Topic: another question for the guys.. | |
Usually when I keep seeing the guy standing outside my bedroom window, staring.....I can tell he's interested.
No really, If I was interested in a date after meeting for coffee, I would ask her before the coffee date was over.
No really, If I was interested in a date after meeting for coffee, I would ask her before the coffee date was over. dido |
sounds logical.
has anyone ever told you you look like sharon on the british "eastenders" tv show? |
K guys.. I'm wondering what happens after meeting for coffee if... it went well and you re interested? How do you show it? Not a guy I feel I can answer this. Here are some ways a man has shown me that he is interested. 1. He tells me during the coffee meet 2. He sends me a nice sweet email asking is we can do it again. Usually the same day or the next day at the latest. 3. He sends me a bouquet of flowers telling me what a nice time he had. These are the top 3 I usually get I am sure there are more. I know that there are supposed to be some rules about waiting the 3 days thank god none of the men I have dated have followed that rule. Which to me is just plain silly. Also if I am interested in them I tell them during the coffee meet. I have been known to ask if they would like to go out on a "real date" now that we got the hard part over with. |
K guys.. I'm wondering what happens after meeting for coffee if... it went well and you re interested? How do you show it? By saying so. (i.e. you tell the how much you liked it and that you'd want to do it again). If he's even remotely interest in you, it'll make his day. If not, at least you tried. We guys are not that hard to please, a little bit could go a long way. Good luck. |
i would always tell her point blank,
"I had a great time spending my time with you!" ![]() "I'd love to get together again sometime soon?" Then, if she says something like, "That would be GREAT..." It's on. |
if you show her your wiener and she doesn't run that's a good sign!!!
if she uses pepper spray......your not getting a second date!!! |
K guys.. I'm wondering what happens after meeting for coffee if... it went well and you re interested? How do you show it? if the chemistry is there you'll know it. Somehow the coffee date just turns into date after date and a big blur where only you two exist and the world spins around you without notice if the chemistry isn't there you'll be forcing it and that always ends badly |
K guys.. I'm wondering what happens after meeting for coffee if... it went well and you re interested? How do you show it? if the chemistry is there you'll know it. Somehow the coffee date just turns into date after date and a big blur where only you two exist and the world spins around you without notice if the chemistry isn't there you'll be forcing it and that always ends badly I'm nevery having coffee again. ![]() |
if you show her your wiener and she doesn't run that's a good sign!!! if she uses pepper spray......your not getting a second date!!! No, she's just playing "Hard" to get |
I will call ya back.
Is "coffee" code for sex? No but 'grinding the beans' is. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Why wait???
Why not say, "this was great, I had fun, you are interesting, want to do this again, maybe lunch or dinner Friday?" Why is it always left up to the guys to have to do everything.... it's not charades for $'s life, two people...equal. |
if you show her your wiener and she doesn't run that's a good sign!!! if she uses pepper spray......your not getting a second date!!! But if she busts out the TASER, shes a freak and wants you badly. ![]() |
if you show her your wiener and she doesn't run that's a good sign!!! if she uses pepper spray......your not getting a second date!!! But if she busts out the TASER, shes a freak and wants you badly. ![]() I dated her sister!! |
i dont like coffee.....
when? a few days later or weeks? :) I'll usually want to let her know I had a good time and will call again with in 48 hours |
I would say CATCHYA tomorrow, then she would know I would like to see her sooner than later cheers