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Topic: Money from Heaven!!!
robert1652's photo
Thu 03/19/09 03:52 PM

My prayers have finally been answered!!!

Dear Friend,

I am Rev.David Johnson from Canada, I have been an international contractor that collects contract from Big Companies and countries, I got involved in one contract in Nigeria which my payment was refused, I was down and almost lose hope.

After 2 years of this contract I later talked to God to assist me in getting this money. I made a vow to benefit someone with the sum of $900,000.00 draft payment if my payment could be approved and to my surprise I was called upon by the Nigeria Government sometimes last month that my contract file have been looked into and it is ready for payment.

I never believed it until I was advised by my Pastor and later moved down to Nigeria and to my unbelievable surprise I was paid this money. Due to my pledge to God I have agreed to show the person that i will be sending the $900,000.00 through ballot system on the internet which happened to be your email so you are lucky.

What you have to do now is to get in touch with my secretary Mr.RobertDennis and instruct him on how to send your $900,000.00 Bank draft to you.

Since receiving this letter, I too talked to God and was advised by my priest. He recommended that - since it IS money from Heaven - I give half of it to the church and devide the other half among people in need.

Therefore, all handsome men that contact me within 3 days, wine me, dine me, and actually put out afterwards will be sent on a free, all expenses paid vacation to sunny Nigeria. Oomfufu N'Gobo, the chief of the village where they will be vacationing is awaiting their arrival with bated breath. He is already preparing for a feast where they will be the main cour...uh...guests of honor.

Nigeria never fails to amaze me
The water in the pot was nice and warm I thought King Idi Aba Mugulou was trying to be nice with his tribe. Needless to say thay had other thoughts

papersmile's photo
Thu 03/19/09 04:03 PM
I like the capitalization of 'Big Companies' laugh

fullmoonfairy's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:48 PM

Dang, Judith. You always get all the cool emails. :cry:

i NEVER get emails like this!

Well that's because you two are just not special enough. tongue2

Dan99's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:50 PM

Dang, Judith. You always get all the cool emails. :cry:

i NEVER get emails like this!

Well that's because you two are just not special enough. tongue2

Im quite happy not to be 'special' like you

fullmoonfairy's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:52 PM

Dang, Judith. You always get all the cool emails. :cry:

i NEVER get emails like this!

Well that's because you two are just not special enough. tongue2

Im quite happy not to be 'special' like you

That's what all wanna-be special people say.

michiganman3's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:52 PM
Half the money to God!!!!!!
Bible says the tithe is 1/10. He sure is generous with his giving.

fullmoonfairy's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:06 PM

Half the money to God!!!!!!
Bible says the tithe is 1/10. He sure is generous with his giving.

It says 1/10 of what you EARN. Not 1/10 of money from Heaven. That would be like taxing tax dollars. Oh wait...they do that already, don't they?

Dan99's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:21 PM

Half the money to God!!!!!!
Bible says the tithe is 1/10. He sure is generous with his giving.

Thats my favourite rule of the bible! It always cracks me the hell up when people still pay this. At the time the tithe WAS the tax of the day, and now people pay both. Hilarious.

michiganman3's photo
Fri 03/20/09 02:28 PM

Half the money to God!!!!!!
Bible says the tithe is 1/10. He sure is generous with his giving.

Thats my favourite rule of the bible! It always cracks me the hell up when people still pay this. At the time the tithe WAS the tax of the day, and now people pay both. Hilarious.

"Jesus Laughed" They always forget to translate that one.laugh

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