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Topic: New TV ad - can someone explain?
Winx's photo
Wed 04/15/09 06:11 AM

Gay high school teenagers commit suicide because they are different and not accepted. They see no hope. They want to be like everybody else and they can't. That doesn't sound like a choice to me.

Sounds like an opinion!

What is it based on?
The suicide rate among all teens is high. Are they all gay?

"Gay and bisexual adolescents have been reported to exhibit high rates of depression and have been reported to have rates of suicidal ideation and attempts 3 times higher than other adolescents."

American Pediatric Association


Are they all gay? What kind of question is that?

Oh well, you know, they should be depressed, they aren't normal, and they should commit suicide, after all what good are they?

They're somebody's child.:cry:

I know you're being sarcastic, btw, :wink:

Come on now your just a bleeding heart.. we all know bleeding hearts have something wrong with them too.

Sorry to inform you but suicide is attempted or acheived because of mental illness. Not because someone was gay or straight. They didn't need professional help because of who they slept with its because they had a problems that mentally they couldn't face for one reason or another. I feel sorry for the parents. Their lives were turned around and upside down before any suicide was chosen a sa way out instead of dealing with the problem.

Not all suicides or attempted suicides are because of mental illness. That's especially true with teenagers.

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Wed 04/15/09 12:17 PM

Well, to listen to you makes me think maybe you do not know who formed the BSA. CHRISTIANS. So let me get this straight. Christians and yes I am one, are not allowed to have any type of organization that belongs to only them? That though the gays have many organizations that there are not any straights in, christians shouldn't have their own. Honestly I have never known any man friends who were boy scout. I was a girl scout back in the day. A long time ago. Before I knew what gay, lesbien or bi was. It was boring and I didn't get much out of it. Why is it that christians are mentioned so much anger is aroused? I truely think maybe anger should be shown when terrorists, the talibon, etc is mentioned. People just get so angery when God is mentioned. Or a Christians beliefs. Who are you or anyone else to knock someones spiritual beliefs? This country was founded on God. READ the constitution. Just because people have religious freedoms does not mean the constitution was written any different than what it was. God is through out it and through out this world to us Christians. At least we believe in something greater than selfish selves. I worry over feeding and dressing my cancer surviving son and praying to MY God for help more than I do whether you want to legally be with another woman. I know where this country's going and it isn't pretty. I just know where I am going and thats my right to believe that. You may want your so called freedoms, but I want my freedom of being able to worship my God without being condemned for it. All you liberals are so alike in this. I don't ever hear allahs name or other so called Gods. Why, because it would be discrimenating to do so. Right? Leave me and my God out of it. I haven't seen any comercial, but I don't want to. I think commercials and the news are just there to fill your head with trash and lies. And yes I have had lots of friends that were Gay. Even if they weren't my friend I showed respect because they are after all human beings. I just don't associate in their life styles. They knew this and were ok with it. You need to rejoin the bra burners and give up on Christians or God going away. Been here alot longer than you and your people have. My worry as I said is living day to day. And hoping what rights I have as an American woman aren't taken. Any more the minority is the divorced single white female. If you don't believe it maybe you should try to live as one and see the suffering I have wittnessed first hand. I promise you may get hungry a little and have no gas for your car. You may have the government help you lose everything. But I AM still here. Because of MY God. He healed my son from 2 cancers. I know this. I did not imagine what I saw. My books been around alot longer than yours. Oh I almost forgot, you don't have a book. My book(the bible) keeps me focused and reminds me I am loved even when this world lets me down. Sorry you don't like a book that doesn't agree with your lifestyle. Or make excuse for it. God is my God! I have every right to believe, love and trust in Him. Not you or any liberal will ever be able to take that from me! If I die for it then I will. At least I died knowing what I died for will reward me. And no honey, it won't be 72 virginal brides. Governmental religious leaders don't stand in for us who truely love god and others. They are not our voice even though you condemn us for it. One day soon you will surely see. I just pray it won't be too late. This government and ITS president (not mine) is a farce and a joke. Ya'll voted for him but I got to live with the idiot. Hes a one term president already thank God!

I am sorry that you have had such a difficult time, but I don't need to be straight to know pain and illness in my family. Or having trouble making ends meet just as everyone else. I am glad your son is well now, but what about those Christian boys and girls that were not cured by God. I guess your son was some how special, huh? You prayed more? Your devotion was more than that of another Christian? So your god is selective?

After all you know the mind of God, so maybe you know why others were not cured and your's was? Or why god speaks to you but not to others. You know who's going to hell and who isn't. If there is a god I can't help but wonder if you yourself might not be questioned as to why to didn't accept all of creation and not just certain people.

What I think makes me shake my head is the acceptance of the Bible, written by man, as the absolute word of God and how people use it to justify their treatment and condemnation of others, blacks, women, gays etc. Yet you seem only concerned about being condemned for being Christian.

I actually understand how you might feel being condemned. It's pretty uncomfortable isn't it? Makes you angry too huh? But you wonder why others might be angry... hmmm

It's interesting that you feel you need to question your government, but not a book written by man. And you wonder why a group of people that are condemned by your book would be upset? or angry?

Thankfully the Christian friends I have don't feel the need to 'disassociate' with my lifestyle. If that were the case my new home would be pretty lonely, yet I have at least 5 Christian neighbors that treat me very well.

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