Topic: What would you give up for the .... | |
Don't get me wrong. I may sound a teeny bit jaded. Its from years of experience. I know what being selfless and sacrifice are. From being wounded twice in combat to volunteering my time to help needy families, underpriveledged children, and showing love to everyone and everything. I just refuse to make concessions out of blind love. And yet you still haven't asked me the reason why? I'll ask why. |
To give as much as they are also willing to give up for me. ALL DAY..........ALL WAYS...... BOTH have to give the same or its NOT going to work! ME give all and nothing back,,,NEVER... But you were talking of being in-love with another so I could never be in love with one who also did not show and give her all.. |
I feel like I'm in the middle of a really bad episode of "Hannah Montana" for some reason and that my tv is stuck on the disney channel.
I feel...a rude awakening is coming...ain't gonna be no Notebook.....more like Nightmare on Elm St
I feel like I'm in the middle of a really bad episode of "Hannah Montana" for some reason and that my tv is stuck on the disney channel. I think someone changed the chanel.... |
I feel...a rude awakening is coming...ain't gonna be no Notebook.....more like Nightmare on Elm St Give me the da-- remote.. Who keeps changing the channel? I need some coffee.. Where did the freaken weekend go! |
I don't know, maybe it's just me and the way I think but I seriously don't believe that "true love" in a relationship really exists. I just don't think it's possible to develop that kind of bond. Even when I thought I was in love with my ex-husband, after it was over, I came to realize that I wasn't in love with my husband, I was infatuated with the whole fantasy of marriage. That was 20 years ago. I've dated since then, and yes I have been happy at one point or another with those guys, but to say that I was ever in love, not a chance.
Like I said, maybe it's just me. If others think that they can achieve or have already achieved what they call true love, then more power to them. |
Giving up materialistic things are one thing but if they want me to change who I am then no i will not do that. There are times in life where you may have to give up your job or something of that nature.
I could give up everything materialistic except my dog. Would not give up my beliefs or morals or relationships with close friends and family however. But if the person had any clue about me at all, they would already know that. Nothing really more important then people and to be so entrenched in things to pass by a relationship with a person who is the "one" or could be the "one" is just choosing to be comforted by posessions rather then by a real person. One can always find another job, although no, it's not especially easy nowadays, but still possible. Of course all of these decisions would be reached by both parties involved. No crazy antics of dropping everything and rushing across a million miles to be somewhere... but a careful, well thought out plan to reach the goals and destination.
I wouldn't give up anything but I would try to make his day and every day of it worth waking up next to me and can't wait to come home to me. He would have his breath taken away when he kissed me goodnight and know that my love was for him only.
For the right one, depends on what she asks me to give up or am I the one choosing something to give up for her to be the one
I would give up asparagus too
Ok fine...I would give up....asian midget porn...for the right woman
The only thing that I enjoy that I would gladly give up would be my single status.