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Topic: Um...she's pregnant
longhairbiker's photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:47 PM
No divorce from a horse of course of course whoever heard of a talking horse of course glad I didn't marry or divorce the sister of Mr Ed...............ooooooohhhhh wilberrrrr!!!

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:48 PM
I was another one who was really happy, and I, too, had been told it would be very difficult to have babies..

Four kids later, I think my doctor was a liar.

But I loved kids and wanted them badly...

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:53 PM
She said she was 'late'
And I was like 'how late are you?'
And she said '3 days'
So I said '3 days?! c'mon, tell me when you're like 1 or 2 weeks or something. what the hell is 3 days?'
And it turned out she wasn't pregnant.
Sorry for wasting your time.

krupa's photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:56 PM

There's one situation I've never had to worry about -- and never will....!

why are you fixed or just never having sex for the rest of your life?

Might as well say both....

Dude! Oh My GOD! Please tell me that was a joke! (Seriously...even if you flat out lie to me..tell me that was a joke)

Holly4459's photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:58 PM

I wonder if its Krupas??laugh

rofl rofl rofl :angel: :angel: :angel:

mark77's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:21 PM
whew, finally

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:21 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 03/06/09 07:22 PM

What was your first reaction finding out SHE was pregnant? (Gentlemen)

It was followed up with, "And I'm getting an abortion". We didn't talk for 14 years,

lulu24's photo
Fri 03/06/09 07:33 PM
which time?

i reacted completely differently with each and every one of my pregnancies.

from ecstasy to heartbreak to longing and utter despair. and you know what? those feelings had a tendency to change throughout the pregnancies, as well...

and i'm now a happy mom.

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 10:00 PM
Shock and disbelief and eventually happiness with my son.

The second time........I bought 4 of those clear blue tests. Same reaction.........shock and disbelief.

no photo
Sat 03/07/09 04:39 AM
I was thrilled! When I was handed my beautiful baby girl for the first time, I cried and said I couldn't wait to do it again. 2 1/2 yrs. later it happened again, another beautiful baby girl. 7 yrs. after that I was pregnant for the third time...7 months into it I found out I was carrying twins...they made their enterance into this world a month later...I WAS DONE!!! 2 beautiful daughters and 2 handsome sons was my contribution to the population.:heart: The cycle is about to repeat itself...I'm going to be a first time Grandma in the fall! :thumbsup:

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