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Topic: Your glassware .. SERIOUSLY now ..
EZ4Sheezy's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:52 PM
on its side

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:55 PM

on its side

noway noway noway noway

rofl rofl rofl rofl

plk1966's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:57 PM
I guess from working in restuarants half my life.....mine are upside down so dust and such doesn't get in them

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:42 PM

I guess from working in restuarants half my life.....mine are upside down so dust and such doesn't get in them

ahhhhhhhh so that's the way restaurants do it eh?

*makes mental notes*

BertDCaveman's photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:45 PM

*makes mental notes*


no photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:46 PM
upside down so the spiders can't get in them

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:46 PM

Which way do you stack them in the cupboard? .. upside down or right side up?:tongue:

Our everyday stuff...upside down. But I have my antique elegant glassware displayed right side up in my hutch.

njmom05's photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:52 PM

on its side

Are they square?

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:30 PM

upside down so the spiders can't get in them

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww scared

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:31 PM
Upside down.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:33 PM
used to do upside down but now we go through all
our glassware so fast there is no point so they are
upright but it varies

penlgrif's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:33 PM
right side up!

Jess642's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:34 PM
As they live in the dishwasher...bottom up.laugh

MmmmHmmm's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:46 PM
upside down

longislandangel's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:46 PM
Alternate. One up and then one down. More fit this way.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:55 PM

Which way do you stack them in the cupboard? .. upside down or right side up?:tongue:

Our everyday stuff...upside down. But I have my antique elegant glassware displayed right side up in my hutch.

absolutely .. my crystal is totally different and in a different glass hutch

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:56 PM

used to do upside down but now we go through all
our glassware so fast there is no point so they are
upright but it varies

a little drinkin problem there eh? rofl

michiganman3's photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:14 PM
I have coffee cups, bottoms up, and 4 tupperware tumblers, bottoms up
4 freezer mugs, right side up.

That is my total inventory of 'drinkware'


no photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:17 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 03/24/09 08:18 PM

Which way do you stack them in the cupboard? .. upside down or right side up?:tongue:

My house keeper does that. She threatens to charge me more if I don't clean up after myself, so I pay more, and I threaten to buy more glassware if she doesn't clean them. I bought 4 more mugs today. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Oh, I usually find them right side up, as well they should be.

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