Topic: Obama - New Idea On Schools - What Is Your Opinion? | |
Much of this thread is in violation of Mingle2 rules. However, this started out as an intelligent conversation about a relevant topic; as such, I'm going to clean it up rather than remove it. Consider this a general warning. Some users may receive more personal ones depending on what I find within. When making your argument in a thread, it is never permissible to discuss another user; you may only address the content of their statements and only in a non-derogatory manner. Oh geez, I missed this post, no wonder things settled down. I am sure I have crossed the line, though I can't with complete sincerity apologize for being angry, I can say that I will try to avoid the trigger. ok ok I'll be good! ![]() ![]() ![]() *grins ever so sweetly* if you know you've crossed the line...maybe take the opportunity to go back and edit yourself. anything i edit stays on your permanent record, regardless of why, heh. not to mention, my fingers are about to fall off. |
PARENTS ANGERED BY OBAMA RAP SONG.. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Like i said before this seems an awefull like suddam hussien |
Edited by
Tue 03/10/09 11:38 PM
I liked your post. I liked that you care in your own way, for how the kids are educated. I think you're wrong, but I appreciate the care, nevertheless. What I don't understand, however, is why something needs to be universal, across whole educational system. These are your thoughts. I would like them to be applied where your kids go to school. And, it can be that your's will be the best outcome. Fair game. My ideas are different. I'd rather implement them, on a small level. Say, find a school, where parents want more or less the same as I do. For instance, I'd scrap their whole curriculum and write my own. I do not wish to impose that on your school though. Why can't we do it like this? Everyone in his own, unique way? It seems to me, that somebody would definitely strike the right thing then. |
Good night everybody...have a good nights rest/sleep! I never thought this forum to reach this many pages...even though it did get off topic a bit. No harm intended on my participation, just conversations and opinions(good or bad)! Maybe we can try another subject next time. Enjoyed it, no hard feelings...God bless all! Nite, Nite! ![]() ![]() What the heck happened. Did somebody sprinkly nice dust in here all of a sudden. Well no matter, I like it. No hard feelings.. ![]() All in fun/games... good night, enjoyed it! Good Night TMF ![]() |
Hello Fanta, Nogames, now we are getting some real men in here. I feel much better... ![]() Thank you for the compliment, boo2u. ![]() I, however, did not deserve it, as I have stayed out of much of this thread. I am kind of being "scared" by all the "octa-quoting". Don't know how to find the line of thought, when it's a half page post with a one-line statement below it. I am guessing it's the board programming. On other boards, the quote only grabs the last made point. On this one, one has to manually edit the brackets every damned time he wants to keep the statement he addresses together with his response. I am not even aware of what has happened above to prompt your post. I used to have my quotes in forums in a drop down of sorts so that it didn't take up so much space, if you needed to review it you could, it was much easier to sort out that way.. anyway you don't want to know what happened, too long a story and not really worth telling. So the quote automatically showed the person quoted, that also made things more intuitive as well. |
*grins ever so sweetly* if you know you've crossed the line...maybe take the opportunity to go back and edit yourself. anything i edit stays on your permanent record, regardless of why, heh. not to mention, my fingers are about to fall off. what does "permanent record" mean? did I not read tos closely enough? |
*grins ever so sweetly* if you know you've crossed the line...maybe take the opportunity to go back and edit yourself. anything i edit stays on your permanent record, regardless of why, heh. not to mention, my fingers are about to fall off. what does "permanent record" mean? did I not read tos closely enough? from your profile i can see each and every moderation action taken regarding you. every time i post was deleted or a thread moved...every time you've been warned or suspended...yada yada. |
This board is policed, literally. They have a record.
My posts have been deleted without warning, and for no reason, while the offending post was left alone. And, I didn't even cross any lines! That being said, I don't like it, but, I have to admit, this is a private board, and they can and should do whatever they want. This arrangement, in turn, gives me the freedom whatever I do in my private backyard. |
Fanta, I liked your post. I liked that you care in your own way, for how the kids are educated. I think you're wrong, but I appreciate the care, nevertheless. What I don't understand, however, is why something needs to be universal, across whole educational system. These are your thoughts. I would like them to be applied where your kids go to school. And, it can be that your's will be the best outcome. Fair game. My ideas are different. I'd rather implement them, on a small level. Say, find a school, where parents want more or less the same as I do. For instance, I'd scrap their whole curriculum and write my own. I do not wish to impose that on your school though. Why can't we do it like this? Everyone in his own, unique way? It seems to me, that somebody would definitely strike the right thing then. The problem with that is some school districts and communities can not afford quality education. You begin seeing vast differences in education and opportunities. Some kids will end up paying for their parents indiscretions without the chance to rise above them! |
Much of this thread is in violation of Mingle2 rules. However, this started out as an intelligent conversation about a relevant topic; as such, I'm going to clean it up rather than remove it. Consider this a general warning. Some users may receive more personal ones depending on what I find within. When making your argument in a thread, it is never permissible to discuss another user; you may only address the content of their statements and only in a non-derogatory manner. Oh geez, I missed this post, no wonder things settled down. I am sure I have crossed the line, though I can't with complete sincerity apologize for being angry, I can say that I will try to avoid the trigger. ok ok I'll be good! ![]() ![]() ![]() *grins ever so sweetly* if you know you've crossed the line...maybe take the opportunity to go back and edit yourself. anything i edit stays on your permanent record, regardless of why, heh. not to mention, my fingers are about to fall off. Phew, Lulu, I was waiting for the axe to fall.. grin. First thing in the morning I will go back and recheck all the posts and remove anyone I find objectionable (oops I mean anything I find objectionable, so I can save you little fingers). oh wait, I don't have an edit button when I leave the forum after posting. So how would I do that? You only have access to edit in one browser session.. hmmm means I have to do it now.. ugh the punishments around here are awwwwwwwwfffffffffuuuuuulllllllll. Ok will go do it now. Geesh, I have a record. I live to be 59 and I get a record... Hey that's kinda neet, maybe I can get on a talk show and.. ok I'm going ![]() |
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Tuesday embraced a new approach to education that would reward good teachers, remove limits on charter schools and lengthen both the school day and the school year. What is your opinion on the longer days, and school year? My opinion is: "There goes the vacation time"! ![]() I think education is in no way the business of our federal government. If we wanted the best schools for our children we would stop having our government subsidize them, and instead find a way to get schools competing withone another. Competition promotes excellence... I say let the states have their own tax money, and let them find an affective system. Screw this "one size fits all" crap. |
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Tuesday embraced a new approach to education that would reward good teachers, remove limits on charter schools and lengthen both the school day and the school year. What is your opinion on the longer days, and school year? My opinion is: "There goes the vacation time"! ![]() I think education is in no way the business of our federal government. If we wanted the best schools for our children we would stop having our government subsidize them, and instead find a way to get schools competing withone another. Competition promotes excellence... I say let the states have their own tax money, and let them find an affective system. Screw this "one size fits all" crap. Driven, The states already use their tax money for the schools. One problem with what you're saying is that each state has a different amount of money. Some have more and some have alot less. |
Edited by
Wed 03/11/09 12:16 AM
The problem with that is some school districts and communities can not afford quality education. You begin seeing vast differences in education and opportunities. Some kids will end up paying for their parents indiscretions without the chance to rise above them! That is a myth. I was born to poor parents, and yet, I got far more education than the kids of the rich, that I know of, and done better in life. My parents had paid for select private teachers, that the rich could easily afford, but didn't think they'd need, or wouldn't even look at. Some of them sent their kids to a respected and "elite" schools, that didn't do a thing, since the "being the elite" was the only thing on their mind, and they have judged the school and a teacher by that only. I also wanted to learn, as I have striven to get a better deal, while the rich kids didn't. That is an advantage! They thought it is guaranteed, poor suckers (I mean poor in their mind). They grew up, got the inheritance, and promptly wasted it. Such, was the end of their parents success. So, I figure, it is not about how much money you've got to spend, but about how much do you want to get for your money, for your kid. If you're rich, but not in a good way, you'll still be a pig, except that you'll roll in golden sh!t for a while. I don't think we should worry at all about equality of money spent. But instead, we should worry of freedom of a wise choice, for those, who want and care to make it, by outsmarting the rich. The wisdom and desire, even if in a poor person, will come ahead of money that way. But a standardization of expenditure, will create equally schooled children, and may-be equally under schooled, that will come out in life only to get heavily subsidized if their parents are rich, and not at all, if their parents are poor (Disadvantage!). I think equality of funding is a losing proposition for poor parents. |
heard part of the speech.. seemed like just more boilerplate bs.. wants every young american to commit to at least one year of higher education.. what's one year of college get you?? nothing except a pat on the back, a kick in the butt and a few thousand dollars in debt.. said he wants to make it so that you don't need a phd to fill out a fafsa?? I filled out a fafsa when I applied for student aid.. yeah it took a long time to fill out and the process seemed endless.. but guess what?? SO IS COLLEGE!!! if you can't sit down and successfully fill out the FREE application for federal student aid, chances are pretty good that you won't be doing well in college.. said he wanted to expand government education to pre pre-k.. I just see that as a way for government bureaucrats to get their hands on and indoctrinate the socialist ideology into the nation's youth as early in life as possible. I can't get on board with that.. public schools are largely government mandated indoctrination camps these days it seems.. I can't get behind the idea of government getting its hands on 3 and 4 year olds for the sake of "educating" them.. Ah, another person that can actually see the public school system for what it is, now I don't feel so alone! And of course oboma shoots down charter schools, they teach kids how to think, not what to think. Public schools are nothing but a brainwashing camp for children. Even my son seen this with his own eyes at age 7! I didn't even share my views with him and a 7 year old picked it up, yes he's gifted in the intelligence department but still... We have 2 or 3 charter schools in my city. They are not good schools here. ok so in the spirit of rejuvenating this thread. This sounds to me like an opportunity in a marketplace for someone to fill. Charter schools can be good for a community if for nothing else than to offer compmetition to the public schools. competition is always a good thing in a largely monopolized system, which one could argue education largely is.. or maybe a better analogy would be a two party system and charters are a third party. |
This board is policed, literally. They have a record. My posts have been deleted without warning, and for no reason, while the offending post was left alone. And, I didn't even cross any lines! That being said, I don't like it, but, I have to admit, this is a private board, and they can and should do whatever they want. This arrangement, in turn, gives me the freedom whatever I do in my private backyard. If I've missed something, feel free to send me a line letting me know what page and post. I'm editing as fast as I can, and it IS almost three in the morning. By all rights, I should delete everything that has nothing to do with the topic...but my fingers are falling off. Occasionally, a post is removed because of what it has quoted and not for the reply. Once again, send me a distinct message if I've missed something you deem inappropriate, and I'll try and have a look at it. |
From my childhood experiences if they had made it year round school i'd have dropped out. I went through alot of stress in school and summer was always my saving grace. I do feel that kids, even when i was a kid, get too much time off. There is no reason to have xmas vacation followed a few weeks later by winter vacation.
I'd be agreeable to summer vacation only and school the rest of the year. Someone said that it would prepare them for year round work...that's not quite true. Most jobs off vacation time, kids can't place a vacation request form on their supervisors or hr persons desk and get time off from school. Children need time to be kids as once they hit that magical ages of 18 its over. They start their full life as an adult and can never recapture their childhood. Let's not rush the issue by making kids stay in school all year long. If we really want our kids to do better we have to STOP comparing them to other countries, we aren't south korea or japan or some other country where kids are forced to go to school all year long. We are america we're people can make choices, and if there was year round school, my choice would have been to drop out. I know i said 18 but thats just because in MA thats the adult age. I know kids start growing up much sooner than that. I know when i was 16 i was too grown up for a 16 year old. |
my understanding of year-round-schooling is that it's generally just as many school days, just more spread out. several small vacations as opposed to the long summer. better retention, less burn-out.
i'm concerned that he's talking longer years...does he mean less vacation? and just how much longer days? my kiddos can't handle longer days. they'd be better off if i could keep them at home and school them here. |
If I've missed something, feel free to send me a line letting me know what page and post. I'm editing as fast as I can, and it IS almost three in the morning. By all rights, I should delete everything that has nothing to do with the topic...but my fingers are falling off. Occasionally, a post is removed because of what it has quoted and not for the reply. Once again, send me a distinct message if I've missed something you deem inappropriate, and I'll try and have a look at it. There is no search function for the forums. I can't find the topic anymore. I could probably find it by the partial user name of a topic originator, if there was such a facility. I appreciate your readiness to redo whatever might have gone wrong. But, it is long gone. I don't think it worth your private time (you aren't paid for it, are you?), looking for something long gone and buried under newer posts and topics. |
If I've missed something, feel free to send me a line letting me know what page and post. I'm editing as fast as I can, and it IS almost three in the morning. By all rights, I should delete everything that has nothing to do with the topic...but my fingers are falling off. Occasionally, a post is removed because of what it has quoted and not for the reply. Once again, send me a distinct message if I've missed something you deem inappropriate, and I'll try and have a look at it. There is no search function for the forums. I can't find the topic anymore. I could probably find it by the partial user name of a topic originator, if there was such a facility. I appreciate your readiness to redo whatever might have gone wrong. But, it is long gone. I don't think it worth your private time (you aren't paid for it, are you?), looking for something long gone and buried under newer posts and topics. no, not paid. strictly volunteer. i'm also not the only moderator on board, so if it's not something i've done, i'd almost surely miss it, lol. |
...they'd be better off if i could keep them at home and school them here. You're dropping salt on my wounds, so to speak. What was the justification behind a prohibition on home schooling? Were they (the union govt.) afraid that some parents may actually care enough to home school their children, and do it better that the all-powerful state? |