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Topic: A homeless beggar on the street corner
Queene123's photo
Thu 03/26/09 09:01 PM
when my son was about 9-10yrs old we were downtown doing some shopping and we walked past this one store and there was a homelss man sleeping in front of that store. my son ask me if he could bring him home... i admit my son has a very generous heart like i do. but i wouldnt go that far and bring home a bum.. i may give them a few dollars or buy them a hamberger but that would be about it...

no photo
Thu 03/26/09 10:32 PM

asks you for some spare change, do you acknowledge them or keep walking? Don't say yes if in reality you wouldn't just to look pristine in front of friends. Heck, if I was in a hurry they're just outta luck.

I feel if you are able to help someone you should....

and I do.....

Soupy_2's photo
Thu 03/26/09 10:58 PM
I would become homeless just to go to breakfest with you.

Shidoshi's photo
Thu 03/26/09 11:07 PM
Depends on the mood.everybody has got problems that their's seem obvious and mine is not doesnt call for such charity.though am not a bum i can tell you my problems are far more than theirs'.everyone should go read the "the elements of moral philosophy" book talks about issues like this

lovethelord's photo
Fri 03/27/09 05:45 AM

asks you for some spare change, do you acknowledge them or keep walking? Don't say yes if in reality you wouldn't just to look pristine in front of friends. Heck, if I was in a hurry they're just outta luck.


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