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Topic: Is it worth the stress
michiganman3's photo
Fri 03/20/09 05:17 AM
Edited by michiganman3 on Fri 03/20/09 05:18 AM
I took a supervisory position that I had been groomed for. I started making 10k more a yr, starting immediately. This was for a company I had been with for over seven yrs. And I hated it. I promised my supervisor that I would stay until some accreditation issues were resolved, about 6 months. Then I was gone, into a field I had little experience in. Best move of my life.
Take time if you have it, think long about it.

More money doesn't mean more happy.

whispertoascream's photo
Fri 03/20/09 05:57 AM
"Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich mans world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich mans world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
Its a rich mans world"

lovethelord's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:04 AM

I found out yesterday that my boss has resigned and he suggested to me that i go for his job.

At the moment my job is highly responsible, but relatively stress free(im on mingle for half my shift!). If i were to take on his job, that would change. It is a massively pressurised job, and id be as busy as hell all the time, and pretty much on call 24/7. Id get a nice 5 figure pay rise for the trouble, but i cant decide if it is worth it. What would you choose, the money or the easy life?

If you were older I would say take the less stress.. say if you had family and kids.
But it may be very challenging and in turn lead you to another position with that much more experience on your resume!
I say take the challenge!
You can mingle on the weekends!flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:43 AM

to be honest in these times i would secure my place in the money until things calm down, but then later if you decide to do something else you are able...

In a way, my current job is more secure. If i under perform in the managers job i could be let go. Whereas i am proficient at what i do now and that risk isnt there. More money would be very nice, but i can live quite well on what i earn already.

You just answered your own question......

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:54 AM

I found out yesterday that my boss has resigned and he suggested to me that i go for his job.

At the moment my job is highly responsible, but relatively stress free(im on mingle for half my shift!). If i were to take on his job, that would change. It is a massively pressurised job, and id be as busy as hell all the time, and pretty much on call 24/7. Id get a nice 5 figure pay rise for the trouble, but i cant decide if it is worth it. What would you choose, the money or the easy life?

I would not go into a job knowing it was massively pressurized. I guess I would go for the easy life.

justinc1431's photo
Fri 03/20/09 06:58 AM

You may not live long enough to get Social Security. shades

I think you mean you MAY live long enough to NOT get Social Security.

FreeToB's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:00 AM
I took the "easy" life and have never regretted it. I suppose it depends on how you manage stress and how seriously you take your job. I've noticed that people who've successfully maintained high stress jobs for a long time know how to forget it when they leave. Sail, play golf, etc. I personally can't leave a job un-done and worry too much so it was MUCH better for me to relax and not take on too much...especially being a micro-manager as I am.

But an EXTRA 5 figures!! Learn to play golf!

no photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:07 AM

I found out yesterday that my boss has resigned and he suggested to me that i go for his job.

At the moment my job is highly responsible, but relatively stress free(im on mingle for half my shift!). If i were to take on his job, that would change. It is a massively pressurised job, and id be as busy as hell all the time, and pretty much on call 24/7. Id get a nice 5 figure pay rise for the trouble, but i cant decide if it is worth it. What would you choose, the money or the easy life?

Challenge yourself and go for the job!

mark77's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:13 AM

Money = Security...the more money you make the more you can save for the future, and the earlier you can retire.

I bought, ran and sold a couple of businesses. Raised 4 girls, worked my butt off. Now I'm 55, house and 2 cars payed for, and I play golf 5 or 6 days a week. Work, save, be smart. You may not live long enough to get Social Security. shades

I totally agree. Work hard when you are young so you can enjoy your life later.

But you need to decide if you are the type that can handle the pressure. You might need to evaluate your position now, if you play on the pc for over half of your shift, be careful if they need to down size, it could be you. Always make yourself needed.

no photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:44 AM
Take the money and run!

DragonFlyTat's photo
Fri 03/20/09 07:47 AM
With the economy the way it is go for the money and start saving money like you never saved before!

Dan99's photo
Fri 03/20/09 01:26 PM
Thanks for all your opinions people!

Im gonna see how things pan out over the next few weeks, i'll probably apply if i think i have a chance at getting it. I need to see what plans the board of directors have.

tngxl65's photo
Fri 03/20/09 04:12 PM

Thanks for all your opinions people!

Im gonna see how things pan out over the next few weeks, i'll probably apply if i think i have a chance at getting it. I need to see what plans the board of directors have.

Show them all the unusual people you hang out with on mingle. They'll be impressed. One way or another, they will be impressed.

Jess642's photo
Fri 03/20/09 04:14 PM

I found out yesterday that my boss has resigned and he suggested to me that i go for his job.

At the moment my job is highly responsible, but relatively stress free(im on mingle for half my shift!). If i were to take on his job, that would change. It is a massively pressurised job, and id be as busy as hell all the time, and pretty much on call 24/7. Id get a nice 5 figure pay rise for the trouble, but i cant decide if it is worth it. What would you choose, the money or the easy life?

Why is your boss resigning?

Promotions = more hours for sometimes not more dollars.

If the stress is more, then health is less, which means more money spent on health care.

Life is about balance.

Dan99's photo
Fri 03/20/09 04:30 PM

Thanks for all your opinions people!

Im gonna see how things pan out over the next few weeks, i'll probably apply if i think i have a chance at getting it. I need to see what plans the board of directors have.

Show them all the unusual people you hang out with on mingle. They'll be impressed. One way or another, they will be impressed.

I emailed a link to your profile to my company president.

Thanks for the advice!

Dan99's photo
Fri 03/20/09 04:38 PM

I found out yesterday that my boss has resigned and he suggested to me that i go for his job.

At the moment my job is highly responsible, but relatively stress free(im on mingle for half my shift!). If i were to take on his job, that would change. It is a massively pressurised job, and id be as busy as hell all the time, and pretty much on call 24/7. Id get a nice 5 figure pay rise for the trouble, but i cant decide if it is worth it. What would you choose, the money or the easy life?

Why is your boss resigning?

Promotions = more hours for sometimes not more dollars.

If the stress is more, then health is less, which means more money spent on health care.

Life is about balance.

Hard to know his exact reasons, but i am guessing its a mixture of being fed up with the hassle of the job and a better job offer. Although he isn't saying what job he is moving to.

I made a comment to him earlier, about where i think he is going, to test his reaction. He paused for a bit, and then said in a semi joking fashion(i.e it sounded like it might be a truth said in jest) that 'maybe i am joining a syndicate to buy (the department) back'. Im not quite sure what to make of that. Maybe it was nothing but a joke.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 03/20/09 04:39 PM

I found out yesterday that my boss has resigned and he suggested to me that i go for his job.

At the moment my job is highly responsible, but relatively stress free(im on mingle for half my shift!). If i were to take on his job, that would change. It is a massively pressurised job, and id be as busy as hell all the time, and pretty much on call 24/7. Id get a nice 5 figure pay rise for the trouble, but i cant decide if it is worth it. What would you choose, the money or the easy life?
biggrin munnybiggrin

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