Topic: New TV ad - can someone explain? | |
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Thu 04/09/09 02:46 PM
What facts? I should have said truth, but facts work. This society is wrapped up by Politically Correct force of behavior. Anyone who works in Industry knows the risk of being fired because of PC! Workers walk on pins and needles watching constantly to what they say, afraid to be themselves for fear of the pink slip. >Say it doesn't happen< Its the same way in every public environment you find your self. Mosy of these rules, "laws", were brought in to being by the constant lobbying of The GLBT. They spend billions everyday making sure that they can say Queer and others cant! Esp, the faithful. They try to raise their children according to their faith. (Their right.) They are forced to send their children into a world curroptted of these new rules created by the GLBT. >they have no choice and its PC (risky)to even talk about it!< I can understand what this woman was saying in the OP, and the fear she feels is real! |
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Thu 04/09/09 02:50 PM
Right here in this thread they are saying that they should be allowed to spend millions on TV Commercials and political bits, but the churches should not be afforded the same right.
Everyone wonders how Pelosi keeps getting elected? The GLBT funds and backs her! They buy her! Tell me it aint so! |
I feel like I was just defending the Iowa decision.. Oh wait.. I was..
Boo this is for you.. Do you see my quandary? |
These ads are meant to appeal to fear. People should be insulted by them, because they are manipulative and created to stir up votes. They are hoping that people really are swayed by their religious beliefs and will obey the request to join them. They need lots of people to speak out against gays, so they assume there are more religious people than not. I would wager they are in hopes of getting any religion that is against gays. I wouldn't be surprised if they had extra subliminal messages in the sound of the thunder. Many if not Most will not question the ad, they will simply do what the ad suggests. It's not about churches or doctors, but they need to make this sound as dire as possible. Only people that know gays will find it offensive. I hope it was at least better than the words they used. And isnt this exactly what the GLBT does? |
These ads are meant to appeal to fear. People should be insulted by them, because they are manipulative and created to stir up votes. They are hoping that people really are swayed by their religious beliefs and will obey the request to join them. They need lots of people to speak out against gays, so they assume there are more religious people than not. I would wager they are in hopes of getting any religion that is against gays. I wouldn't be surprised if they had extra subliminal messages in the sound of the thunder. Many if not Most will not question the ad, they will simply do what the ad suggests. It's not about churches or doctors, but they need to make this sound as dire as possible. Only people that know gays will find it offensive. I hope it was at least better than the words they used. And isnt this exactly what the GLBT does? Yes Fanta, not feeling all that articulate today, but I believe your right, but I don't have the answer here. I would prefer both sides sit down and discuss their fears of eachother. You know full well what I said above is true, if it is not tell me where I am off, I can take it.. Personally I am mad as hell at both communities, the gay and the church. The gay community shows the side of itself that people fear the most and don't seem to understand that you can't change a puritan (if that is the right word) society by freaking them out with outrageous and scarey behaviour, however the other side acts like lunatics as well, and the church shows it's intolerance and absolute unwillingness to deal with any part of the gay community, and uses the bible as it's hammer, though they can't prove what they preach either. I just do not know the answer. |
I feel like I was just defending the Iowa decision.. Oh wait.. I was.. Boo this is for you.. Do you see my quandary? I believe that I do, but I think both sides are between a rock and a hard place, unfortunately for all. Damn I want this thing over and done with as much as the other side. But if the religious community loses this, it will never ever ever be over with. Same for the other side.. ugh |
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Thu 04/09/09 03:29 PM
These ads are meant to appeal to fear. People should be insulted by them, because they are manipulative and created to stir up votes. They are hoping that people really are swayed by their religious beliefs and will obey the request to join them. They need lots of people to speak out against gays, so they assume there are more religious people than not. I would wager they are in hopes of getting any religion that is against gays. I wouldn't be surprised if they had extra subliminal messages in the sound of the thunder. Many if not Most will not question the ad, they will simply do what the ad suggests. It's not about churches or doctors, but they need to make this sound as dire as possible. Only people that know gays will find it offensive. I hope it was at least better than the words they used. And isnt this exactly what the GLBT does? Yes Fanta, not feeling all that articulate today, but I believe your right, but I don't have the answer here. I would prefer both sides sit down and discuss their fears of eachother. You know full well what I said above is true, if it is not tell me where I am off, I can take it.. Personally I am mad as hell at both communities, the gay and the church. The gay community shows the side of itself that people fear the most and don't seem to understand that you can't change a puritan (if that is the right word) society by freaking them out with outrageous and scarey behaviour, however the other side acts like lunatics as well, and the church shows it's intolerance and absolute unwillingness to deal with any part of the gay community, and uses the bible as it's hammer, though they can't prove what they preach either. I just do not know the answer. Hearing you agree that what's good for one side is bad for the other. I have no problem! I am not a fan of the GLBT's political tactics. I think they would do better if they were not so aggressive, and not as destructive to everyone's freedoms. Many of the tactics they use seem to come out of spite! Even though they know they are being self-destructive to their rights as well as others, they will do it anyway! Their focus on "The Goal" is so narrow it is blinding them to the destruction they leave behind. Irreparable destruction! |
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Thu 04/09/09 03:36 PM
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You know fanta, If you didn't already know I was gay you most likely would not know by how I actually live my life. I am what the gay marriage people should be showing, the every day hard working responsible gays that simply want what hard working every day straights want.
So I would say this about the other side: I am not a fan of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT'S political tactics. I think they would do better if they were not so aggressive, and not as destructive to everyone's freedoms. Many of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT'S tactics seem to come out of spite! Even though they know they are being self-destructive to 'their' rights as well as others, they will do it anyway! Their focus on "The Goal" is so narrow it is blinding them to the destruction they leave behind. Irreparable destruction! Fanta, I don't know if you have ever noticed a group of fringe gays and fringe Religious Righter's face off in public, please tell me it is not the same on both sides. |
You know fanta, If you didn't already know I was gay you most likely would not know by how I actually live my life. I am what the gay marriage people should be showing, the every day hard working responsible gays that simply want what hard working every day straights want. So I would say this about the other side: I am not a fan of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT'S political tactics. I think they would do better if they were not so aggressive, and not as destructive to everyone's freedoms. Many of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT'S tactics seem to come out of spite! Even though they know they are being self-destructive to 'their' rights as well as others, they will do it anyway! Their focus on "The Goal" is so narrow it is blinding them to the destruction they leave behind. Irreparable destruction! Fanta, I don't know if you have ever noticed a group of fringe gays and fringe Religious Righter's face off in public, please tell me it is not the same on both sides. Touche Boo! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 04/09/09 04:16 PM
Let me ask you boo.
Why did the GLBT attack the BSA? What was the purpose in destroying that Institution? Dont you think it was a destructive tactic that hurt all America? The BSA built good productive Leaders out of America's young men. The list is long. What did its destruction do for the GLBT and there overall cause? |
Let me ask you boo. Why did the GLBT attack the BSA? What was the purpose in destroying that Institution? Dont you think it was a destructive tactic that hurt all America? The BSA built good productive Leaders out of America's young men. The list is long. What did its destruction do for the GLBT and there overall cause? Heres the problem, I am not an activist, so I really don't keep up with any group, so I have no clue what the BSA is, or what they stand for or what the GLBT has going on, so could you tell me what it's all about then I can answer, if I am able to.. Don't know if it will take us off topic or not, so you might need to email the info to me. K? Oh and thanks for the touche.. I see both sides at fault, using equally ignorant tactics to further their goal.. |
BSA...boy scouts of America.
Kat |
BSA...boy scouts of America. Kat Thanks Kat, so what did the GLBT community do to the BSA? Are you saying that the BSA is no longer around? Did they want young boys who are gay to be allowed to join? What? Did they assume little boys who might be gay would be doing it in the BSA. What? |
I think what the gays are really saying is that they want to put anyone who opposes them in concentration camps and then bury those concentration camps 500 feet under the ground.It's a free country people.Just because someone has a different view from yours is no reason to start calling them names.
Nobody has called anybody any names on this thread.
I think what the gays are really saying is that they want to put anyone who opposes them in concentration camps and then bury those concentration camps 500 feet under the ground.It's a free country people.Just because someone has a different view from yours is no reason to start calling them names. Oh Thomas, I won't even entertain your first thought, it's too strange, but as for the second, it's worth repeating to one self several times until one realizes things work both ways.. ''Just because someone has a different view from yours is no reason to start calling them names.'' You might want to keep that in mind when you describe your feelings about gay people, no? |
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones...
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I, for one, will never agree with same sex marriage, because it isn't. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman for the purpose of rearing and raising children, per the ORIGINAL definition/understanding of the concept. If gays want to form unions, they should show the same tolerance for everyone else that they are trying to bully for themselves, and just find another term. Pushing the use of the word "marriage" is not only incorrect, it is completely unreasonable. Seems they are LOOKING for drama and conflict, so I have no clue why they are so surprised that so many tell them to STFU because they are out of line.
As far as being gay goes, considering that it is counter productive to the race overall, I see it as a birth defect of sorts. But then I sincerely do NOT believe people are even born gay. With all these kids flip flopping back and forth, just makes me laugh when they call themselves gay one week, bi the next, and then decide to be straight for about a month. This alternate sexuality crap has become FASHIONABLE, much like any other fad, and I believe that a lot are just going with it, like those ugly capri pants. Everybody else is doing it, so why shouldn't they look stupid too? Never gonna back gay "marriage", but if they ever come down off their high horse and find another term, I have no problem with giving them all the benefits. Same as rap "music". I don't want anything to do with it, but I am not trying to ban in nationally. |
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) enforces policies forbidding gay scouts and troop leaders from joining the organization! When they found out troop leaders were gay they kicked them out. This discrimination is written into BSA policy which states, "Boy Scouts of America believes that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the obligations in the Scout Oath and Scout Law to be morally straight and clean..." The right to discriminate was upheld in a Supreme Court case which found that as a private organization, the BSA could limit their membership as they saw fit. The gay community felt it is important for the BSA to hear that this is unacceptable. They were asking that people get envolved and ask that they do not discriminate against gays. They asked that people opposed to the BSA's attempt at leaving out gay boys, to let them know how they felt. They asked that people instead support some other good ones ie the Girls Scouts of America, the YMCA, YWCA, 4H, and Campfire. The BSA used to have a very good quality of young boys and older ones too. Good benefits all around. But to be painfully honest; there are as many bad boys in that club as there are good. So, I still do not get it. But, it is a private club. I find it appaling that it is teaching disinrerest and sorting out of those that differ from them. I have never heard of them kicking out those that steal cars, vandalize, and cause disruption of their communities. (I have personal knowledge of these things)But to be gay? Not gonna happen. That's about it. Kat |