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Topic: Can
Winx's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:00 PM

A kiss can tell you what they had for lunch toosad2

Not if they brush their teeth.laugh

michiganman3's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:10 PM

A kiss can tell you what they had for lunch toosad2

Not if they brush their teeth.laugh

lovethelord's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:13 PM

A kiss tell you something?

Yes like if they have all their teeth.....love

Winx's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:17 PM

A kiss can tell you what they had for lunch toosad2

Not if they brush their teeth.laugh


galendgirl's photo
Tue 02/24/09 08:27 PM

A kiss can tell you what they had for lunch toosad2

That's just plain nasty to consider :(

galendgirl's photo
Tue 02/24/09 08:28 PM

If there is chemistry there, it's absolutely in the kiss! OMG was all I could think the first time I experienced that...

Yes! You get light headed, and the room spins a little, OMG -- just total elation! smitten

Missing the guy who gave me that experience right now...
Memories of that first kiss. Wow!

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