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Topic: Does your EX still love you
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:38 PM

no photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:45 PM

:heart: Does your EX still love you?:heart:

Yes, my two ex's will always feel a love for me as I REALLY deep down, and covered,,,lol have a love of such towards them as they
helped make who our kids grew to become.

But the love I speak of is not a love of heart and desire,,just a
completed past memory that never rises,wink,:wink: drinker

longhairbiker's photo
Sat 03/21/09 08:53 PM

:heart: Does your EX still love you?:heart:


galendgirl's photo
Sat 03/21/09 10:07 PM
OMG, I hope not...I know that is a dead end for me. If that WEREN'T true and I said "come back tome" I'm afraid he would though. This after almost 18 years...he's got issues, huh?

anglop6398's photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:27 PM
Gosh I hope not, he's remarried and a jerk

hiddendragon254's photo
Sun 03/22/09 07:52 PM
yes both of them still try to be back with me. i bring more to the table then bad looks i guess.

Duffy's photo
Mon 03/23/09 06:24 PM
my x is on his 5th but -periodically comes back to haunt me.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 03/23/09 08:28 PM

tessa68's photo
Mon 03/23/09 10:10 PM
ask himfrustrated :cry: sad frustrated

MmmmHmmm's photo
Mon 03/23/09 11:02 PM
i would hope so. we spent many years together. and have 2 beautiful kids. we are great friends. he will always have a piece of my heart. and i can only hope he will always consider me dear to him.

AZTATTOOER96's photo
Mon 03/23/09 11:12 PM
My X is crazy as hell and stole my truck... I bet she loves my truck still, but hopefully not me. I keep my blinds closed at all times!!!

Destin2gocrazy's photo
Mon 03/23/09 11:17 PM

I'm not sure he ever did.

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 03/23/09 11:33 PM
My first husband told me he still and would always love me, but it was too late for us... and then he died...He was the father of my children and I will always have those feelings for him.

Duffy's photo
Tue 03/24/09 05:56 PM
My x has been haunting me for about 10 years. It is about me leaving him...when our daughter was very young. He was a baseball player, all AMERICAN good guy, but he was hell to be married to. And the insidious part is his kid turned out to act just like him, look just like him....talk just like him....

Um love or a mirage.........only GOD knows the answer.
To those that got your things stolen, that is abuse, kind of domestic violence. They steal your truck and poison your dog for a reason.
To those that loved the husbands, that died. That is tragedy.
To those that consider their other halves jerks, well what can I say.
To those that just don't care, be lucky the connection is gone.
To those that wish them back, go look in the mirror and ask yourself why.drool drool flowers biggrin think think think

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:24 PM

:heart: Does your EX still love you?:heart:

It's just not relevent.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:27 PM

:heart: Does your EX still love you?:heart:

It's just not relevent.

Best answer! If you don't care...then it really ISN'T relevent!

italian_bella1's photo
Wed 03/25/09 02:39 PM
thank god for restraining orders...my ex is psycho...why can't ex's realize when it's over it's OVER and move on? frustrated

no photo
Wed 03/25/09 02:41 PM
No and the feeling is mutual.:smile:

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