Topic: Who You Calling Socialist?
Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:46 PM

and as each monstor bank that agree's to turn a blind eye to the corruption, more souls are bought off, and another small mom and pop bank is boarded up each day......

and as each government division is doled out millions to create new "government jobs for the needy", the devouring machine entice's the peoples the "self perpetuating machine" is the only salvation from starvation and loss......

and as the lotto create trillions and trillions in tax revenues, that line the coffers of the machine heads, what was once called the "servant of the people", each day convince another school teacher with a family that to work around the clock to survive is just and good and noble......

and as the machine spew forth the entitlements wished and craved and begged for by the people, disillusioned souls are fed the food of tyranny that enslave even the children in cradles, offerd up to the god's of money and power......

and the glamour and wealth diguised bring a once soverign peoples to it' kness's in tears, as the machine rumble's forth spewing the blood of the innocent and ignorant.......

and each day the great hollow void grow larger, and the earth swell with the atrocities thought buried forever within it's belly.......

and the forever tellings broadcast forth of the bad and terror that roamed the streets, wishing and wanting to harm the good and faithful, cause the giant fist to open it's greedy sweaty hands, to accept into it's palms the slaves, as they run into it seeking shelter and saftey......

and as the airwaves pumped out the illusions as dreams of happiness, the clamber of running feet was deafening, and drowned out the cry's of the children and dying and poor, as the great giant fist patted and rubbed the heads that love to be praised, and stroked the minds of those that long to be called as good and faithful citizen's......

and as the unwitting souls tried to make the leap to join the elite ranks of the "succsessful", they were fed notions of unsanity pumped out each day, the inconsistencies of the words and directive's as tall towers unto the skies, and true reality was hidden from sight, from anything that wished most for itself, and from all that wished to be validated from the outside frequencies......

and at the top of the tiers and tower's, where the walking dead roamed to and fro, the stench of self worship and corrupted power filled the skies with black smoke, and as each poor beggar soul that stepped cloce to the room of power was engulfed in flames, and the fire's of injustice burned hot, and the souls that sought to find gain for self fell into the ashes, as each one learned there is was no turning back, and no exit from within the inner circle, that was longed for day and night by the ruthless minds......

and as the consequence and risk of exposure of the truth grew larger each day, the mountain became high to the skies, and far too great to ever be told except for the sake of blood, for the atrocities perpetuated in the name of right and good and god, stained the very soil of the feet the brave and real once walked upon, that fought for valor and love of other's loved......

and the voice of the heart that beckoned to those who left it behind, to awaken to courage and passion, was quelled and quieted with the realization's of reality, that the cost be not only self, but one's own family and children......

and the silence and obedience was bought with new offering's of a show, and as promotion's unto power, or the voice's faded away into the bowels of the unsane rhetoric, and disappeared from sight into the abyss of the lost, into the sea of the dead prophet's of truth, that died not for only a few, but for all and many and many, seeing with sight ahead how all would die as slaves, even while praising it's slave master's promising words of safety and passage......

and even as the curses of the followers and faithful ring in the ears of the dying, another honest heart is disolved with the acids of greed that eat away at the truth......

and the souls that lament in silence cry forth in the quiet places, with the seeing it's own shall come to destruction if the tale be told, as who and what voice can stand and say take my loved one's and imprison them, seeing it was but self's own greed that caused the blindness, and caused the pitiful demise of it's own, or the demise of many and many more, and even so, as a thief in the night the great dragon came to steal helpless crying babies with no knowings from the cradle's of comfort.......

and the trail of destruction of the machine was covered with blood, and the cost of salvation and redemption came to be mortal life, and the ranks of the neutered were added to each day, and marched on as drones to the beat of the manipulated and contorted drummer......

and as the big iron fist reached out it's hand, to aquire it's ownership of the hearts and souls of human beings, the insatiable thirst for money and power grew expidentially, and the level of respect and servitude demanded from the lessor's as common peoples grew with each passing day, and the death grip that clutched anything that dare disent, caused the roar of the same machines that rumbled in the ears of past faiutful's to grow louder each second, and as the meek follower's convinced of self guilt before god, stood silent in fear, the silence for the sake of self that in day's past perpetuated unquestionable power gave rise to the destructions of many, powered with the fuel of self preservation, and the despise of proof and scrutiny was alive, and millions of insuborinates were churned forth thru the grist mill, spewing bone and blood and hearts into the soils of the earth......

and the peoples that ate of the expert defintions of evil put forth by the dragon, stood by while it's neighbor's were fed into machines of torture and violence, and hate fed the flames of passion of killings, while the people's despised by the machine sang praises to the machine......

and the cowards that thirsted for saftey were engulfed in a tight fist, even suppressed unto the thoughts and speech of the mouths, and as the king of false promises defined morals and normal code's even unto death, the lion roared forth, to lap up the brains of the oppressor's, even being cursed by the gullible and convinced subjects that hollored for their inferior brother's and sister's to be put to death, and the spieces that once bought vanity and flattery was enlightened, and the inner chambers that has devised devices of control and control were overcome, and the exterminations of the lessor's, purtorted as the filth that inhabited the planet, came and lifted up the once self professed holy diver's, that had given up their loved one's for self merit and saftey, and the machine gound to a halt as the earth come to a stop, and as the skies reigened in new days of peace and love, the prise and glory of the bold and courageous that served the people's was fulfilled, and handed back in recompense.

David, do you actually speak the way you write? I have always wonderedspock flowerforyou

each soul drag forth from the heart of each it's own due recompense.

So you do then.:wink: I read through your post and I am not sure if you agree with me on this one or if you agree with some of the others.

Atlantis75's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:46 PM

and as each monstor bank that agree's to turn a blind eye to the corruption, more souls are bought off, and another small mom and pop bank is boarded up each day......

and as each government division is doled out millions to create new "government jobs for the needy", the devouring machine entice's the peoples the "self perpetuating machine" is the only salvation from starvation and loss......

and as the lotto create trillions and trillions in tax revenues, that line the coffers of the machine heads, what was once called the "servant of the people", each day convince another school teacher with a family that to work around the clock to survive is just and good and noble......

and as the machine spew forth the entitlements wished and craved and begged for by the people, disillusioned souls are fed the food of tyranny that enslave even the children in cradles, offerd up to the god's of money and power......

and the glamour and wealth diguised bring a once soverign peoples to it' kness's in tears, as the machine rumble's forth spewing the blood of the innocent and ignorant.......

and each day the great hollow void grow larger, and the earth swell with the atrocities thought buried forever within it's belly.......

and the forever tellings broadcast forth of the bad and terror that roamed the streets, wishing and wanting to harm the good and faithful, cause the giant fist to open it's greedy sweaty hands, to accept into it's palms the slaves, as they run into it seeking shelter and saftey......

and as the airwaves pumped out the illusions as dreams of happiness, the clamber of running feet was deafening, and drowned out the cry's of the children and dying and poor, as the great giant fist patted and rubbed the heads that love to be praised, and stroked the minds of those that long to be called as good and faithful citizen's......

and as the unwitting souls tried to make the leap to join the elite ranks of the "succsessful", they were fed notions of unsanity pumped out each day, the inconsistencies of the words and directive's as tall towers unto the skies, and true reality was hidden from sight, from anything that wished most for itself, and from all that wished to be validated from the outside frequencies......

and at the top of the tiers and tower's, where the walking dead roamed to and fro, the stench of self worship and corrupted power filled the skies with black smoke, and as each poor beggar soul that stepped cloce to the room of power was engulfed in flames, and the fire's of injustice burned hot, and the souls that sought to find gain for self fell into the ashes, as each one learned there is was no turning back, and no exit from within the inner circle, that was longed for day and night by the ruthless minds......

and as the consequence and risk of exposure of the truth grew larger each day, the mountain became high to the skies, and far too great to ever be told except for the sake of blood, for the atrocities perpetuated in the name of right and good and god, stained the very soil of the feet the brave and real once walked upon, that fought for valor and love of other's loved......

and the voice of the heart that beckoned to those who left it behind, to awaken to courage and passion, was quelled and quieted with the realization's of reality, that the cost be not only self, but one's own family and children......

and the silence and obedience was bought with new offering's of a show, and as promotion's unto power, or the voice's faded away into the bowels of the unsane rhetoric, and disappeared from sight into the abyss of the lost, into the sea of the dead prophet's of truth, that died not for only a few, but for all and many and many, seeing with sight ahead how all would die as slaves, even while praising it's slave master's promising words of safety and passage......

and even as the curses of the followers and faithful ring in the ears of the dying, another honest heart is disolved with the acids of greed that eat away at the truth......

and the souls that lament in silence cry forth in the quiet places, with the seeing it's own shall come to destruction if the tale be told, as who and what voice can stand and say take my loved one's and imprison them, seeing it was but self's own greed that caused the blindness, and caused the pitiful demise of it's own, or the demise of many and many more, and even so, as a thief in the night the great dragon came to steal helpless crying babies with no knowings from the cradle's of comfort.......

and the trail of destruction of the machine was covered with blood, and the cost of salvation and redemption came to be mortal life, and the ranks of the neutered were added to each day, and marched on as drones to the beat of the manipulated and contorted drummer......

and as the big iron fist reached out it's hand, to aquire it's ownership of the hearts and souls of human beings, the insatiable thirst for money and power grew expidentially, and the level of respect and servitude demanded from the lessor's as common peoples grew with each passing day, and the death grip that clutched anything that dare disent, caused the roar of the same machines that rumbled in the ears of past faiutful's to grow louder each second, and as the meek follower's convinced of self guilt before god, stood silent in fear, the silence for the sake of self that in day's past perpetuated unquestionable power gave rise to the destructions of many, powered with the fuel of self preservation, and the despise of proof and scrutiny was alive, and millions of insuborinates were churned forth thru the grist mill, spewing bone and blood and hearts into the soils of the earth......

and the peoples that ate of the expert defintions of evil put forth by the dragon, stood by while it's neighbor's were fed into machines of torture and violence, and hate fed the flames of passion of killings, while the people's despised by the machine sang praises to the machine......

and the cowards that thirsted for saftey were engulfed in a tight fist, even suppressed unto the thoughts and speech of the mouths, and as the king of false promises defined morals and normal code's even unto death, the lion roared forth, to lap up the brains of the oppressor's, even being cursed by the gullible and convinced subjects that hollored for their inferior brother's and sister's to be put to death, and the spieces that once bought vanity and flattery was enlightened, and the inner chambers that has devised devices of control and control were overcome, and the exterminations of the lessor's, purtorted as the filth that inhabited the planet, came and lifted up the once self professed holy diver's, that had given up their loved one's for self merit and saftey, and the machine gound to a halt as the earth come to a stop, and as the skies reigened in new days of peace and love, the prise and glory of the bold and courageous that served the people's was fulfilled, and handed back in recompense.

David, do you actually speak the way you write? I have always wonderedspock flowerforyou

each soul drag forth from the heart of each it's own due recompense.

I think you gotta go to the White House and tell this stuff to Obama. Someone please give David a microphone! :wink:

Fanta46's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:46 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:49 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

think2deep's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:53 PM
the funny part is that someone on here can't even tell when they read something such as this incredible summarization of whats going on, who's side he is on. lmao

Fanta46's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:53 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

Did you read this in the news?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:57 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

Did you read this in the news?

No, but I read your post. We will be hearing more and more of what Bush was doing that was shady and underhanded.

Did you read about the commission for investigating the illegal activities of the Bush administration? It is on It is ridiculous that they are sure of the criminal activities they will be able to find so now someone is trying to make sure there is immunity if they are going to investigategrumble noway

Fanta46's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:59 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

Did you read this in the news?

No, but I read your post. We will be hearing more and more of what Bush was doing that was shady and underhanded.

Did you read about the commission for investigating the illegal activities of the Bush administration? It is on It is ridiculous that they are sure of the criminal activities they will be able to find so now someone is trying to make sure there is immunity if they are going to investigategrumble noway

Do you have a link?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:01 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

Did you read this in the news?

No, but I read your post. We will be hearing more and more of what Bush was doing that was shady and underhanded.

Did you read about the commission for investigating the illegal activities of the Bush administration? It is on It is ridiculous that they are sure of the criminal activities they will be able to find so now someone is trying to make sure there is immunity if they are going to investigategrumble noway

Do you have a link? I like truthout it is a compilation of news articles from all over on one site.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:11 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

Did you read this in the news?

No, but I read your post. We will be hearing more and more of what Bush was doing that was shady and underhanded.

Did you read about the commission for investigating the illegal activities of the Bush administration? It is on It is ridiculous that they are sure of the criminal activities they will be able to find so now someone is trying to make sure there is immunity if they are going to investigategrumble noway

Do you have a link? I like truthout it is a compilation of news articles from all over on one site.

I know the site. I often go there. I thought you might have a link to that particular story.flowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:13 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

Did you read this in the news?

No, but I read your post. We will be hearing more and more of what Bush was doing that was shady and underhanded.

Did you read about the commission for investigating the illegal activities of the Bush administration? It is on It is ridiculous that they are sure of the criminal activities they will be able to find so now someone is trying to make sure there is immunity if they are going to investigategrumble noway

Do you have a link? I like truthout it is a compilation of news articles from all over on one site.

I know the site. I often go there. I thought you might have a link to that particular story.flowerforyou

That was the link to that story. I hope it works right.

catwoman96's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:16 PM

think2deep's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:18 PM

Fanta46's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:20 PM

1 opinion of 300,000,000 people.

There's actually about a half-dozen of you!

I think it is a little more maybe 9, there are some silent fury types out there in cyber space too. lol

One day, I think I counted 7!laugh laugh laugh

And they must not work. Seeing how much they post and that they post at all hours of the day.

Can't you hear those other two gnashing their teeth every time you post??? I canrofl

I thought it was my harddrive making funny noises, but now that you mention it,,,,,,,,:wink:

See:wink: laugh

Did you read this in the news?

No, but I read your post. We will be hearing more and more of what Bush was doing that was shady and underhanded.

Did you read about the commission for investigating the illegal activities of the Bush administration? It is on It is ridiculous that they are sure of the criminal activities they will be able to find so now someone is trying to make sure there is immunity if they are going to investigategrumble noway

Do you have a link? I like truthout it is a compilation of news articles from all over on one site.

I know the site. I often go there. I thought you might have a link to that particular story.flowerforyou

That was the link to that story. I hope it works right.


If you type after the link, and before the link.
it will place a shortcut to the site. Just by clicking on it.

Like this,,,,

If you look at the quote. You will see what I mean. The text in the quote will be exactly like I typed it.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:24 PM
You probably already knew that,,,embarassed

KerryO's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:39 PM

also, every single company that has accepted any of this bailout now has to forfeit a certain part of their ownership to the government,

Indeed I was reading something the other day, saying that now these companies and banks who bowed for the bailout, now they got government agents sitting in their meetings, recording things and even advise and criticize the budge and plans , whatever.

Basically, every bailout, the government plants more and more of their agents, since they are "shareholders" now.

And how is that different than any other deep-pocketed investor or venture capitalist? These geniuses nuked their candy stores with bet-the-company strategies, and now are looking for a white knight to swoop in and save them with no strings attached?

THERE is what you _should_ be seeing naked socialism-- the idea that there's nothing wrong with privatizing the profits but socializing the losses. It's expecting the ignorant serfs to make up in tribute what they aren't able now to give to these same people in consumption. Or maybe we should just call it 'Feudalism' and be done with it?

The wolves just are nervous as hell at having to invite in whom they see as the Ultimate Carnivore-- that's because when they look in the mirror, they can't stop seeing the same image of prey they see when they're not.

Imagine if you'd sit at a dinner table and some man in black would be joining and tell you what to shop tomorrow from the supermarket and check your wallet daily.

So how's that different than the business executive in another thread who threatened to close down his business if people voted the 'wrong' way?

People need to start seeing this bandying about of the term 'socialism' for what it really is: a way of spreading FUD and a buzzword that _really_ is a placeholder in discourse for the unspoken phrase "stop thinking here."

-Kerry O.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/05/09 11:51 PM

You probably already knew that,,,embarassed

No I am not as savvy as you on this here internet thing but thanks I will try to remember.flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/06/09 05:55 AM
Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1837
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

whether obama is one...i don't know.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:04 AM

watch out catwoman, dragoness is on her racist kick now. anything that has to do with obama is going to be considered racist. if she keeps doing it i'm going to report her.

maybe i missed it but i didn't see anything about her saying that in here. funny coming from you though

no photo
Fri 03/06/09 06:21 AM
If it is called socialism to think that everyone should have health care and that everyone should have the opportunity to get education in a school or college then so be it.

If it is socialism to think that we as a nation should preserve our wildlife, repair our sewage systems, and fix our bridges and highways, to allow freedom of speech, to have opportunity to grow a family or business, and to make sure we live on save streets then so be it.

If it is called socialism to try to keep honest business alive and foreign relations to a peace quota then so be it.

Whatever you want to call it even it is called freedomism, or preservism, or what have you, if it is to help the people live a life that allows us to live in peace together then I am for it.

How it is done as a whole can only be answered if we 'work together' on the issues to ensure a future for our children.