Topic: Where are you from originally ?
I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:47 PM
Hawaii, Oahu

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 03/12/09 09:28 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Thu 03/12/09 09:29 PM
Atlantis. As my mingle name says.

Don't look for it, it has sunken away a while ago.

75 is actally 7500 that's my age, I'm just shy about it so I didn't type it out.

michiganman3's photo
Thu 03/12/09 09:51 PM

San Diego, it's cool. I know it, just sayin'
But I am past that whole 'Cali' thing.
I have a larger vision of myself than that. My guy at the coffee shop told me he could tell by the way I get my latte that I was from Cali.
But thats not the real me, you know?
My heart, my spirit can't be limited to where I was born.


Glad someone got a laugh, of course another native. LOL

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 04:23 AM
I was born in Springfield Vermont..

thumper95's photo
Fri 03/13/09 05:33 AM
im noticing a large problem,, where the hell are all the southern people??????

RKISIT's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:37 AM

Def03's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:43 AM
New Mexico

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 07:21 AM

Maryland here, Eastern Shore, the beach. lol look in the topic for the question.

City of Orange, CA, county of Orange, not to be confused with Los Angeles. Mississippi and eastern generally think they're the same place.

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:51 AM
el paso, texas

Jungian101's photo
Fri 03/13/09 08:57 AM
LA, that's Los Angeles glasses

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 09:09 AM
Born in DC, grew up in MD.

KennyLingus's photo
Fri 03/13/09 09:15 AM
My mom.waving

Don't Panic!

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 09:37 AM
Seriously. I can't possibly be the only one from the Pacific Northwest.

Born in Spokane, Washington and have lived here most of my life.

markecephus's photo
Fri 03/13/09 09:53 AM

Douglas, Georgia bigsmile

mark77's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:28 PM

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Fri 03/13/09 01:33 PM
OC california. but in the ghetto. LOL

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:07 PM

Anaheim Hills, Orange County, California.

My condolences.

no photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:12 PM

penlgrif's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:14 PM
Oxford, Michigan

Meg8771's photo
Fri 03/13/09 06:18 PM
Born in Jacksonville, FL - a navy brat, so I have lived in Maryland, Virgina, Claifornia, Hawaii, South Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas and back to Florida.