Topic: Ahmadinejad calls for new world order
yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/13/09 05:06 PM
yes had a hand in it lol


raiderfan_32's photo
Fri 03/13/09 05:09 PM

laugh s1owhand

and huh raider???? lol

remember what I said about the infantry wading through the battle field..

reading this thread, I feel like Capt. Kilgore trying to surf on Charlie's beach..

lol oh ok....that's right - i remember now lol

I thougt it was cool that R Lee Ermeywas his second in that air cav outfit .. they played Wagner..

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/13/09 05:38 PM
has anyone actually responded to the original post???? lol

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:44 PM
I think this thread pretty much already died by the looks of it. I don't much trust anything the President of Iran has to say.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:48 PM

has anyone actually responded to the original post???? lol

I did. So what did I win????:wink: laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:50 PM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a new world order based on new ideas, saying the era of tyranny has come to a dead-end.

In an exclusive interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Ahmadinejad noted that it is time to propose new ideologies for running the world.

He said the time of tyrannical regimes is over and arrogant powers can no longer proceed with business as usual since their capitalism-based economies are collapsing.

"Tyrannical regimes will not last forever and they will reach their end sooner or later," Ahmadinejad stated.

The president said people across the globe are fed up with the slogans of the arrogant powers.

He cited the widespread protests in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where he believes the major powers' policies are failing.

"Any civilization or empire that wants to impose its ideas on others through the use of force will reach its end in the near future," he said.

Iran can present new ideas and views, which the world will need in the future, he added.

The Iranian president stated that Israel's defeat in its Gaza offensive was the beginning of a new order in the world. "Now they are in disarray and new developments are unfolding."

Israel's 23-day offensive against Gaza, which ended on January 18, was condemned by the international community and caused divisions among major Israeli political parties.


eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh wrong lol. this was the original post lol

but maybe you came the closest at least

there's your medal lol

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:53 PM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a new world order based on new ideas, saying the era of tyranny has come to a dead-end.

In an exclusive interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Ahmadinejad noted that it is time to propose new ideologies for running the world.

He said the time of tyrannical regimes is over and arrogant powers can no longer proceed with business as usual since their capitalism-based economies are collapsing.

"Tyrannical regimes will not last forever and they will reach their end sooner or later," Ahmadinejad stated.

The president said people across the globe are fed up with the slogans of the arrogant powers.

He cited the widespread protests in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where he believes the major powers' policies are failing.

"Any civilization or empire that wants to impose its ideas on others through the use of force will reach its end in the near future," he said.

Iran can present new ideas and views, which the world will need in the future, he added.

The Iranian president stated that Israel's defeat in its Gaza offensive was the beginning of a new order in the world. "Now they are in disarray and new developments are unfolding."

Israel's 23-day offensive against Gaza, which ended on January 18, was condemned by the international community and caused divisions among major Israeli political parties.


eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh wrong lol. this was the original post lol

but maybe you came the closest at least

there's your medal lol

Dang, well I won a medal anyway and I am ssoooooooooo proud.:banana:

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:54 PM

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 12:00 PM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a new world order OF CHICKEN MC NUGGETS based on new ideas, saying the era of TAKE YOUR MONEY WITH NO REFUND tyranny has come to a dead-end.

In an exclusive interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Ahmadinejad noted that it is time to propose new ideologies forTHE IDIOTS LIKE HIM running the world.

He said the time of tyrannical regimes is over and arrogant powers can no longer proceed with business as usual since their capitalism-based economies are collapsing.CALL 911

"Tyrannical regimes will not last forever and they will reach their end sooner or later," JUST CALL 911Ahmadinejad stated.

The president said people across the globe are fed up with MC DONALDS the slogans of the arrogant powers.

He cited the widespread protests in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where he believes the major powers' policies are failing.THEY HAVE BURGER KING, NOT MCDONALDS

"Any civilization or empire MCDONALDS that wants to impose its ideas on others through the use of force will reach its end in the near future," he said.MCDONALDS

Iran can present new ideas and views, WENDYS which the world will need in the future, he added.

The Iranian president stated that Israel's defeat in its Gaza offensive was the beginning of a new order OF MCNUGGETS in the world. "Now they are in disarray and new developments are unfolding."IN YOUR WALLET

Israel's 23-day offensive against Gaza, which ended on January 18, was condemned by the international community and caused divisions among major Israeli political parties.MCDONALD ,BURGER KING , EWENDYS AND TACO BELL


AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 03/17/09 01:57 PM
I am starting a small pantry...

Iran is a country with wonderfull people saddled with a shortsighted government... (sorta like us).

However their government is playing with the power of the sun... In an area of the world that has the highest earthquake activity on earth.

can you say boom.

The people that live there may soon need our help just to survive.

michiganman3's photo
Tue 03/17/09 02:30 PM
my conclusion is that surplus of money or the lack thereof breeds greed, prostitution, dereliction, deviation from the norms.

And things things existed before 'money' and continue today in primitive cultures that still don't use money.

no photo
Tue 03/17/09 06:34 PM
Your right Michiganman

I personally and very grateful we have deviated from the norms of the past. Though as I have said before we tend to be slow learners, so I don't fret over where we are now, were just aren't were we need to be yet.

no photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:35 AM


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a new world order OF CHICKEN MC NUGGETS based on new ideas, saying the era of TAKE YOUR MONEY WITH NO REFUND tyranny has come to a dead-end.

In an exclusive interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Ahmadinejad noted that it is time to propose new ideologies forTHE IDIOTS LIKE HIM running the world.

He said the time of tyrannical regimes is over and arrogant powers can no longer proceed with business as usual since their capitalism-based economies are collapsing.CALL 911

"Tyrannical regimes will not last forever and they will reach their end sooner or later," JUST CALL 911Ahmadinejad stated.

The president said people across the globe are fed up with MC DONALDS the slogans of the arrogant powers.

He cited the widespread protests in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where he believes the major powers' policies are failing.THEY HAVE BURGER KING, NOT MCDONALDS

"Any civilization or empire MCDONALDS that wants to impose its ideas on others through the use of force will reach its end in the near future," he said.MCDONALDS

Iran can present new ideas and views, WENDYS which the world will need in the future, he added.

The Iranian president stated that Israel's defeat in its Gaza offensive was the beginning of a new order OF MCNUGGETS in the world. "Now they are in disarray and new developments are unfolding."IN YOUR WALLET

Israel's 23-day offensive against Gaza, which ended on January 18, was condemned by the international community and caused divisions among major Israeli political parties.MCDONALD ,BURGER KING , EWENDYS AND TACO BELL


no photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:36 AM

my conclusion is that surplus of money or the lack thereof breeds greed, prostitution, dereliction, deviation from the norms.

And things things existed before 'money' and continue today in primitive cultures that still don't use money.


no photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:37 AM

Your right Michiganman

I personally and very grateful we have deviated from the norms of the past. Though as I have said before we tend to be slow learners, so I don't fret over where we are now, were just aren't were we need to be yet.

warmachine's photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:43 AM

Your right Michiganman

I personally and very grateful we have deviated from the norms of the past. Though as I have said before we tend to be slow learners, so I don't fret over where we are now, were just aren't were we need to be yet.

LOL... that won't bring them up to speed, it'll only slow them down.

If you want to bring them up to speed, you feed them knowledge.
If you want them fat, slovenly and dead of a heart attack by 50, you feed them McDonalds!

no photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:59 AM

Your right Michiganman

I personally and very grateful we have deviated from the norms of the past. Though as I have said before we tend to be slow learners, so I don't fret over where we are now, were just aren't were we need to be yet.

LOL... that won't bring them up to speed, it'll only slow them down.

If you want to bring them up to speed, you feed them knowledge.
If you want them fat, slovenly and dead of a heart attack by 50, you feed them McDonalds!

warmachine's photo
Wed 03/18/09 07:34 AM

Your right Michiganman

I personally and very grateful we have deviated from the norms of the past. Though as I have said before we tend to be slow learners, so I don't fret over where we are now, were just aren't were we need to be yet.

LOL... that won't bring them up to speed, it'll only slow them down.

If you want to bring them up to speed, you feed them knowledge.
If you want them fat, slovenly and dead of a heart attack by 50, you feed them McDonalds!

Wait, I thought the U.S. doesn't utilize torture?


no photo
Wed 03/18/09 07:39 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Wed 03/18/09 07:39 AM

Your right Michiganman

I personally and very grateful we have deviated from the norms of the past. Though as I have said before we tend to be slow learners, so I don't fret over where we are now, were just aren't were we need to be yet.

LOL... that won't bring them up to speed, it'll only slow them down.

If you want to bring them up to speed, you feed them knowledge.
If you want them fat, slovenly and dead of a heart attack by 50, you feed them McDonalds!

Wait, I thought the U.S. doesn't utilize torture?


HA!! have you seen Dancing with the Stars?

warmachine's photo
Wed 03/18/09 07:42 AM
Based on "reality" T.V. I would wager that we Americans have been victims of torture for decades!