Topic: I'm 34 he's 21.
no photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:26 PM
Sounds like you're getting dangled by the short hairs...but you know that already, don't you?

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:46 PM

Is it mood swings or just typical 21 yr old behavior? laugh

check that for a second.....every 21 y/o (or young person for that matter) does not act the same

that is like saying EVERY 30 y/o acts the same and that they are of the same maturity

i am sick of people making generalizations based on age.....sounds like you need to grow up

DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!drinker

singlemom74's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:49 PM
I am used to dating younger men and he was the one that pursued me both times. But like I said when I told him I was talking to men online and had a date that night he was like well have fun then and you better be careful is all I can say and that was it with him. He even tried to make me jealous one day with this other girl right in front of me but I just ignored him. Like I said his actions doesn't make any sense if he was just playing me, why would he care about any other men in my life?

feistybaby's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:53 PM
While I agree generalizations are never a good thing, the guy in question did in fact act childish. And while I have nothing against a booty call if both parties are willing, he should have been honest upfront that that was all he was interested in. And since he wasn't not only was he dishonest, he's a sleeze and a user. As to the op after he had mistreated you badly in the past I have to ask why you would go down that road and give him another opportunity to hurt you?

Be careful what you ask for as you sometimes get it~

Better luck in the future~ flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:58 PM

I am used to dating younger men and he was the one that pursued me both times. But like I said when I told him I was talking to men online and had a date that night he was like well have fun then and you better be careful is all I can say and that was it with him. He even tried to make me jealous one day with this other girl right in front of me but I just ignored him. Like I said his actions doesn't make any sense if he was just playing me, why would he care about any other men in my life?

But didn't you say that he had his hands all over you prior to you saying that you had a date? Maybe if you had said it BEFORE you let him put his hands on you, he wouldn't have copped an attitude...just sayin'...:wink:

michiganman3's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:07 PM
Use em and bruise him.laugh laugh laugh

singlemom74's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:18 PM
Yes all this happened before I told him I had a date but he shouldn't have copped and attitude anyway if he was only after one thing. If that'd been me and all I wanted to do was hook up with someone then I wouldn't care what they were doing otherwise. He was happy and fine and we were getting along great until I said what I said. But I wanted to get his reaction and let him know I wasn't waiting on him.

no photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:23 PM

Yes all this happened before I told him I had a date but he shouldn't have copped and attitude anyway if he was only after one thing. If that'd been me and all I wanted to do was hook up with someone then I wouldn't care what they were doing otherwise. He was happy and fine and we were getting along great until I said what I said. But I wanted to get his reaction and let him know I wasn't waiting on him.

Read your OP...all your answers are there...sometimes when you play with get burned. Don't try to justify it just cuz all he was after was a piece of tail...everyone has their motivations. If yours was to piss him off or get jealous...then you over.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:25 PM

I am used to dating younger men and he was the one that pursued me both times. But like I said when I told him I was talking to men online and had a date that night he was like well have fun then and you better be careful is all I can say and that was it with him. He even tried to make me jealous one day with this other girl right in front of me but I just ignored him. Like I said his actions doesn't make any sense if he was just playing me, why would he care about any other men in my life?

he is trying to see if he stacks up to the other "studs." Sometimes guys get disillusioned when they find out theirs is not the biggest tallywacker in the stable. Also he is getting into your head to see if you conform to his suspicions of female behavior.

Just my

MelodyGirl's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:45 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Fri 03/20/09 02:47 PM

Some guys just like the thrill of the hunt.. seeing if they can get you.. but they really dont want you.. get it? happens with girls too..

Lifes too short to date idiots!!! Dump the loser!!slaphead noway noway nowayflowerforyou

I agree with both of these answers. :thumbsup:

He's 21!!!! What else would you expect? :laughing:

I love dating younger men AND I expect stupid behavoir because I know they are young. Some can handle themselves and some cannot. Don't act surprised when this situation happens. slaphead

Honestly, that's with ANY man regardless of age. winking

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 03/20/09 03:49 PM
Edited by SitkaRains on Fri 03/20/09 04:03 PM
I am sorry that you got hurt, I also have to apologize before I post if this hurts your feelings.

What where you thinking???? He got laid by you then dropped you months ago, comes back and the same day or the next you sleep with him again. What would you have told your child... I know what I would have told one of mine. You don't sleep with someone till the proof is there, words are cheap and not actions..

I expect he will call you again when he is wanting to get laid.

Again sorry if this is to harsh. I just can't believe a smart intelligent woman of 30+ years would fall for this. You are articulate seem to have a lot of smarts.

I also have to ask what in the world could you possibly have in common with someone that young???

Jess642's photo
Fri 03/20/09 03:57 PM
You're kidding me, right?

You have to be playing a joke...surely.

Did you take a breath in all that diatribe?

Poor little ole you! Waaa waaa waa !!!!!!!

Drama drama drama !!!

You earnt that... every step of it, and the whole OP reeks of playing 'victim'.

You don't want crap in your life? Don't play so close to the toilet.

People blame a 21 year old here.... well hello???? Did anyone notice the behaviour of the 34 year old???

She put herself out there... and he smacked her down... life can be like that.

MelodyGirl's photo
Fri 03/20/09 04:07 PM

You're kidding me, right?

You have to be playing a joke...surely.

Did you take a breath in all that diatribe?

Poor little ole you! Waaa waaa waa !!!!!!!

Drama drama drama !!!

You earnt that... every step of it, and the whole OP reeks of playing 'victim'.

You don't want crap in your life? Don't play so close to the toilet.

People blame a 21 year old here.... well hello???? Did anyone notice the behaviour of the 34 year old???

She put herself out there... and he smacked her down... life can be like that.

You are right, Lee! drinker

Taking responsibility for our actions is the bottom line. winking

Jess642's photo
Fri 03/20/09 04:11 PM
It sure is, Melody.

SOmetimes reading the threads in here does my head in.... there's enough real drama in the world without creating more.

People need to own their own sh*te....and the world would be a calmer place.

I may not be the most diplomatic person in these forums... I read three pages of diplomacy... and saw two other posters who called it for what it is...politely.

Sometimes a gut punch wakes people up.:wink:


Fade2Black's photo
Fri 03/20/09 05:45 PM

I am used to dating younger men and he was the one that pursued me both times. But like I said when I told him I was talking to men online and had a date that night he was like well have fun then and you better be careful is all I can say and that was it with him. He even tried to make me jealous one day with this other girl right in front of me but I just ignored him. Like I said his actions doesn't make any sense if he was just playing me, why would he care about any other men in my life?

Are you serious hon? People still like being #1 even if they don't give a flying leap about you .. please. shades

singlemom74's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:31 PM
By the way if you would've read it right anyway we didn't have sex DUH!

mry's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:34 PM
My God woman..he just a kid!

singlemom74's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:35 PM
Your and adult at 21!

atlgirl2828's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:46 PM

He is a child and sounds like he has severe mood swings Run woman in the opposite direction as fast as you can
I agree

Wow!! I agree as well, why would you want to go backwards when older men are much better at everything?? Run, hurry!

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:36 PM
Well...I had something to say, but now I just figure I will walk out of this generalization melting pot of "young, male, player" BS...