Topic: Read my lips... no new taxes | |
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Obama was talking about personal taxes. I thought that was obvious. He wasn't talking about any sales taxes. What part of "any tax" don't you understand? From your article: "The president's position throughout the campaign was that he would not raise income or payroll taxes on families making less than $250,000, and that's a promise he has kept," said White House spokesman Reid H. Cherlin." That's how I understood it every time I heard him talk about it. You obviously misunderstood. Last I checked a sales tax is still a tax. "Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not ANY (my emphasis) of your taxes." You smoke and make less than 250K... your taxes were raised. Feeling argumentive as usual I see Bee! Inability to comment on the topic as usual I see Fanta. I don't blame you for not wanting to in this case. "He repeatedly vowed "you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime." |
And, BOY, state sales taxes vary not just in percentage, but by items. What I don't get is if the taxes on cigarettes are to pay for children's health care and this new tax forces people to quit being that the price is so prohibitive, will they raise the money they are trying to raise? And, why not hit beer, wine and liquor up, too. And people who want to watch/read porn and see men and women strip, and on legalized prostitution? If government is so bent on scapegoating smokers, they should be more than willing to use those other sins for taxation. There's more to it than that. There will be less smokers then. Less smokers means less sick people. Less sick people means less health care costs. Also, hopefully, there will be less children smoking too. Winx, Winx, Winx you already sound like an exsmoker ![]() There will be less sick people when we stop interfering with nature; all those additives and chemicals added to our foods. There will be less sick people when fat is removed from our foods, when we all just consume organic raw materials. So I as a smoker don't buy that at all. People should not smoke, unless they chose to, I chose to, why should I pay more than those that consume alcohol or eat fast food 24-7? Smokers are being used as a scapegoat. If this new tax helps and makes others quit, yayyyyyyy. Still it is my choice to smoke, why am I being singled out? and as for the money being used for a particular cause, don't believe it. They'll tell you anything to get you behind them then they kinda forget and use funds elsewhere. ![]() |
Obama was talking about personal taxes. I thought that was obvious. He wasn't talking about any sales taxes. What part of "any tax" don't you understand? From your article: "The president's position throughout the campaign was that he would not raise income or payroll taxes on families making less than $250,000, and that's a promise he has kept," said White House spokesman Reid H. Cherlin." That's how I understood it every time I heard him talk about it. You obviously misunderstood. Last I checked a sales tax is still a tax. "Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not ANY (my emphasis) of your taxes." You smoke and make less than 250K... your taxes were raised. Feeling argumentive as usual I see Bee! Inability to comment on the topic as usual I see Fanta. I don't blame you for not wanting to in this case. "He repeatedly vowed "you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime." Hmm...I guess that you didn't see that Fanta has several posts on this thread. |
![]() Yes you are! It is a Dem bill. But it was first introduced with the same payment means about 2 yrs ago! |
Edited by
Thu 04/02/09 09:53 AM
And, BOY, state sales taxes vary not just in percentage, but by items. What I don't get is if the taxes on cigarettes are to pay for children's health care and this new tax forces people to quit being that the price is so prohibitive, will they raise the money they are trying to raise? And, why not hit beer, wine and liquor up, too. And people who want to watch/read porn and see men and women strip, and on legalized prostitution? If government is so bent on scapegoating smokers, they should be more than willing to use those other sins for taxation. There's more to it than that. There will be less smokers then. Less smokers means less sick people. Less sick people means less health care costs. Also, hopefully, there will be less children smoking too. Winx, Winx, Winx you already sound like an exsmoker ![]() There will be less sick people when we stop interfering with nature; all those additives and chemicals added to our foods. There will be less sick people when fat is removed from our foods, when we all just consume organic raw materials. So I as a smoker don't buy that at all. People should not smoke, unless they chose to, I chose to, why should I pay more than those that consume alcohol or eat fast food 24-7? Smokers are being used as a scapegoat. If this new tax helps and makes others quit, yayyyyyyy. Still it is my choice to smoke, why am I being singled out? and as for the money being used for a particular cause, don't believe it. They'll tell you anything to get you behind them then they kinda forget and use funds elsewhere. ![]() Nope, I'm still a smoker. I do see both sides of the issue though. ![]() And..BeeOrganic was saying that Obama was not telling the truth about the tax increase and I believe that he did. |
![]() Yes you are! It is a Dem bill. But it was first introduced with the same payment means about 2 yrs ago! which a non-issue now because it didn't get signed....correct? |
It was a bipartisan bill! updated 10:22 a.m. ET, Wed., Oct. 3, 2007 WASHINGTON - President Bush, in a sharp confrontation with Congress, on Wednesday vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have dramatically expanded children's health insurance. It was only the fourth veto of Bush's presidency, and one that some Republicans feared could carry steep risks for their party in next year's elections. The Senate approved the bill with enough votes to override the veto, but the margin in the House fell short of the required number. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., decried Bush's action as a "heartless veto." "Never has it been clearer how detached President Bush is from the priorities of the American people," Reid said in a statement. "By vetoing a bipartisan bill to renew the successful Children's Health Insurance Program, President Bush is denying health care to millions of low-income kids in America. " The White House sought little attention, with Bush casting his veto behind closed doors without any fanfare or news coverage. He was discussing it later Wednesday during a budget speech in Lancaster, Pa. Socialized medicine? The State Children's Health Insurance Program is a joint state-federal effort that subsidizes health coverage for 6.6 million people, mostly children, from families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to afford their own private coverage. The Democrats who control Congress, with significant support from Republicans, passed the legislation to add $35 billion over five years to allow an additional 4 million children into the program. It would be funded by raising the federal cigarette tax by 61 cents to $1 per pack. The president had promised to veto it, saying the Democratic bill was too costly, took the program too far from its original intent of helping the poor, and would entice people now covered in the private sector to switch to government coverage. He wants only a $5 billion increase in funding. Bush argued that the congressional plan would be a move toward socialized medicine by expanding the program to higher-income families. Democrats deny that, saying their goal is to cover more of the millions of uninsured children and noting that the bill provides financial incentives for states to cover their lowest-income children first. Of the over 43 million people nationwide who lack health insurance, over 6 million are under 18 years old. That's over 9 percent of all children. Veto override considerations Eighteen Republicans joined Democrats in the Senate, enough to override Bush's veto. But this was not the case in the House, where despite sizable Republican support, supporters of the bill are about two dozen votes short of a successful override. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said Democrats were imploring 15 House Republicans to switch positions but had received no agreements so far. House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he was "absolutely confident" that the House would be able to sustain Bush's expected veto. Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, R-Miss., said Congress should be able to reach a compromise with Bush once he vetoes the bill. "We should not allow it to be expanded to higher and higher income levels, and to adults. This is about poor children," he said. "But we can work it out." It took Bush six years to veto his first bill, when he blocked expanded federal research using embryonic stem cells last summer. In May, he vetoed a spending bill that would have required troop withdrawals from Iraq. In June, he vetoed another bill to ease restraints on federally funded stem cell research. |
And, BOY, state sales taxes vary not just in percentage, but by items. What I don't get is if the taxes on cigarettes are to pay for children's health care and this new tax forces people to quit being that the price is so prohibitive, will they raise the money they are trying to raise? And, why not hit beer, wine and liquor up, too. And people who want to watch/read porn and see men and women strip, and on legalized prostitution? If government is so bent on scapegoating smokers, they should be more than willing to use those other sins for taxation. There's more to it than that. There will be less smokers then. Less smokers means less sick people. Less sick people means less health care costs. Also, hopefully, there will be less children smoking too. Winx, Winx, Winx you already sound like an exsmoker ![]() There will be less sick people when we stop interfering with nature; all those additives and chemicals added to our foods. There will be less sick people when fat is removed from our foods, when we all just consume organic raw materials. So I as a smoker don't buy that at all. People should not smoke, unless they chose to, I chose to, why should I pay more than those that consume alcohol or eat fast food 24-7? Smokers are being used as a scapegoat. If this new tax helps and makes others quit, yayyyyyyy. Still it is my choice to smoke, why am I being singled out? and as for the money being used for a particular cause, don't believe it. They'll tell you anything to get you behind them then they kinda forget and use funds elsewhere. ![]() Nope, I'm still a smoker. I do see both sides of the issue though. ![]() And..BeeOrganic was saying that Obama was not telling the truth about the tax increase and I believe that he did. You had to set me straight ![]() ![]() re: Pres. Obama telling the truth, he may have had good intentions but the comment does have a few gray areas (open to interpretation) ![]() |
You believe campaign promises..?????? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
and after they tax the cigarettes to death until the cigarette companies go under and ther's no longer any revenue..THEN WHAT..what people dont seem to understand is the reason they call it a sin tax is so they get the religious sector behind them..then they say its for the children to gain popularity with another sector..oooo the poor children sympathetic bull are being played to cover up what is nothing more than DESCRIMINATION.. but then i guess everyone believed them when they said we were going to war as a means of natuional security..WHILE LEAVING THE BORDERS UNGUARDED... if indeed it is about national security why is there not a steady stream of illegal aliens headed towards the border..of course i found it amusing when it was released that obama's aunt was one .. and yet again why no one is really making a stink over the fact that millions and i mean millions of americans were frauded out of their equity and no one has really addressed this situation and offered those people any recourse ...why not |
Obama was talking about personal taxes. I thought that was obvious. He wasn't talking about any sales taxes. The tobacco tax isn't a sales tax. It's a "sin" tax. |
It would be funded by raising the federal cigarette tax by 61 cents to $1 per pack.
It took Bush six years to veto his first bill, when he blocked expanded federal research using embryonic stem cells last summer. In May, he vetoed a spending bill that would have required troop withdrawals from Iraq. In June, he vetoed another bill to ease restraints on federally funded stem cell research. It took him 6 years to issue his first veto because the Republicans controlled congress for those 6 years. After that Bush used a Presidential veto more than 2 dozen times. 2 dozen in only 2 years time. And yet here we have everyone blaming everything on the Dems and Obama. Hypocritical dont you think? |
And, BOY, state sales taxes vary not just in percentage, but by items. What I don't get is if the taxes on cigarettes are to pay for children's health care and this new tax forces people to quit being that the price is so prohibitive, will they raise the money they are trying to raise? And, why not hit beer, wine and liquor up, too. And people who want to watch/read porn and see men and women strip, and on legalized prostitution? If government is so bent on scapegoating smokers, they should be more than willing to use those other sins for taxation. There's more to it than that. There will be less smokers then. Less smokers means less sick people. Less sick people means less health care costs. Also, hopefully, there will be less children smoking too. Winx, Winx, Winx you already sound like an exsmoker ![]() There will be less sick people when we stop interfering with nature; all those additives and chemicals added to our foods. There will be less sick people when fat is removed from our foods, when we all just consume organic raw materials. So I as a smoker don't buy that at all. People should not smoke, unless they chose to, I chose to, why should I pay more than those that consume alcohol or eat fast food 24-7? Smokers are being used as a scapegoat. If this new tax helps and makes others quit, yayyyyyyy. Still it is my choice to smoke, why am I being singled out? and as for the money being used for a particular cause, don't believe it. They'll tell you anything to get you behind them then they kinda forget and use funds elsewhere. ![]() Nope, I'm still a smoker. I do see both sides of the issue though. ![]() And..BeeOrganic was saying that Obama was not telling the truth about the tax increase and I believe that he did. You had to set me straight ![]() ![]() re: Pres. Obama telling the truth, he may have had good intentions but the comment does have a few gray areas (open to interpretation) ![]() And..I was responding to a post as well. ![]() I had guessed that when Obama said that there would be no personal tax increase for the middle class that he would have to get the money for his programs from somewhere else. I guess this is where it's going to be coming from. |
And, why not hit beer, wine and liquor up, too. They already do. Just not to the same extent. |
Did you get all that rose?
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And, BOY, state sales taxes vary not just in percentage, but by items. What I don't get is if the taxes on cigarettes are to pay for children's health care and this new tax forces people to quit being that the price is so prohibitive, will they raise the money they are trying to raise? And, why not hit beer, wine and liquor up, too. And people who want to watch/read porn and see men and women strip, and on legalized prostitution? If government is so bent on scapegoating smokers, they should be more than willing to use those other sins for taxation. There's more to it than that. There will be less smokers then. Less smokers means less sick people. Less sick people means less health care costs. Also, hopefully, there will be less children smoking too. Winx, Winx, Winx you already sound like an exsmoker ![]() There will be less sick people when we stop interfering with nature; all those additives and chemicals added to our foods. There will be less sick people when fat is removed from our foods, when we all just consume organic raw materials. So I as a smoker don't buy that at all. People should not smoke, unless they chose to, I chose to, why should I pay more than those that consume alcohol or eat fast food 24-7? Smokers are being used as a scapegoat. If this new tax helps and makes others quit, yayyyyyyy. Still it is my choice to smoke, why am I being singled out? and as for the money being used for a particular cause, don't believe it. They'll tell you anything to get you behind them then they kinda forget and use funds elsewhere. ![]() Nope, I'm still a smoker. I do see both sides of the issue though. ![]() And..BeeOrganic was saying that Obama was not telling the truth about the tax increase and I believe that he did. He repeatedly vowed "you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime." You may want to look up in a dictionary to see what the word "any" means. |
It was a bipartisan bill!
Obama was talking about personal taxes. I thought that was obvious. He wasn't talking about any sales taxes. The tobacco tax isn't a sales tax. It's a "sin" tax. is that like when one steals or covets thy neighbor's wife/hubby? or when one is adulterous??? are those taxed too??? ![]() |
And, BOY, state sales taxes vary not just in percentage, but by items. What I don't get is if the taxes on cigarettes are to pay for children's health care and this new tax forces people to quit being that the price is so prohibitive, will they raise the money they are trying to raise? And, why not hit beer, wine and liquor up, too. And people who want to watch/read porn and see men and women strip, and on legalized prostitution? If government is so bent on scapegoating smokers, they should be more than willing to use those other sins for taxation. There's more to it than that. There will be less smokers then. Less smokers means less sick people. Less sick people means less health care costs. Also, hopefully, there will be less children smoking too. Winx, Winx, Winx you already sound like an exsmoker ![]() There will be less sick people when we stop interfering with nature; all those additives and chemicals added to our foods. There will be less sick people when fat is removed from our foods, when we all just consume organic raw materials. So I as a smoker don't buy that at all. People should not smoke, unless they chose to, I chose to, why should I pay more than those that consume alcohol or eat fast food 24-7? Smokers are being used as a scapegoat. If this new tax helps and makes others quit, yayyyyyyy. Still it is my choice to smoke, why am I being singled out? and as for the money being used for a particular cause, don't believe it. They'll tell you anything to get you behind them then they kinda forget and use funds elsewhere. ![]() Nope, I'm still a smoker. I do see both sides of the issue though. ![]() And..BeeOrganic was saying that Obama was not telling the truth about the tax increase and I believe that he did. You had to set me straight ![]() ![]() re: Pres. Obama telling the truth, he may have had good intentions but the comment does have a few gray areas (open to interpretation) ![]() And..I was responding to a post as well. ![]() I had guessed that when Obama said that there would be no personal tax increase for the middle class that he would have to get the money for his programs from somewhere else. I guess this is where it's going to be coming from. Well that and the repeal of the Bush tax cuts, and other "hidden tax" increases like this one. He can get away with saying he isn't raising taxes, because technically he isn't. Not the ones that are plainly visible like the IRS tax tables anyway. |