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Topic: Do you belittle your own emotions and pain
Peccy's photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:52 AM
because you think everyone else's problems are more important?

MsCarmen's photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:52 AM
No, I'm a big whiner and crybaby. sad

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:54 AM
Usually, yes.

evilbabe277's photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:56 AM
I would have to say yes I tend to put my problems on the back burner to help deal with someone elses


prisoner's photo
Sun 03/29/09 09:58 AM
:smile: i am a gentleman and i do care about other people and their problems. i am a survivor because i have always put myself first and what good would i be to people who need me if i were a "train wreck" be seeing you

RandomTandem's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:04 AM

because you think everyone else's problems are more important?

Yep.. by sheer volume of numbers, other people's woes are more numerous and more important than mine. :)

talldub's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:07 AM

because you think everyone else's problems are more important?

Not any more. In my experience pain, if left unresolved, will lead on to worse things. There are times I'll put my emotions to one side for the sake of others but I no longer box them off and forget about them, it's unhealthy to do so.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:08 AM
:smile: I just try to get by the best way that I can:smile:

MeChrissy2's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:10 AM
I do it so it doesn't overwhelm me.:wink:

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:11 AM
nahhh, there aren't many people with more problems than me

it does make me a lot less patient when listening to people whine about how bad they have it

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:15 AM

nahhh, there aren't many people with more problems than me

it does make me a lot less patient when listening to people whine about how bad they have it

Damn, you said it first.

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:53 AM
Im old school...I dont talk abotu my feelings much and dont tell others when IM down or what have you. Its not healthy but in the military you learn not to talk about being down or havign problems or you will be pushed off as a poor performer. The irony is I encourage my troops to seek help but I would never.

cityblues21's photo
Sun 03/29/09 10:58 AM
Only people I trust know of my own problems. In day to day living I tend to have a lot of empathy for people... sometimes maybe too much. Really no matter what my troubles are, there is someone who does have worse ones.

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:02 AM

Only people I trust know of my own problems. In day to day living I tend to have a lot of empathy for people... sometimes maybe too much. Really no matter what my troubles are, there is someone who does have worse ones.

Agree 100% ...half the planet survies on less that $1K per year. We Americans need to appreciate the freedom and greatlives we have instead of always wanting more. When I feel bad for myself I tryto remember all the blessings I have and the less fortunate peopel I have met. here in Iraq I meet people daily that woul leave everything for an opportunity in Europe or America....

You have a great attitude city!

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:04 AM

nahhh, there aren't many people with more problems than me

it does make me a lot less patient when listening to people whine about how bad they have it

Damn, you said it first.

Triple that!

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:06 AM
I dwell on my probs for all of about 20 minutes. I vent, get it outta my system, then I come to the realization that there are people much worse off than myself. shades

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:08 AM

nahhh, there aren't many people with more problems than me

it does make me a lot less patient when listening to people whine about how bad they have it

Damn, you said it first.

Triple that!

Fourple that!

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:16 AM

nahhh, there aren't many people with more problems than me

it does make me a lot less patient when listening to people whine about how bad they have it

Damn, you said it first.

Triple that!

Fourple that!

Hahahaha! "Fourple"???

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:21 AM

nahhh, there aren't many people with more problems than me

it does make me a lot less patient when listening to people whine about how bad they have it

Damn, you said it first.

Triple that!

Fourple that!

Hahahaha! "Fourple"???

Yeah, Fipple was next in case someone got Fourple first! laugh

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 11:22 AM

nahhh, there aren't many people with more problems than me

it does make me a lot less patient when listening to people whine about how bad they have it

Damn, you said it first.

Triple that!

Fourple that!

Hahahaha! "Fourple"???

Yeah, Fipple was next in case someone got Fourple first! laugh

:laughing: rofl :laughing:

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