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Topic: Ok, a guys topic
Peccy's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:39 AM
It's not about wrinkling the tires...It's about twisting the frame!

I bet there are not many females out there who know what I mean.

ljcc1964's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:41 AM
What do you mean?

lilith401's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:42 AM
Yo yo yo rock it out dawg...

Peccy's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:42 AM

What do you mean?
It has to do with cars, I bet PATS knows!

krupa's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:42 AM
Drag racing.....pretty fun stuff....Got to make a few runs in a friends car and done hundreds of ride alongs....

It is really cool when it is winding feel the frame twisting and every hair is standing on end.

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:42 AM
Having too much motor/power in your car!!

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:43 AM

What do you mean?
It has to do with cars, I bet PATS knows!

and here i was thinking it was something about penises

no photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:43 AM still look like a freakin clown..scared scared waving

Peccy's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:45 AM
Krupa and Pats, I salute you!!drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:45 AM
If this is not a freud based question then I do not wish to answer!!noway laugh noway

no photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:46 AM
*pokes head in & sniffs* Mmmmm...Eau de Testosterone...

Peccy's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:46 AM

If this is not a freud based question then I do not wish to answer!!noway laugh noway
I'm sure it can be linked to penis envy somehowlaugh laugh laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:48 AM

What do you mean?
It has to do with cars, I bet PATS knows!

and here i was thinking it was something about penises


no photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:48 AM

If this is not a freud based question then I do not wish to answer!!noway laugh noway
I'm sure it can be linked to penis envy somehowlaugh laugh laugh
omgggggggggg I just spit out my tea!!!! Please pass the spittle rag!!!laugh drinker laugh

no photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:49 AM
I've never wrinkled a tire before. I've popped, blown, mutilated, but never wrinkled a tire before.

jtip1977's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:49 AM

It's not about wrinkling the tires...It's about twisting the frame!

I bet there are not many females out there who know what I mean.

Aren't they sex positions?

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:51 AM

*pokes head in & sniffs* Mmmmm...Eau de Testosterone...

Humm huhhhh how much ya wanna bet if no women posted in here how fast this thread would die?

Hahaha see what they get for leaving us out lmao!!

But actually I did know what it meant shshshshs we do not only think of makeup, shopping and fufu stuffnoway :tongue:

no photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:53 AM
Actually, I was thinking what Jt was thinking...

Seakolony's photo
Tue 03/10/09 10:55 AM
Gatornationals was the best time

Phuque2's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:06 AM
After my first military stint, I bought a Boss 428 Mustang...Knock on wood, I am still alive. After snapping moter mounts on a very regular basis, I had the welder do the trick. Talk about the frame taking a wild bend. "sobbing" I miss that car.

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