Topic: Is Your Town Haunted?
misstina2's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:34 PM
the ghost hunters were back:tongue: they found 4 peoples voices.One person was saying help me:tongue: I'm goi8ng to copy the cd and mail it to you Mirror.I'm getting a digital recorder and going to do my own recordings:tongue:

RKISIT's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:35 PM
mine is with sinkholes

michiganman3's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:36 PM
The Olde Towne Playhouse in Traverse City.
I have seen 3 productions there, but no ghosts.

misstina2's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:37 PM

scared Tina is gonna get in the closet with a ghost that scratches peoplescared I need to find a way to keep her from doing thatscared
He's just too cute for wordssmitten

Redshirt's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:38 PM
My late Uncle's house outside Cobden, IL should be there. scared

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:40 PM

the ghost hunters were back:tongue: they found 4 peoples voices.One person was saying help me:tongue: I'm goi8ng to copy the cd and mail it to you Mirror.I'm getting a digital recorder and going to do my own recordings:tongue:

:thumbsup: That would be great Tina.:thumbsup: So there are actually 4 ghosts? scared Thats even worse!scared

Winx's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:41 PM

Denver has lots of places too. Also in the mountains here we have the hotel that was in the movie the "Shining" with Nicholson and it is reported to be haunted too.

I didn't know that hotel was there. Cool.

Winx's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:41 PM

scared Tina is gonna get in the closet with a ghost that scratches peoplescared I need to find a way to keep her from doing thatscared

shocked noway scared

scared Its true Winx.surprised I have seen the pictures and ghost investigators have recorded the ghosts voice!scared And now I am afraid Tina is the next to be scratched!scared


Redshirt's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:42 PM
Check out Gettyburg, PA. They have nightly ghost tours.

misstina2's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:44 PM

the ghost hunters were back:tongue: they found 4 peoples voices.One person was saying help me:tongue: I'm goi8ng to copy the cd and mail it to you Mirror.I'm getting a digital recorder and going to do my own recordings:tongue:

:thumbsup: That would be great Tina.:thumbsup: So there are actually 4 ghosts? scared Thats even worse!scared
yes one says help me:tongue: if it was a house could probaly find out if a crime was committed there but its an apartment not sure how to find out if something happened thereflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:47 PM

the ghost hunters were back:tongue: they found 4 peoples voices.One person was saying help me:tongue: I'm goi8ng to copy the cd and mail it to you Mirror.I'm getting a digital recorder and going to do my own recordings:tongue:

:thumbsup: That would be great Tina.:thumbsup: So there are actually 4 ghosts? scared Thats even worse!scared
yes one says help me:tongue: if it was a house could probaly find out if a crime was committed there but its an apartment not sure how to find out if something happened thereflowerforyou

drinker I bet thats what happened Tina.drinker I havent been this scared in years.scared I can't believe your gonna risk getting scratched!surprised

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:48 PM

scared Tina is gonna get in the closet with a ghost that scratches peoplescared I need to find a way to keep her from doing thatscared
He's just too cute for wordssmitten

flowerforyou You're too beautiful for words Tinaflowerforyou

misstina2's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:50 PM

scared Tina is gonna get in the closet with a ghost that scratches peoplescared I need to find a way to keep her from doing thatscared
He's just too cute for wordssmitten

flowerforyou You're too beautiful for words Tinaflowerforyou
I think you're the hottest guy on mingle:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:52 PM

scared Tina is gonna get in the closet with a ghost that scratches peoplescared I need to find a way to keep her from doing thatscared
He's just too cute for wordssmitten

flowerforyou You're too beautiful for words Tinaflowerforyou
I think you're the hottest guy on mingle:heart:

blushing noway!blushing But I think you are the hottest gal:heart:

misstina2's photo
Wed 02/25/09 07:55 PM

scared Tina is gonna get in the closet with a ghost that scratches peoplescared I need to find a way to keep her from doing thatscared
He's just too cute for wordssmitten

flowerforyou You're too beautiful for words Tinaflowerforyou
I think you're the hottest guy on mingle:heart:

blushing noway!blushing But I think you are the hottest gal:heart:
I think you are and thats all matters:heart:

no photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:20 PM
nothing here locally that I know of ...unless you wantto count what voices I hear in my headsad2 whoa

galendgirl's photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:52 PM

You can click onto your city and see what places could be considered haunted. A movie theater that I go to was on the list.scared

Pretty cool! I knew about a couple but not about others...

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 02/25/09 08:57 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 02/25/09 08:58 PM
I'm living about 40 min. away from the "most haunted place" in USA.

Some of the stuff about the "Blair Witch Project" came right from here.

Say hello to Dudleytown. A ghost town, abandoned for "unkown reasons".

The story and curse of Dudleytown actually begins in England in the year 1510. Edmund Dudley was beheaded for plotting to overthrow King Henry VIII. At the time of the beheading, a curse was allegedly placed on the Dudleys for their treason.

The curse states all Dudleys from Edmund Dudley’s lineage would find themselves surrounded by horrors. Edmund Dudley’s son, John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, followed in his father’s footsteps and also tried to overthrow the crown by marrying his son, Guilford Dudley, to Lady Jane Grey (the original “queen for a day”).

John Dudley’s third son, Robert, Earl of Leicester, left England to avoid losing his own head.

The Dudleys who would eventually settle in Dudleytown can trace their roots to William Dudley, who was born in Richmond, Surrey, England on September 11, 1608. His son, also named William, was born aboard a ship headed for America on June 8, 1639. William II’s son, Joseph, was born in Saybrook, Connecticut on September 14, 1674.

Joseph Dudley of Saybrook had 12 children, three of which would eventually settle in Dudleytown: Gideon (born 1706), Abiel (born 1710), and Barzillai (born 1725).

Dudleytown is Born
In October of 1737, the Connecticut General Assembly ordered the Act for the Ordering and Directing the Sale and Settlement of all the Townships in the Western Lands. The Act stated that 50 private parcels of land from many western Connecticut towns would be divided and auctioned off. The Cornwall auction began at 50 pounds per parcel.

In February of 1745, Thomas Griffis bought half a parcel of Cornwall land from Eleazer Whittlesey of Wethersfield, Connecticut. Today, Dudleytown looks much like it did when Thomas Griffis first walked into the land some 250 years ago. A very thick forest, incredibly rocky terrain, and in the shadow of three mountains: Bald Mountain, Woodbury Mountain, and The Coltsfoot Triplets. Because of the location and the dense, tall woods, the forest was given the ominous name of “Dark Entry Forest." Lying in the shadow of three mountains also meant the town received little sunlight. During winters there are times when snow will be falling on Dudleytown and nothing will touch the ground just 1000 feet lower in the valley of Cornwall. The land was hard, and living there was even harder.

In 1748 Gideon Dudley moved from Saybrook, Connecticut and bought some land from Griffis to start a small farm. By 1753 Gideon's two brothers, Barzillai and Abiel Dudley, from Guilford, Connecticut, also purchased land nearby as the area was starting to blossom into a hollow. A few years later, a Martin Dudley from Massachusetts also joined the clan.

Contrary to what some believe, Dudleytown was never actually a town. It was always part of Cornwall township. Dudleytown used the Cornwall church, town hall, and cemetery to conduct its spiritual and business affairs. The area was called Dudleytown because of the number of Dudleys who came to live in the area.

Cornwall township was a hard area to farm in. Isaac Stiles, who was an early resident of the area eloquently put it best: “Nature out of her boundless Store, Threw Rocks together and did no more.” To make fields suitable for farming, early Dudleytown pioneers had to contend with the rocky soil. Each stone had to be picked up and moved. The stone walls that were created by clearing the woods and fields are still standing in Dudleytown today.

The Troubles Begin
Living in Dudleytown was never easy. Many things went wrong for the people and for the land. Were all of the events unexplainable? Was there a high lead content in the drinking water? Did Native Americans sneak into the hollow and wreak havoc? Or did the Dudleys carry a centuries-old curse into the village?

The rocks in and around Dudleytown do contain a high level of iron and other metals. It is possible there was some lead in the drinking water on the hillside. This theory could explain some of the dementia that area residents experienced, but continued lead poisoning is always fatal and for more than a century people lived in Dudleytown. If the water was bad, residents would have moved away sooner.

It is also true that there were many Native American tribes who lived in the general vicinity of Dudleytown, including the Mohawk nation. Some battles of the French Indian War (1755 – 1763) also took place within 100 miles of Dudleytown. There was fallout from the Native Americans for several years after the war, and one set of Dudleytown residents met their fate at the hands of angered Indians.

In August of 1774, an unidentified epidemic struck the Adoniram Carter household in Dudleytown and killed the entire family. A second Dudleytown Carter family, The Nathaniel Carters, distraught from the loss, moved near Binghamton, New York where Indians took the life of Nathaniel, his wife, and their infant by tomahawk. The Carters’ other three children were kidnapped to Canada where two daughters were ransomed. The son, David Carter, remained with his captors, married an Indian girl, and eventually returned to the United States for formal education. David escaped the curse of Dudleytown and eventually went on to become a Supreme Court judge.

One of the more bizarre tragedies occurred to one of Cornwall's more famous residents, General Heman Swift. General Swift served in the Revolutionary War under General George Washington. In April of 1804 his wife, Sarah Faye, was struck by lightning on their front porch and killed instantly. Shortly after his wife’s death, General Swift was reported to have gone "slightly demented."

Horace Greeley, editor and founder of the New York Tribune and most famous for his quote, "Go West, young man," married Mary Cheney, who was born in Dudleytown. The two met in a vegetarian boarding house, and their union ended when Mary Cheney took her own life in 1872, one week before Horace Greeley lost his bid for the presidency of the United States.

The next tragedy occurred near the very end of the 1800s to one of Dudleytown's last residents, John Patrick Brophy. John Brophy's wife died of consumption, and shortly after his two children mysteriously disappeared in the woods. The children vanishing could have been attributed to the fact that they were accused of stealing sleigh robes and wanted to run from the law. After losing his entire family, the Brophy home burned to the ground. Some have speculated that it was John Brophy who set the blaze. Regardless of how the fire started, John Brophy walked away from Dudleytown never to be seen again.

The Dudleytown road leading into the deep forest

By 1899 Dudleytown was completely deserted. Children who grew up there married and moved away. The forest began to reclaim the land.
scared scared scared

rofl rofl
There is nothing there...but the locals love keeping the old story alive, for the single reason, that it's a laid-back country and don't want tourists or people to move there.

Winx's photo
Wed 02/25/09 09:34 PM
Thanks, Atlantis.happy

Have you been there?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 02/25/09 09:34 PM

You can click onto your city and see what places could be considered haunted. A movie theater that I go to was on the list.scared

Hmm....excellent link.

But the one that came up for the town I live in....well...I have lived here almost my entire life and I have NEVER heard anything about that story.

I'll look into it, but I don't think it's anything but a story. People around here like to talk to much for me not to have heard about it.