm just saying certain sects maybe declining but the majority is still growing (outside of the US; China has more Christians [Pentacostals] than the US has.) Now, about the China remark. It's an underground church that is very vast in it's reach. True miracles, powerful things, only seen in the Bible are there. Is it a perfect church? No. They get thrown in jail because the government doesn't like it (Christianity). The reason why so many denominations are evolving today because they don't agree in what the bible says.
Yes/no. Yes. No because some people make a new denomination because they just didn't like the pastor. Or they didn't like 1 simple issue. This doesn't mean anything, other than there are differing views on things. Many people don't realize that the Bible is about Jesus and how we should emulate Him. It's not an encyclopedia or in lawyer talk. It doesn't answer every question. Nor is it 100% clear. But Jesus said only 3 things matter. Love God (Jesus). Love others (and enemies). Love fellow Christians. I think at the end of the day, we can both agree, Christendom received a: n/a (Love God; can't really know) F (Love others/enemies) and F (Love fellow Christians). If you feel christianity or any of their denominations have morales to teach and that everyone should practice them, then you will obviously find many around the world who will disagree with you.
I think your missing something. Treat others as you want to be treated (that in the New Testament; known as the Golden Rule). I don't think anyone can disagree unless they are just screwed up. lol. No god will throw me to hell because of mistakes humans do.
Now, my view may sound weird and new. But it's not. Church history backs me (a little). Hell isn't a place of literal fire, if it is, then it's not the worst part of hell. Heaven isn't the place where everything is perfect. Hell is simply the absence of Jesus. Heaven is simply the presence of Jesus. Jesus=God=Love, heaven is just the full experience behind the being of our maker. Euphoria. The torment of hell is deep remorse because now your separated from your Maker. I'm of the belief that God is God. He is SOOO far beyond us, that explaining "why this and not that" is impossible. He is the author, from beginning to end. I believe in hell (Jesus was the one who spoke about it the most...) and heaven (The Book of Revelation speaks most about this). But, I'm working out my faith. I don't promote it. I don't evangelize. I don't even go to church. I pursued becoming a pastor but have side-tracked because of recent life situations (let's just say my faith was shaken). I am not here to convert anyone. I am only shedding my beliefs.
Me 2. :) It is very depressing to see many christians follow a belief system that has done so many atrocities because of following what the bible says.
Yes it is. But your being negative about the past. And your only looking at one side. Have you ever eaten peanut butter? A Christian (president) was the one who invented that and thousands of other things (from the peanut) that are STILL beneficial to society. Christianty brought education to many of the poor and partly (PARTLY!!!!! not fully, WE ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION, NOR WERE WE FOUNDED AS ONE; sorry for the caps but I try not to be naive and actually try to look things up.) why America is the country as it is today. Also, you might say America is a horrible nation. If you strictly base that on your thought-logic, in the quote above. Slavery. More Powerful Drugs. Started Wars. Etc. I don't see buddhism killing people because their scriptures say so. There is a difference.
I wish I had saved those sources. But either way. I know what you mean. Today Christians still judge people if...
Pet Peeve: Smile.. My pet peeve is Americans using the word "Judge" as if it was a bad term. Judging isn't bad. What about our legislation? Judging is simply deciding if something is positive (good) or negative (bad). Or innocent or guilty. If you've been judged, doesn't mean anything bad. It just means someone decided something about you. /pet peeve. and the other 20 or more christian organizations
Sad thing is there is like 100,000+. :((( Having a relation with a supernatural being comes in many forms. One doesn't have to believe in the christian way to reach that.
I agree but.....I would say, your missing out on the FULL experience of God, by rejecting the real Jesus. Also there are a great many atheists who do great philanthropist activities doing mankind great favors and rewards without having to believe in anykind of god.
And sadly some of them out work some Christians. :( As for me Christianity, Muslim, and Judaism each belong in the vault locked away and labeled mediterrenean mythology.
It might one day. Especially if the brands/religions continue to not solve their brand issues. I don't think the Jews have done too much damage (except BC). But Christians and Muslims have the worst history. :( Especially since they fight each other throughout it. I'd honestly encourage you to look to Jesus. Not the people. Like, you know in your family (everyone has one, I think, unles you have a perfect family), where there is that "person" you don't want to say is your brother/cousin but ...the truth is... THEY ARE. That's how the history of Christianity makes me feel. IT IS apart my MY history, not matter how much I hate it. Look at Jesus and the early church (before the Bible was complied) and you'll see a great organization. You'd be surprised at what you see. Some of the early church writings, you'll NEVER hear in a church, just because it's very frank and in your face about things (not hell and such, but in honesty and wisdom). First we have to talk about the Golden Rule that you claim christians came with first. I would look into Eastern philosophy and you will see that the golden rules actually started there. Don't do that what you don't want done to you was practiced way before Judaism even existed. Research it and you will find it interesting. Concerning Jesus I believe he was in India or in that area who must have seen a culture with a different philosophy on how to treat one another as a whole. I say this for no one knows where he was in his missing years. Most people followed the old testament at the time and believed that such laws as stoning children on the street when they didn't listen to their parents was justified. Jesus questioned those motives. He also questioned many things the old testament stated that made people at the time contemplate why the God of Abraham would make such harsh rules onto his people. When he came back from his missing years to teach a different idealogy to his people the Roman Emperor Constantine who thought he was a God at the time and the Jewish who followed the old testament felt threaten by Jesus's new idealogies and agreed together to nail him on a cross. Then the apostles who wrote the bible ensured that the old testament would be ressurrected because they were losing members as it is. With this being said they wrote exactly the opposite of what Jesus was teaching. Or would you consider that if a man rapes a woman and gets a baby from the raptist should also marry the man? Well the bible says you have to marry a raptist in this situation. Mark Twain said: It is not the scriptures that I don't understand that bother me but the lessons that I do understand that bothers me. (Not exact words, but same meaning) So any sane man who would read the bible and agree on its morales should truly look at other sources of common sense then to follow the writings of men who restricted many of the freedoms that we cherish today. How a woman could even follow the rules of the bible has me bewildered also? They are restricted to even preach about the bible if you look into it. With that being said I have personally visited China as a Red Cross Worker and have never seen the government forbid individiual civilians from practicing a religion or spiritual belief system that they deem to be good. I have met a Christian, many Buddhists, alot of Atheists, and Agnostics who each have their reasons why they choose to believe or not. They don't hide that either from the public and the government doesn't forbid it. Communism is hugely misunderstood in America. Not that I support it, but people compare Communism with dictatorship. There is a difference you know. I also never mention anything about (evil). Christians love to talk about evil and good vs demon and angel and what have you. I am only mentioning that such religions are bad for mankind. It is a personal belief that I have come to because of the history and how the religion brainwashes people to not be themselves. They brainwash people into believing something that no one knows. If one wants to be truthful about oneself or with others then the right answer would be is that we don't know if a God even exists. We don't know if a hell in whatever term or picture you want to see it or a heaven exists. Yes we have feelings and want to believe in something to sleep well at the end of the day, but that doesn't mean it really exists. So Agnotiscm would be a truthful answer we humans can say. I wouldn't let a book with such rules convince me that a Abrahamic God will smite people or punish them if they don't follow his ways. "There shall be no other god besides me" is mentioned in one of the quotes in the bible. Well there you go no other religion should be practiced because it is not true many christians will say and they will back it up with the bible. Or do you deny this? Afterall my people where called heathens and infidels because we didn't follow the bible or refused to convert. Concerning Jesus he was a human being (not the son of a god) who learned or observed a different idealogy and try to show his people a different approach on morales. Of course this was refuted and he was killed for it. I believe if he did ressurrect in today's times he would deeply be dissappointed that his teachings were misunderstood for everything in the bible about him is false and history shows it. He would mention on his first day that this is all wrong. This is not christianity this is the old testament rewritten all over again! Now I didn't come to this conclusion because I am not aware of the writings of the bible. I have read the bible and even the Koran. I have been offered these books dozens of times when I travelled the world. I have conversated with scientists, archaelogists, teachers, historians, and theologists who all come to the same conclusions. I read biographies of famous politicians, inventors, and humantarians who also come to the same conclusion. Christianity is not the most peaceful idealogy to follow. There are far more peaceful spiritual practices with less atrocities and misunderstandings that still exist today. Fortunately they still exist because Christianity hasn't thrawted them down yet. Look into Native Indian Spirituality. A beautiful combination of wisdoms. It is sad however that many of the natives where forced to convert at the time, yet many still refuse to follow the religion and don't care if they are called heathens. They know that their spiritual faith is much more peaceful in the end. So yes I do look up to Jesus as a humantarian. Not as the savior or someone we have to believe in to be saved. He was a man who had a big heart and was punished for it. If I was there at the time of event I would have tried to free him from the jail he was sitting in and would have somehow ensured his escape to a peaceful country so he wouldn't be nailed on a cross for what he believed to be true. I would hope also that all the followers that loved him would have followed also. Who knows maybe then Christianity would have looked different with the true idealogies that people can live with? A religion that would have shown people to coexist in peace without the teachings of the Abrahamic God that the old testament enforces. If that would have happened I would most likely be a follower. That I guarantee. Well good luck on your studies in Christianity, yet let me suggest you to actually study the history of other spiritual faith systems that were located in other parts of the world. You will be surprised how much more information they offer that will help you as a person understand that the bible is not the wisiest and most helpful morales one can look for. I'll tell ya, I don't envy any young person today that questions religion and christianity especially. I don't long to be that naive ever again. Thanks smiless, you always remind me that questioning isn't just good, it's nessessary. |
Anytime I want to get a chuckle I grab a bag of popcorn and read the posts of the Aethist who try to make the bible verses different from what they really are.
There is a reason the bible is the most published book in the history of the world people. |
There is a reason the bible is the most published book in the history of the world people. |
As the thread shows in the beginning one can see how the bible became popular.
Prostelyzing, forcing conversion, taking away children from their parents rather they want to or not and putting them in christian schools, fear tactics such as one will go to hell if one doesn't convert, knocking on doors in the early or late hours trying to convince to join a church session, tv advertisement, and so forth is how the bible got popular. I don't see buddhists or hindus forcing anyone to become one of their members. I don't see Wiccas forcing anyone to become a Wiccan. I also don't see a atheist or agnostic believer either telling others in what one SHOULD believe in. I must add that atheists are nonprofit organizations. I wouldn't say Christians are nonprofit. For thousands of years they have earned more money then anyone can imagine and alot of it doesn't even go to the poor like people want to believe. So bible thumpers yes keep stuffing yourself with popcorn. I think that is probably what you can only do best anyway. |
stop it with the mega long posts i aint readin them far too lazy
Each individual is different for me and I don't go by a book to tell me who I should accept or not because of a rule or idealogy a book gives or what a pastor deems is correct.
Sad thing is Jesus never said "the pastor will teach you", yet many Christians blindly follow pastors instead of challenging them on their opinions. So, I sigh with your statement. :/ Go to China and then come back and talk to me about what they do and don't do or what they are allowed to do or not. Perhaps then we can have a logical conversation about religion concerning this nation.
Actually, I'd love to one day go to China. But as I said before, traveling to a country is a HUGE place and no one has any idea what's happening around the corner. I doubt going to a place will radically change our conversation (except we'd have more common ground of "oh, you went to that coffee shop, or that sweat shop, or that store, etc.") I come to the conclusion that Christianity is not the most peaceful religion one can study. Yes Buddhism is far more peaceful and logical. It is also a much older philosophy then Christianity with the least amount of atrocities to go with it. Perhaps you should study eastern philosophy more yourself.
Smile...I don't want to repeat myself for the 3rd or 4th time. But I will (one last time) because it doesn't seem like your listening to this particular point. Just because one has a peaceful history and the other has a chaotic history, doesn't mean ANYTHING about the religion itself. It just shows what the followers do. I don't think your "test" is a valid test of religions. I think one should look at the leader Himself and go from there. My view is "Christianity is true but ever since the government (Rome; circa 350) got involved it went downhill for thousands of years." Stories you don't want to hear and probably will not agree with him on even though he was there when they happened when he was a child at the time.
OMG, Smile. Are you serious? Are you really going to generalize me, as other Christians? WTF, Smile, WTF. Don't act like I hide my face from what evil "Christians" have done. I know what they've done. They have done some wicked ****. Don't act like I would acknowledge it. Stop pre-judging me and just listen to what I'm saying. That quote was offensive and shows how you don't want to dialogue and just want to vent. I think it's great you meet on the weekends with Native Indians. Concerning the history of what happened to Jesus I would say for you to keep a open mind. After all no one knows for sure what really happened in his lifetime unless you want to literally take the words out of the bible as factual.
I'm glad you said "keep" but I encourage you to HAVE an open mind. Cause your obviously closed to the idea that I could be right. "unless you want to literally take the words out of the bible as factual" - It is a document. It's valid as any other. I've stated my stance on this before. Maybe you just didn't listen to it, which is fine, but it's saddening because I thought we were going to talk about it. As a note you misunderstand my last post or you chose to twist it.
No twist. I take your statements/posts as face value and reply to them line by line. So, I'd say I might've misunderstood. But you made it sound like it was mainly the Romans who killed Jesus. I think the Passion of the Christ is a good depiction of "how" He was killed. Jews urged the Roman government. Yes Jesus did come back to the Jews to teach a different idealogy of how to live amongst each other in peace.
You say different, but Christ would've said the same. Everything Christ taught was in the OT but the religious leaders decided to twist things into a hateful society, when the OT was about love. Christ fulfilled the law, He was the embodiment of it. The Jews that followed the old testament used this event to create the new testament by using Jesus as a sacrificial lamb to help revive their order.
Many will agree that religion was a way to keep order amongst the people and many will agree that people in those days never dared to question such laws and rules. Why? Because it could cost them their life. You almost contradict yourself here. Most of the apostles died in teaching what Christ taught, up until circa 350. The Romans made a spectacle of Christians. Lions eating the flesh of Christians, etc. Someone that I can look up to for I too was a humanatarian for almost half of my life. His idealogies are misrepresented in the bible. So take what you like with it.
Again, you almost contradict yourself again. (Almost....) You say it's "misrepresented", yet you have no source behind this "misrepresentation". You base your view of Jesus on bits and pieces of Scripture (or documents that are 300 AD +), yet you have no solid foundation for your belief. Other than you say "Jesus was just a good humanitarian man." This is called circular reasoning. You believe something because you believe it. People can believe what they want, but it doesn't mean it's true, at the end of the day. Is it possible for Jesus to be "just man"? No. Then based on the NT, He was a lunatic, not a humanitarian. A man claiming to be God in the flesh is pretty nuts... this is why He died. Jesus was killed by the Jews because Jesus claimed to be God. Without this, the Jews wouldn't have had Him killed. Could Jesus have went to India? Well, if He was really called to the Jews and into submission of His parents, then no because He was working with His father as a carpenter's apprentice. (FYI, back then, you wouldn't "ask your dad/mom" for anything, it was more of a slave relationship.) If Jesus was a lunatic, then sure. He could go to India, but then He wasn't called to the Jews and shouldn't have died. I'd encourage you to read Case for Christ. As the thread shows in the beginning one can see how the bible became popular.
Again, Smile, I need to repeat myself. This is AFTER 350 AD. All of your citation is AFTER 350 AD. Let's look closer into 35 AD till 350 AD: Emperor's (like a hand full of them, like a new one every few years) then Emperor Nero then Domitian then Trajan then Hadrian then Septimius Severus then Decius then Diocletian. A nice link is I'd encourage you to read that. This is what led up to the decision of Constantine. Side note: I've chosen Christianity among other because of the Leader. There is little evidence to say He wasn't who He said He was (God). Although many of the followers are stupid and serve themselves in the name of this Leader. It doesn't mean the Leader is bad, it just means we live in a world that is flawed and corrupt. I don't follow the followers, I follow Christ. Some followers need a NCIS head slap. |
Edited by
Tue 06/02/09 03:23 PM
Wow. What a loaded response Smile. :) The only one who speak of crusades are christians as you do now assuming that is what I am doing with this thread.
Yea. I got that. But no one has a perfect history. Mankind can be very even, no matter what banner they promote (Christianity, Buddhism, etc) I am clearly showing history of what christians have done so far with mankind.
Yes, but some of it's not negative. Evangelism isn't evil. It's just promoted by flawed people with differing motives. <<This is in the general sense, not just Christianity, think marketing a company, it's not evil but the motives behind the person promoting it might be off/wrong/evil, or think any religion that promotes itself. It threatens there already losing members as it is.
I have to respectfully disagree. Catholicism is on a major decline but Pentecostalism is almost larger than Catholicism and still growing fast. I'm not saying "one is right", I'm just saying certain sects maybe declining but the majority is still growing (outside of the US; China has more Christians [Pentacostals] than the US has.) Now, about the China remark. It's an underground church that is very vast in it's reach. True miracles, powerful things, only seen in the Bible are there. Is it a perfect church? No. They get thrown in jail because the government doesn't like it (Christianity). The reason why so many denominations are evolving today because they don't agree in what the bible says.
Yes/no. Yes. No because some people make a new denomination because they just didn't like the pastor. Or they didn't like 1 simple issue. This doesn't mean anything, other than there are differing views on things. Many people don't realize that the Bible is about Jesus and how we should emulate Him. It's not an encyclopedia or in lawyer talk. It doesn't answer every question. Nor is it 100% clear. But Jesus said only 3 things matter. Love God (Jesus). Love others (and enemies). Love fellow Christians. I think at the end of the day, we can both agree, Christendom received a: n/a (Love God; can't really know) F (Love others/enemies) and F (Love fellow Christians). If you feel christianity or any of their denominations have morales to teach and that everyone should practice them, then you will obviously find many around the world who will disagree with you.
I think your missing something. Treat others as you want to be treated (that in the New Testament; known as the Golden Rule). I don't think anyone can disagree unless they are just screwed up. lol. No god will throw me to hell because of mistakes humans do.
Now, my view may sound weird and new. But it's not. Church history backs me (a little). Hell isn't a place of literal fire, if it is, then it's not the worst part of hell. Heaven isn't the place where everything is perfect. Hell is simply the absence of Jesus. Heaven is simply the presence of Jesus. Jesus=God=Love, heaven is just the full experience behind the being of our maker. Euphoria. The torment of hell is deep remorse because now your separated from your Maker. I'm of the belief that God is God. He is SOOO far beyond us, that explaining "why this and not that" is impossible. He is the author, from beginning to end. I believe in hell (Jesus was the one who spoke about it the most...) and heaven (The Book of Revelation speaks most about this). But, I'm working out my faith. I don't promote it. I don't evangelize. I don't even go to church. I pursued becoming a pastor but have side-tracked because of recent life situations (let's just say my faith was shaken). I am not here to convert anyone. I am only shedding my beliefs.
Me 2. :) It is very depressing to see many christians follow a belief system that has done so many atrocities because of following what the bible says.
Yes it is. But your being negative about the past. And your only looking at one side. Have you ever eaten peanut butter? A Christian (president) was the one who invented that and thousands of other things (from the peanut) that are STILL beneficial to society. Christianty brought education to many of the poor and partly (PARTLY!!!!! not fully, WE ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION, NOR WERE WE FOUNDED AS ONE; sorry for the caps but I try not to be naive and actually try to look things up.) why America is the country as it is today. Also, you might say America is a horrible nation. If you strictly base that on your thought-logic, in the quote above. Slavery. More Powerful Drugs. Started Wars. Etc. I don't see buddhism killing people because their scriptures say so. There is a difference.
I wish I had saved those sources. But either way. I know what you mean. Today Christians still judge people if...
Pet Peeve: Smile.. My pet peeve is Americans using the word "Judge" as if it was a bad term. Judging isn't bad. What about our legislation? Judging is simply deciding if something is positive (good) or negative (bad). Or innocent or guilty. If you've been judged, doesn't mean anything bad. It just means someone decided something about you. /pet peeve. and the other 20 or more christian organizations
Sad thing is there is like 100,000+. :((( Having a relation with a supernatural being comes in many forms. One doesn't have to believe in the christian way to reach that.
I agree but.....I would say, your missing out on the FULL experience of God, by rejecting the real Jesus. Also there are a great many atheists who do great philanthropist activities doing mankind great favors and rewards without having to believe in anykind of god.
And sadly some of them out work some Christians. :( As for me Christianity, Muslim, and Judaism each belong in the vault locked away and labeled mediterrenean mythology.
It might one day. Especially if the brands/religions continue to not solve their brand issues. I don't think the Jews have done too much damage (except BC). But Christians and Muslims have the worst history. :( Especially since they fight each other throughout it. I'd honestly encourage you to look to Jesus. Not the people. Like, you know in your family (everyone has one, I think, unles you have a perfect family), where there is that "person" you don't want to say is your brother/cousin but ...the truth is... THEY ARE. That's how the history of Christianity makes me feel. IT IS apart my MY history, not matter how much I hate it. Look at Jesus and the early church (before the Bible was complied) and you'll see a great organization. You'd be surprised at what you see. Some of the early church writings, you'll NEVER hear in a church, just because it's very frank and in your face about things (not hell and such, but in honesty and wisdom). First we have to talk about the Golden Rule that you claim christians came with first. I would look into Eastern philosophy and you will see that the golden rules actually started there. Don't do that what you don't want done to you was practiced way before Judaism even existed. Research it and you will find it interesting. Concerning Jesus I believe he was in India or in that area who must have seen a culture with a different philosophy on how to treat one another as a whole. I say this for no one knows where he was in his missing years. Most people followed the old testament at the time and believed that such laws as stoning children on the street when they didn't listen to their parents was justified. Jesus questioned those motives. He also questioned many things the old testament stated that made people at the time contemplate why the God of Abraham would make such harsh rules onto his people. When he came back from his missing years to teach a different idealogy to his people the Roman Emperor Constantine who thought he was a God at the time and the Jewish who followed the old testament felt threaten by Jesus's new idealogies and agreed together to nail him on a cross. Then the apostles who wrote the bible ensured that the old testament would be ressurrected because they were losing members as it is. With this being said they wrote exactly the opposite of what Jesus was teaching. Or would you consider that if a man rapes a woman and gets a baby from the raptist should also marry the man? Well the bible says you have to marry a raptist in this situation. Mark Twain said: It is not the scriptures that I don't understand that bother me but the lessons that I do understand that bothers me. (Not exact words, but same meaning) So any sane man who would read the bible and agree on its morales should truly look at other sources of common sense then to follow the writings of men who restricted many of the freedoms that we cherish today. How a woman could even follow the rules of the bible has me bewildered also? They are restricted to even preach about the bible if you look into it. With that being said I have personally visited China as a Red Cross Worker and have never seen the government forbid individiual civilians from practicing a religion or spiritual belief system that they deem to be good. I have met a Christian, many Buddhists, alot of Atheists, and Agnostics who each have their reasons why they choose to believe or not. They don't hide that either from the public and the government doesn't forbid it. Communism is hugely misunderstood in America. Not that I support it, but people compare Communism with dictatorship. There is a difference you know. I also never mention anything about (evil). Christians love to talk about evil and good vs demon and angel and what have you. I am only mentioning that such religions are bad for mankind. It is a personal belief that I have come to because of the history and how the religion brainwashes people to not be themselves. They brainwash people into believing something that no one knows. If one wants to be truthful about oneself or with others then the right answer would be is that we don't know if a God even exists. We don't know if a hell in whatever term or picture you want to see it or a heaven exists. Yes we have feelings and want to believe in something to sleep well at the end of the day, but that doesn't mean it really exists. So Agnotiscm would be a truthful answer we humans can say. I wouldn't let a book with such rules convince me that a Abrahamic God will smite people or punish them if they don't follow his ways. "There shall be no other god besides me" is mentioned in one of the quotes in the bible. Well there you go no other religion should be practiced because it is not true many christians will say and they will back it up with the bible. Or do you deny this? Afterall my people where called heathens and infidels because we didn't follow the bible or refused to convert. Concerning Jesus he was a human being (not the son of a god) who learned or observed a different idealogy and try to show his people a different approach on morales. Of course this was refuted and he was killed for it. I believe if he did ressurrect in today's times he would deeply be dissappointed that his teachings were misunderstood for everything in the bible about him is false and history shows it. He would mention on his first day that this is all wrong. This is not christianity this is the old testament rewritten all over again! Now I didn't come to this conclusion because I am not aware of the writings of the bible. I have read the bible and even the Koran. I have been offered these books dozens of times when I travelled the world. I have conversated with scientists, archaelogists, teachers, historians, and theologists who all come to the same conclusions. I read biographies of famous politicians, inventors, and humantarians who also come to the same conclusion. Christianity is not the most peaceful idealogy to follow. There are far more peaceful spiritual practices with less atrocities and misunderstandings that still exist today. Fortunately they still exist because Christianity hasn't thrawted them down yet. Look into Native Indian Spirituality. A beautiful combination of wisdoms. It is sad however that many of the natives where forced to convert at the time, yet many still refuse to follow the religion and don't care if they are called heathens. They know that their spiritual faith is much more peaceful in the end. So yes I do look up to Jesus as a humantarian. Not as the savior or someone we have to believe in to be saved. He was a man who had a big heart and was punished for it. If I was there at the time of event I would have tried to free him from the jail he was sitting in and would have somehow ensured his escape to a peaceful country so he wouldn't be nailed on a cross for what he believed to be true. I would hope also that all the followers that loved him would have followed also. Who knows maybe then Christianity would have looked different with the true idealogies that people can live with? A religion that would have shown people to coexist in peace without the teachings of the Abrahamic God that the old testament enforces. If that would have happened I would most likely be a follower. That I guarantee. Well good luck on your studies in Christianity, yet let me suggest you to actually study the history of other spiritual faith systems that were located in other parts of the world. You will be surprised how much more information they offer that will help you as a person understand that the bible is not the wisiest and most helpful morales one can look for. I'll tell ya, I don't envy any young person today that questions religion and christianity especially. I don't long to be that naive ever again. Thanks smiless, you always remind me that questioning isn't just good, it's nessessary. Well what it is worth you will always see people defending the bible and its morales and others who will call it nothing more then a fairy tale story. In the end one can decide what is best for them. I don't think one could have done that a thousand years ago. Either you become or you die. I am glad I didn't exist in those times to tell you the truth. Having visited many countries I always hear the same stories from people of how christian missionaries throw in their bible versus warning that one should convert if they want to make it to a heaven. Some actually do fall for such words these people give. Fortunately many don't as they do ask questions about the credibility of the words the bible offers. When they don't receive logical answers they don't convert. Of course the christians will say go read the bible again or you don't understand the meaning of what is written as the typical answer. The fact is that christianity has a tainted history and its followers did atrocities by using the bible to justify their actions. Who would want to follow such a religion with such a tainted past is beyond my comprehension? I certainly wouldn't that is for sure. I can think of far more peaceful spiritual practices that had commited far less atrocties in general. It is only common logic to follow a spiritual path that actually shows peaceful coexistence and solutions without the resort to violence. I mean one doesn't even have to join a religion or believe in anykind of spiritual belief system to lead a good life and be a good example to others to tell you the truth. I am living proof of this actually. Maybe I am over sensitive about the subject, but my prior experience as a red cross worker has shown me more poverty and violence to shed 3 lifetimes to come to this conclusion. So yes people are nasty little creatures aren't they, but those who follow such religions that enforce such atrocities are the worst. Yes it is necessary to (ask questions) and it is fortunate that we are allowed to think for ourselves of what we deem is good for our happiness. |
Edited by
Tue 06/02/09 06:06 PM
Each individual is different for me and I don't go by a book to tell me who I should accept or not because of a rule or idealogy a book gives or what a pastor deems is correct.
Sad thing is Jesus never said "the pastor will teach you", yet many Christians blindly follow pastors instead of challenging them on their opinions. So, I sigh with your statement. :/ Go to China and then come back and talk to me about what they do and don't do or what they are allowed to do or not. Perhaps then we can have a logical conversation about religion concerning this nation.
Actually, I'd love to one day go to China. But as I said before, traveling to a country is a HUGE place and no one has any idea what's happening around the corner. I doubt going to a place will radically change our conversation (except we'd have more common ground of "oh, you went to that coffee shop, or that sweat shop, or that store, etc.") I come to the conclusion that Christianity is not the most peaceful religion one can study. Yes Buddhism is far more peaceful and logical. It is also a much older philosophy then Christianity with the least amount of atrocities to go with it. Perhaps you should study eastern philosophy more yourself.
Smile...I don't want to repeat myself for the 3rd or 4th time. But I will (one last time) because it doesn't seem like your listening to this particular point. Just because one has a peaceful history and the other has a chaotic history, doesn't mean ANYTHING about the religion itself. It just shows what the followers do. I don't think your "test" is a valid test of religions. I think one should look at the leader Himself and go from there. My view is "Christianity is true but ever since the government (Rome; circa 350) got involved it went downhill for thousands of years." Stories you don't want to hear and probably will not agree with him on even though he was there when they happened when he was a child at the time.
OMG, Smile. Are you serious? Are you really going to generalize me, as other Christians? WTF, Smile, WTF. Don't act like I hide my face from what evil "Christians" have done. I know what they've done. They have done some wicked ****. Don't act like I would acknowledge it. Stop pre-judging me and just listen to what I'm saying. That quote was offensive and shows how you don't want to dialogue and just want to vent. I think it's great you meet on the weekends with Native Indians. Concerning the history of what happened to Jesus I would say for you to keep a open mind. After all no one knows for sure what really happened in his lifetime unless you want to literally take the words out of the bible as factual.
I'm glad you said "keep" but I encourage you to HAVE an open mind. Cause your obviously closed to the idea that I could be right. "unless you want to literally take the words out of the bible as factual" - It is a document. It's valid as any other. I've stated my stance on this before. Maybe you just didn't listen to it, which is fine, but it's saddening because I thought we were going to talk about it. As a note you misunderstand my last post or you chose to twist it.
No twist. I take your statements/posts as face value and reply to them line by line. So, I'd say I might've misunderstood. But you made it sound like it was mainly the Romans who killed Jesus. I think the Passion of the Christ is a good depiction of "how" He was killed. Jews urged the Roman government. Yes Jesus did come back to the Jews to teach a different idealogy of how to live amongst each other in peace.
You say different, but Christ would've said the same. Everything Christ taught was in the OT but the religious leaders decided to twist things into a hateful society, when the OT was about love. Christ fulfilled the law, He was the embodiment of it. The Jews that followed the old testament used this event to create the new testament by using Jesus as a sacrificial lamb to help revive their order.
Many will agree that religion was a way to keep order amongst the people and many will agree that people in those days never dared to question such laws and rules. Why? Because it could cost them their life. You almost contradict yourself here. Most of the apostles died in teaching what Christ taught, up until circa 350. The Romans made a spectacle of Christians. Lions eating the flesh of Christians, etc. Someone that I can look up to for I too was a humanatarian for almost half of my life. His idealogies are misrepresented in the bible. So take what you like with it.
Again, you almost contradict yourself again. (Almost....) You say it's "misrepresented", yet you have no source behind this "misrepresentation". You base your view of Jesus on bits and pieces of Scripture (or documents that are 300 AD +), yet you have no solid foundation for your belief. Other than you say "Jesus was just a good humanitarian man." This is called circular reasoning. You believe something because you believe it. People can believe what they want, but it doesn't mean it's true, at the end of the day. Is it possible for Jesus to be "just man"? No. Then based on the NT, He was a lunatic, not a humanitarian. A man claiming to be God in the flesh is pretty nuts... this is why He died. Jesus was killed by the Jews because Jesus claimed to be God. Without this, the Jews wouldn't have had Him killed. Could Jesus have went to India? Well, if He was really called to the Jews and into submission of His parents, then no because He was working with His father as a carpenter's apprentice. (FYI, back then, you wouldn't "ask your dad/mom" for anything, it was more of a slave relationship.) If Jesus was a lunatic, then sure. He could go to India, but then He wasn't called to the Jews and shouldn't have died. I'd encourage you to read Case for Christ. As the thread shows in the beginning one can see how the bible became popular.
Again, Smile, I need to repeat myself. This is AFTER 350 AD. All of your citation is AFTER 350 AD. Let's look closer into 35 AD till 350 AD: Emperor's (like a hand full of them, like a new one every few years) then Emperor Nero then Domitian then Trajan then Hadrian then Septimius Severus then Decius then Diocletian. A nice link is I'd encourage you to read that. This is what led up to the decision of Constantine. Side note: I've chosen Christianity among other because of the Leader. There is little evidence to say He wasn't who He said He was (God). Although many of the followers are stupid and serve themselves in the name of this Leader. It doesn't mean the Leader is bad, it just means we live in a world that is flawed and corrupt. I don't follow the followers, I follow Christ. Some followers need a NCIS head slap. Actually I have gotten carried away with my replies. I am just saddened on how religions manipulate people in doing bad things. It would be nice that religions would enforce those golden rules many agree with around the world. For example: Don't do that what you don't want done to you. Unfortunately this doesn't happen and we watch mega religion organizations and structures created for money and power only. They are so influential that they intergrate into our politics and schools manipulating anybody to believe in something without researching or even studying it first to see if it is something a individual would like to follow. Yes I mentioned that Constantine was around at the time of Jesus. I should have said Augustus (Octavia) Caeser and no he didn't really concern himself too much about Jesus actually. Constantine made Christianity popular and had it enforced as the official religion for the Roman Empire later on. He embraced Christianity for he saw the brutal acts of Diocletians's rule and how he brutally persecuted Christians. I think also his mother became a devouted follower of Christianity. I agree it was wrong of the Roman's to persecute the christians, but it looks like he used a eye for an eye himself when he started waging wars in other parts of the country. I find anykind of violence saddening. When Constantine was proclaimed emperor by his troops he crossed the Alps with an army and defeated Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, and became the sole western emperor himself. Milvian Bridge was a key moment in Constantine's religous development. The development was to spread christianity wherever he could. He also had a (dream) in which God appeared to him, he made his soldiers paint a christian monogram on their shields - in hoc signo vinces - In this sign shalt thou conquer. I don't think Jesus would approve such a emblem and actually be dissapointed about it. From this point on, his military campaigns became intricately bound up with his religious convictions. So he used Christianity and its lessons to conquer other nations. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Now concerning Jesus and his actions during his adult ministry it did arouse fear and suspicion amongst the authorities, who were concerned at his increasing abilty to draw large crowds. So when around 30, Jesus went to Jerusalem which brought much concern to the city's governors. Roman troops were usually stationed in Jerusalem and they would watch Jesus triumphant entry into the city, mounted on a donkey. But he created far greater concern when he entered the city's temple, turning over tables as people convened to pay the temple tax and buy sacrificial pigeons. Unfortunately today we see nothing but huge churches everywhere today where people give money in baskets. I don't think Jesus would like that if he would be around in today's society. The Jewish authorities were aggrieved at the disruption, so they conspired with one of Jesus' disciples, Judas Iscariot, to bring him down. After a final meal with his disciples he was then arrested and taken before Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest in Jerusalem, who adjudged him guilty of blasphemy. Then he was brought to the Roman prefect Pointius Pilate and was sentenced to death probably in the interest of maintaining public order. So yes it was a collaboration of agreements from the Jews who followed the old testament and the Roman government in stopping the popularity or bringing Jesus's idealogy to an end. Now I am aware that many believe Jesus to be the Messiah, God, or the savior of life or the one who paid for our sins etc. etc., yet some just want to see him as a great humanatarian or a person with good intentions for his people. I am one of them. I also don't believe that he walked on water, healed the blind, as of other supernatural things. Thomas Jefferson had over 300 bibles in his study and he tried to rewrite the bible taking out the supernatural events. It is a interesting book to read. It is called the Jefferson bible. He was a deist that tried to see christianity in a historical reference as oppose to the supernatural phenomenons that so many people want to believe. One thing we can agree on is that Jesus's philosophy on pacifism, humility, charity and kindness has endured through the ages. If you look at Buddha you will see very little difference between their philosophies. They both emphasized on peace and diplomacy as opposed to violence and fear. So yes I like Jesus very much, I just don't like the christians. Mahatma Gandi couldn't have said it better: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” |
I am glad I didn't exist in those times to tell you the truth.
Me too. I would probably get killed, I think very critical of leaders and they would slay me fast. lol. :/ Who would want to follow such a religion with such a tainted past is beyond my comprehension? I certainly wouldn't that is for sure.
This is where we differ and I think if anyone just looks at 1 post of mine (out of 20 or so) will see that. Yes I mentioned that Constantine was around at the time of Jesus. I should have said Augustus (Octavia) Caeser and no he didn't really concern himself too much about Jesus actually.
Thanks for the clear up. :) I think also his mother became a devouted follower of Christianity.
Yea, she was. She is where the symbol of the Cross for Christianity begun. To the early church (35AD-350AD) the cross was a symbol of pain and suffering but Constantine's mother had a vision? and it changed everything. He also had a (dream) in which God appeared to him, he made his soldiers paint a christian monogram on their shields - in hoc signo vinces - In this sign shalt thou conquer. I don't think Jesus would approve such a emblem and actually be dissapointed about it.
I agree. Jesus would be disappointed. Roman troops were usually stationed in Jerusalem and they would watch Jesus triumphant entry into the city, mounted on a donkey. :) Sounds like you've been reading the bible's point of view. Others would say that "Some rabbi's during that time thought that date is when the Messiah was predicted to enter the city, but Jesus showed up on a donkey." Kind of like "Jesus of Nazareth knew about these opinions and decided to act on them." Also, others say, it wasn't a "triumphant" entry. More like the day was anticipated but then some "other guy shows up". (This shows kind of how the Jews totally rejected Him, even though their own teachings pointed to Him.) Also, great summary of the historical events surrounding Jesus' death. :) It is called the Jefferson bible.
Yea, I'm familiar with it. Mahatma Gandi couldn't have said it better:
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Yea. Gandhi met John G. Lake, a genuine pentecostal Christian. Lake tried to persuade Gandhi but he wouldn't budge. I'm with Gandhi but the only minor difference, is I think Jesus=God. Despite the crappy following of Christians. |