Topic: Dear Diary...........OMG another Diary Part 120 + - part 25 | |
dsafjkfd fdsajklfdsa jkdfj fadkjerkoffdshjsahashksa
what'z new gypsy ?
Azzheadery is new......
****headery is new
lmao ......
Dear diary.......sometimes Id like to just reach out and......
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy doesnt mike and van have a b*tch slapping emoticon?????? WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY????
Not me. I'm so full of sh.....loveeeeeee. Lots of love.
No sh!t slapper emoticons. Sh!t splatters. I thought charles told you that.
Do you want me to buzz them? I have an alien with a ray gun.
What if.............I just rip off your bandaid really fast>?>>>>>
What if.............I just rip off your bandaid really fast>?>>>>> |
Ooooooooooopsy!!! 478923 of your hairs were ripped out whilst ripping off the bandaid!!!
Switches ray gun to stun. PPPPFFFFFTTTTTT!!!!!! Death fart ray!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh ya wanna be like that eh??????
<-------runs to put on fabulous ninja outfit with matching purse!!! |
That bandaids greased with neosporin. Ha ha. One hair.
fdsajkfdsajklfdsa fdsajdfsakl jkdfsljkldsf dskfl!!! |