Topic: Hating the Sin, Not the Sinner | |
Since the “Four Horsemen” of atheism have had their books on the top of the charts, Christians and even some atheists claim that any atheist who criticizes Christianity or calls Christianity out for the evil that it preaches are themselves intolerant bigots. To this, I always say the same thing. I hate Christianity, not Christians. We don’t choose what we believe. We have reasons to believe what we believe (even if those reasons are not reasonable).
There are many reasons why Christians believe what they believe. Some are indoctrinated at a young age, some were manipulated out of fear, guilt, despair, etc., and some are brought to Christianity through some other sort of emotional experience. It isn’t their fault that they don’t question their beliefs or that they believe in a ridiculous bronze aged mythology. So I have nothing against Christians as people. In fact, I think most Christians are very good people, who believe very ridiculous things which sometimes cause them to do very evil things all in the name of their deity of choice. Christianity, on the other hand is not a person, it is the religious system of belief (relationship with God) and the beliefs based on the Bible which has continued to refine themselves for over 2000 years for the express purpose of converting people and spreading itself like a virus. This system has discovered which buttons to push on whom and exactly how and when to push those buttons. The sad part is that even the people pushing those buttons don’t see it as doing anything dishonest or immoral. So I can’t even blame Pat Robertson or James Dobson. They have been tricked by the system of Christianity (i.e. other Christians who have also been tricked by the system). They really have no malice in their heart. Even Fred Phelps doesn’t hate “fags” because he is a hateful person, he hates “fags” because he believes that his God punishes him because he allows “fags” to sin. If you truly believed that the fate of your eternal life rests in the hands of pleasing your deity, you would do whatever hateful thing you thought your deity would want you to do. That doesn’t make you a bad person, just and dangerous person. But the point here is that I don’t blame Christians, I blame Christianity. My view on this is similar (ironically enough) to the Christian view of loving the sinner and hating the sin. In this case, the sin is Christianity as a belief system. So you won’t hear me (or read me in this case) say that Christians in general are stupid or dumb (some particular Christians maybe, but more often than not they are just lazy and ignorant) or that they have no rights to believe in stupid or dumb belief systems. They have every right to believe whatever ridiculous thing they wish to believe. But I think it is important to point out to them just how ridiculous those beliefs are and to point out that their beliefs are dangerous to others. If they have the right to force their beliefs on everyone else than I have the right to fight back though education. If they have the right to preach their system of belief, than I have the right to criticize their system of belief. That doesn’t make me hateful of them as people nor does it make me intolerant of their beliefs. I fully support their right to preach, but they don’t seem to respect my right to criticize their ridiculous bronze aged fiction. |
I'm a Jew.
How can someone hate homosexuality without hating homosexuals? Thats like saying you hate males but you dont hate men.
You hate Christ.
"if they hate you, they hated me first" I wont go into why I think your wrong. |
Saying I hate the sin but not the sinner is the exact same thing.
I am not wrong. |
I'm coming out. I want the world to know |
That is part of the fear culture. People living in the values of fear and god fearing likewise turn out to be the worst hate mongers. That is part of the reason that the church is gradually dying. It used fear as its primary tool of control with ignorance being second. Since education came along for the masses more and more people have been waking up to the ideologies of fear, and hate.
The thing is that not hating the sinner is a justification of bad acts but anything not up to the church's thinking of moral and ethical standards it becomes a sin. I can strongly argue that Homosexuality is an innate part of mammals in general with basically most species having some if not a bulk of its membership practicing some sort of Homosexuality like Dolphins (Do your research and you will find out that Dolphins can be some seriously fu*ked up animals). The reproductive urge in mammals is so strong that it over rides "moral" thinking. Honestly why can't God appreciate happiness if two men or two women know peace in their lives and fulfillment? In reality people have to accept the fact they are sinners and try to be better than that. All we can do is try. Even the best of us have "Guilty pleasures!" I cannot be fooled so easily by Piety since some of the worst criminals and villains of past history were such "Nice" or "good" men and women. The thing is Christianity tries to take the approach of ignoring man's sinful nature because 'we have Jesus' and he had to be pure as in the immaculate conception which I find dubious because it is possible in modern days because all you need is a wet path to the ovum even outside of the mother and damn if those sperm will not find it and so many women and girls are under the impression that anal sex will spare them a pregnancy... Tisk tisk tisk... How can it be l;love when it demands conformity when God gave us free will? If you love God you will give up your freedom to choose? That does not make sense to me at all. Also hating sin is still hate is it not??? I thought the idea was to rise above hate and fear. |
We've never met ^ but I love you
That is part of the fear culture. People living in the values of fear and god fearing likewise turn out to be the worst hate mongers. That is part of the reason that the church is gradually dying. It used fear as its primary tool of control with ignorance being second. Since education came along for the masses more and more people have been waking up to the ideologies of fear, and hate. The thing is that not hating the sinner is a justification of bad acts but anything not up to the church's thinking of moral and ethical standards it becomes a sin. I can strongly argue that Homosexuality is an innate part of mammals in general with basically most species having some if not a bulk of its membership practicing some sort of Homosexuality like Dolphins (Do your research and you will find out that Dolphins can be some seriously fu*ked up animals). The reproductive urge in mammals is so strong that it over rides "moral" thinking. Honestly why can't God appreciate happiness if two men or two women know peace in their lives and fulfillment? In reality people have to accept the fact they are sinners and try to be better than that. All we can do is try. Even the best of us have "Guilty pleasures!" I cannot be fooled so easily by Piety since some of the worst criminals and villains of past history were such "Nice" or "good" men and women. The thing is Christianity tries to take the approach of ignoring man's sinful nature because 'we have Jesus' and he had to be pure as in the immaculate conception which I find dubious because it is possible in modern days because all you need is a wet path to the ovum even outside of the mother and damn if those sperm will not find it and so many women and girls are under the impression that anal sex will spare them a pregnancy... Tisk tisk tisk... How can it be l;love when it demands conformity when God gave us free will? If you love God you will give up your freedom to choose? That does not make sense to me at all. Also hating sin is still hate is it not??? I thought the idea was to rise above hate and fear. Well said. |
Also hating sin is still hate is it not??? I thought the idea was to rise above hate and fear. Truly. Using God for an excuse to spread hate is wrong on any level, and it most certainly wasn't what Jesus taught anyway. |