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Topic: Religion breeds peace
splendidlife's photo
Sat 03/07/09 08:52 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Sat 03/07/09 08:53 AM

richardkrl's photo
Sun 03/22/09 10:43 AM
peace can only come from god to u through his guidance.
then if u spread that peace to others it can spread.
but u really only acheive inner peace through faith in god
and his love. there fore having faith in god is how to spread peace.
leaders of nations if they had stronger faith in god and his loving will peace would surely spread throughout the world.
but right now i dont think the world governing leaders are focused
on what they should. they focus on money and many are corrupt.
that leads to distrust and war. i know it is a dream only now but if they would focus on the loving will of god the world would be as we all want it. filled with opportunity for all, love and peace.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 03/22/09 02:23 PM

leaders of nations if they had stronger faith in god and his loving will peace would surely spread throughout the world.

Well, George W. Bush supposedly had a very strong faith in God. At one point he even claimed that God told him to invade Iraq. And that certainly goes along with the kinds of things that the Biblical God had traditionally told leaders to do. There are many examples of God telling military leaders to murder heathens. So having a faith in the Biblical God doens't seem to help much.

i know it is a dream only now but if they would focus on the loving will of god the world would be as we all want it. filled with opportunity for all, love and peace.

It's my understanding that the men who flew the planes into the World Trade Centers believed that they were doing the will of God.

There are many examples of people doing horrible things in the belief that they are doing the will of God. A fellow by the name of Jim Jones murdered his whole congregation of followers in the name of God. There are stories of women who have killed their babies in the name of God. Often times religious people harrass and even harm other people in the name of God. We've seen this throughout history notably during the Burning Times in Europe when many innocent midwives were tortured then burned alive at stakes until dead. All in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty and his arch enemy Satan.

We see loving people who have choosen same-gender mates being harrassed and belittled by people in the name of Jesus Christ the Almighty "Savior".

I think there are some religions that do promote peace. Wicca seems to be a religion based on the creed of "Do as ye will and harm none". That certainly seems to be a creed worth looking into. Perhaps it has some divine origins. Maybe we should all convert to Wicca. bigsmile

In the meantime, the Mediterranean religions that are all based on a jealous God who lusts to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and has as his first commandment the totally egotistical statement "Thou shalt have no other God before me!" just doesn't seem to have produced very peaceful results. The Jews, Muslims, and Christians can never seem to get along. And the Christians fell into two major parts, the Catholics and the Protestants, and they can't seem to get along with each other much less any outside religions. Even the Protestants themselves have fallen into a myriad of demoninations that are always at each other throats.

Did you hear about Bishop Carlton Pearson who was pronouced a "Heretic" by the majority of the Christian Community simply because he believes that he had a epiphany from God telling him that there is no such place as 'Hell' and that the Bible had been misunderstood?

Clearly these religions are dead religions. They don't believe that God can inspire Bishops today in real time. They worship their dogma like as if it's carved in stone. Even God cannot change it now because no one believes that God talks to anyone anymore.

If we truly want to find peace in the world maybe we should turn to the atheists and ask for their advice. They seem to be quite sensible and getting along with everyone just fine. Many of them are great humanitarians, doctors, and scientists who study creation in great depth with great reverence. Clearly they have found some inner peace without a God concept. And they have clearly shown that love is possible without God. Love can indeed come from humans. bigsmile

Surprise suprise! drinker

splendidlife's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:06 PM

peace can only come from god to u through his guidance.
then if u spread that peace to others it can spread.
but u really only acheive inner peace through faith in god
and his love. there fore having faith in god is how to spread peace.
leaders of nations if they had stronger faith in god and his loving will peace would surely spread throughout the world.
but right now i dont think the world governing leaders are focused
on what they should. they focus on money and many are corrupt.
that leads to distrust and war. i know it is a dream only now but if they would focus on the loving will of god the world would be as we all want it. filled with opportunity for all, love and peace.


If we would all focus on others rather than self, then maybe the will of god (the heart) would more readily be known to all and the world would be filled with love, peace and infinite possibility.

Anytime I experience hell on earth (which has been most of what I've experienced today) its as a direct result of my focusing on myself. Yuck!

splendidlife's photo
Sun 03/22/09 03:11 PM

leaders of nations if they had stronger faith in god and his loving will peace would surely spread throughout the world.

Well, George W. Bush supposedly had a very strong faith in God. At one point he even claimed that God told him to invade Iraq. And that certainly goes along with the kinds of things that the Biblical God had traditionally told leaders to do. There are many examples of God telling military leaders to murder heathens. So having a faith in the Biblical God doens't seem to help much.

i know it is a dream only now but if they would focus on the loving will of god the world would be as we all want it. filled with opportunity for all, love and peace.

It's my understanding that the men who flew the planes into the World Trade Centers believed that they were doing the will of God.

There are many examples of people doing horrible things in the belief that they are doing the will of God. A fellow by the name of Jim Jones murdered his whole congregation of followers in the name of God. There are stories of women who have killed their babies in the name of God. Often times religious people harrass and even harm other people in the name of God. We've seen this throughout history notably during the Burning Times in Europe when many innocent midwives were tortured then burned alive at stakes until dead. All in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty and his arch enemy Satan.

We see loving people who have choosen same-gender mates being harrassed and belittled by people in the name of Jesus Christ the Almighty "Savior".

I think there are some religions that do promote peace. Wicca seems to be a religion based on the creed of "Do as ye will and harm none". That certainly seems to be a creed worth looking into. Perhaps it has some divine origins. Maybe we should all convert to Wicca. bigsmile

In the meantime, the Mediterranean religions that are all based on a jealous God who lusts to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and has as his first commandment the totally egotistical statement "Thou shalt have no other God before me!" just doesn't seem to have produced very peaceful results. The Jews, Muslims, and Christians can never seem to get along. And the Christians fell into two major parts, the Catholics and the Protestants, and they can't seem to get along with each other much less any outside religions. Even the Protestants themselves have fallen into a myriad of demoninations that are always at each other throats.

Did you hear about Bishop Carlton Pearson who was pronouced a "Heretic" by the majority of the Christian Community simply because he believes that he had a epiphany from God telling him that there is no such place as 'Hell' and that the Bible had been misunderstood?

Clearly these religions are dead religions. They don't believe that God can inspire Bishops today in real time. They worship their dogma like as if it's carved in stone. Even God cannot change it now because no one believes that God talks to anyone anymore.

If we truly want to find peace in the world maybe we should turn to the atheists and ask for their advice. They seem to be quite sensible and getting along with everyone just fine. Many of them are great humanitarians, doctors, and scientists who study creation in great depth with great reverence. Clearly they have found some inner peace without a God concept. And they have clearly shown that love is possible without God. Love can indeed come from humans. bigsmile

Surprise suprise! drinker

Perhaps even turning to the gnostics could bring an all inclusive sense of peace.

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 05:28 PM
Peace is one of the more popular reasons for war.

"We fight for peace."

Does that make sense? No. We fight for freedom makes more sense. So oppression breeds discontent and discontent breeds war.

Does religion breed peace? It should, but it doesn't because everyone thinks theirs is the only way and they are afraid they will be forced to change their religion or die or be killed, and they are told that the others (outside of their belief) are 'evil' and need to be destroyed.

When are people going to stop believing in all the lies told by governments and men in power who do it just for power and conquest?

People are stupid sometimes.

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 02:43 PM

Religion is exclusive, which excludes all that DO NOT believe. Therefore it is not uniting. Bringing peoples together, bringing peace.

You are right, but it does unite those that believe the same things.

no photo
Sun 03/29/09 03:23 PM

That's an interesting question Smiless. Unfortunately I can't think of an example of the top of my head. But I also wonder if we should give credit to a particular religion just because some of it's followered just happened to spread peace?

I mean take this one Mediterranean religion as an example. In their doctrine their God is quoted as having said the following:

Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Therefore, anyone who attempts to use that religion to spread peace is clearly spitting in the face of their God. They would need to be heretics to use the religion to spread peace.

How can you go against the very objectives that your God has proclaimed in your doctrine and claim to be "Following" the religion? huh

Some religions just aren't designed for peace.

Wow this is written in the bible? That is amazing.

Well I don't understand why Mathew would write this? Was it to scare people to believe in the religion or suffer the consequences?

What exact reason did Mathew write this for?

You CAN'T take scripture out of context like that!!!

READ the WHOLE CHAPTER of Matthew to get the full meaning !!!


ThomasJB's photo
Sun 03/29/09 05:22 PM

That's an interesting question Smiless. Unfortunately I can't think of an example of the top of my head. But I also wonder if we should give credit to a particular religion just because some of it's followered just happened to spread peace?

I mean take this one Mediterranean religion as an example. In their doctrine their God is quoted as having said the following:

Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Therefore, anyone who attempts to use that religion to spread peace is clearly spitting in the face of their God. They would need to be heretics to use the religion to spread peace.

How can you go against the very objectives that your God has proclaimed in your doctrine and claim to be "Following" the religion? huh

Some religions just aren't designed for peace.

Wow this is written in the bible? That is amazing.

Well I don't understand why Mathew would write this? Was it to scare people to believe in the religion or suffer the consequences?

What exact reason did Mathew write this for?

You CAN'T take scripture out of context like that!!!

READ the WHOLE CHAPTER of Matthew to get the full meaning !!!


It has the same meaning in context.

davidben1's photo
Sun 03/29/09 06:58 PM

That's an interesting question Smiless. Unfortunately I can't think of an example of the top of my head. But I also wonder if we should give credit to a particular religion just because some of it's followered just happened to spread peace?

I mean take this one Mediterranean religion as an example. In their doctrine their God is quoted as having said the following:

Matthew 10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Therefore, anyone who attempts to use that religion to spread peace is clearly spitting in the face of their God. They would need to be heretics to use the religion to spread peace.

How can you go against the very objectives that your God has proclaimed in your doctrine and claim to be "Following" the religion? huh

Some religions just aren't designed for peace.

three cheers to the wise man that finds the ole purpose of religion!!! drinker drinker drinker

any outside belief subvert humanity, from it's very foundations of peace, simply first believing in itself and all others.

nothing came into the world with belief, and was happy, and happpiness elude anything, until it return back to the eye's of a child once again.

but indeed, when it return back, it take with it the knowing of all the things it learned in the circle back to itself, so what it seen and believed for a time, did produce more good, as now it has become a wise child, that cannot be decieved nor convinced, to allow love to be seperated from itself, by outside words.


no photo
Sun 03/29/09 08:38 PM
Edited by smiless on Sun 03/29/09 08:46 PM
One thing I know for sure is that humans are capable of creating peace if truly desired. I hope in the future it will be of a more common practice amongst every individual amongst every nation to ensure a future for our children.

Alverdine's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:10 AM
Edited by Alverdine on Sat 04/04/09 10:10 AM
The only example I can think of that comes to mind is the Jews during the holocaust. Not exactly that it "bred peace." It was a little too late for that but I mean religion itself enabled a people to withstand the unimaginable. So in that sense religion is not all bad and evil. Im sure the Jews were able to maintain their identity through prayer while they were imprisoned in those camps.

Lionfish's photo
Sat 04/04/09 10:15 AM
Edited by Lionfish on Sat 04/04/09 10:15 AM
1. Start by murdering everyone from a different religion (Crusades).

2. Follow up by whittling down to everyone from your own denomination (Marian Persecutions).

3. Finally, exterminate converts you think are still practising their old religion in secret (Spanish Inquisition).

4. Repeatedly make sure no one in the select group now left deviates from the One True Path (yours, of course!) (Ted Haggard is completely heterosexual).

5. Ta-da! Now with no one to bicker with, we finally have world peace.

no photo
Mon 04/06/09 07:23 PM
^ lolbeans =o)

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