Topic: Man's right to rape his wife! | |
Remember in the last few weeks hearing how awful it was that in Afghanistan legislation regarding a man's right to rape his wife passed?
Well, seems our sweet Sarah might fit right in there. Tune in to KUDO. New Revelations About Palin’s AG Pick. 9 04 2009 Leah Burton discusses Wayne Anthony Ross’ appointment and her explosive testimony before the Legislature. Stream it Live HERE. Tomorrow House Judiciary Committee will meet and take citizen testimony on the nomination of Wayne Anthony Ross to be our next Attorney General. Leah Burton is on with CC, sharing her testimony regarding Wayne Anthony Ross. She is a former citizen lobbyist who worked on behalf of families and children concerning child support, child custody, domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault. She discusses a meeting of the group DADS, being run by Wayne Anthony Ross, and what she heard. Numerous comments were made that were appalling, not the least of which were remarks by Mr. Ross which included the following; “If a guy can’t rape his wife…who’s he gonna rape?” and “There wouldn’t be an issue with domestic violence if women would learn to keep their mouths shut.” Other members made their own contributions such as, “We have the right to discipline our wives and children without the interference of government in our lives!” These comments were greeted with laughter and affirmative responses by the group. Given the fact that they had referred to me in recent months as a “femi-nazi”, the comments I was witness to at this meeting, while abhorrent, were unfortunately not surprising. This announcement by Governor Palin is a slap in the face to all single parents who have no choice but to rely upon the State Department of Law to support court orders for child support, as well as those persons who need the Department to enforce criminal laws against sexual assault and domestic violence. Mr. Ross is the antithesis of the type of person that should be the Attorney General. This has been clearly demonstrated by his own words and actions in public. In closing, I am not alone in my assessment that anyone who condones, and contributes to that type of hateful and harmful discourse clearly does not have the judgment necessary to represent the people of the State of Alaska as their Attorney General. You can read her entire written testimony Have some views to share? HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE – meets for confirmation April 10 Jane Pierson, Committee Aide jane_pierson AT 907.465.4990 Reps Ramras, Dahlstrom, Coghill, Gatto, Lynn, Gruenberg, and Holmes SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE – met for confirmation April 8 Cindy Smith, Committee Aide cindy_smith AT 907.465.3717 Senators French, Wielechowski, McGuire and Therriault Ah...for the 50's when men could rape their wives...just like you cannot be a smartass on this issue... Sweet Sarah says...Just say no...but bang my daughter, rape your wife and...once you get them with child...umm wow... Republicans say democrats are driving the world to hell? Looks like they are doing a fine job on their own. |
Edited by
Sat 04/11/09 06:34 AM
I couldn't tell if the group of men were just everyday nutcases or if they were Muslim men.
Every day nutcases, that would be just insane. If we're talking Muslim men, That's a whole different ball game. According to Sharia Law, women can hold out for 4 days, excluding rag-time, where they're exempt. If the woman insist on not submitting, sexually, to the husband, Mohammad and Allah, command he put her in her place by beating her and if he chooses, raping her. It's commanded, they are obligated to. I'm not saying I agree or condone this. Just stating th' facts, Maam. |
She is talking about men.
She is joking about and it seems approving of marital rape. Makes me wonder if she is married. |
She is talking about men. She is joking about and it seems approving of marital rape. Makes me wonder if she is married. Oh, I didn't get it. Maybe it's a fantasy of hers and the old man won't give in. |
Marital rape... WTF... I have so many issues with this, but not the least of which is that it indicates that one person has property rights over another person.
Is that not slavery? |
I'm still trying to figure out why you are still kicking around those that already have been defeated..or do you fear their future will bring them to power in 3 1/2 years??
As far s i am concerned Rape is Rape, I don't care if you are married or not.
I'm still trying to figure out why you are still kicking around those that already have been defeated..or do you fear their future will bring them to power in 3 1/2 years?? Those that have been defeated? I'm sure you're relating that statement to palin. I would put this forward. Those you see as "defeated" in the Duopoly, I see as simply on Vacation. |
Did Sara Palin say these words.. that it was ok to rape your wife?? or is she guilty by association??
Did Sara Palin say these words.. that it was ok to rape your wife?? or is she guilty by association?? That's a great question, but it's not my article. However, shouldn't the questions be: A( did she even vet this appointment? B( If so, then does that mean she endorses the position of a Man ruling over his wife (Yes Massah) |
Stunning to see that anyone can read my original post and seemingly take only one thing from it...that someone's being mean to Palin.
Wow...just wow |
Your second sentance was what caused me to ask the question...why should it surprise you that someone should question your implication?
Stunning to see that anyone can read my original post and seemingly take only one thing from it...that someone's being mean to Palin. Wow...just wow I didn't find nuthin' wrong with Palin. As a matter of fact, I think she's almost as hot as you are! |
War you are right...
But...perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that there might be vetting issues in anything Palin is involved in. |
rape IS rape...and it's one owns anyone. sorry...this makes me sick to think about. but it does happen
And you know that people like Palin have others that do the vetting I to assume that Obama was personally responsible for the vetting that went on with those that avoided paying their taxes till just befofe they were nominated for office( or should I say not vetted very well??)
rape IS rape...and it's one owns anyone. sorry...this makes me sick to think about. but it does happen Same here, I am glad that in this country we can still prosecute rapists but sadly in many states it is not technically illegal. We can only try those sickos with assault or other such crimes we can't charge them with the greater crime of rape. |
rape IS rape...and it's one owns anyone. sorry...this makes me sick to think about. but it does happen Same here, I am glad that in this country we can still prosecute rapists but sadly in many states it is not technically illegal. We can only try those sickos with assault or other such crimes we can't charge them with the greater crime of rape. most rape victims (especially in martial rape) don't press charges. sadly |
No means no, married or not, it is unimaginable to think that men treat women like that..
most have a hard time understanding this too...but women can rape men as well. i don't see how people can knowing hurt others that way and violate them.